Part 44

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Tae waits for Tee at his car, it's been 30 minutes and Tee still not coming to him. He texted, called but none of it reach Tee. He called Tee's friends to know about Tee whereabout,and he rushes to the library when he knows where is Tee now. He didn't think much because he thought Tee is too focus in his study and didn't realise his call because the phone must be in silence now.

At the same time, four students accidently found the phone on the table, they look around to see if it belongs to anyone here but they see no bag, means someone did forgot it here. They all look at each other with a hidden smile on their face.

"this is the latest model, the colour is limited edition too" comment one of them after checking the phone.

"true. This is really expensive" comment another one. They share another look and take the phone with them when they see no one is looking at them.

Tae arrives at the library, he is late for 5 minutes with the boys who took the phone. Tae looks around to find Tee and he still feel okay, he looks around the library, to the private room and to computer's cubicles.

Tee is not here, in the library.

Tae try to call Tee again and again, now he started to feel something happened to Tee. Tee never do this and if he did go to somewhere else, he must have told him.

Tae try to call Pine and the answer is the same, Pine told him that Tee said he is going to the library. Tae try to think more possible place Tee will be, he looks around, to ask anyone who might see Tee.

Tae walks to the counter to ask, maybe she saw Tee just now. He keeps trying to call Tee in case Tee might answer it.

"excuse me miss, may I ask you something?" ask Tae and the girl smile while nodding her head.

Tae has no choice but to show her Tee's picture and ask if she saw Tee in here but she said no. Tae thanks her and try to call Tee again and again.

"Khun!" someone from the counter call him and he runs to her, maybe she remembers something.

"I just want to ask if you know this phone? It's light up when you call, maybe you know the owner of this phone?" ask the girl.

The students before didn't took it but give it to the librarian, in case someone is looking for it in here.

"Tae looks at the phone, the wallpaper is the picture of Tee and the twin, so he recignised it well.

"yes. This owner is the one I'm looking for" replies Tae,now he knows why Tee didn't answer his phone. But, why tee left his phone here? Where is he and how he can find Tee now?

Tae is in a deep trouble now, how he can reach Tee when Tee's phone is with him now.

"Phi Tae" two girls come to Tae smiling, Tae did not respond because he is worry about Tee, he has no time to talk to them too.

"are you looking for Phi Tee, your boyfriend?" ask them happy.

"yes. Have you seen him?" ask Tae fast, maybe they saw Tee in here.

"Yes. He did study here but Phi Ying come to see him and they both went away after that"

Tae heart beating real hard when he heard them saying that, Ying and Tee met? 

"are you sure she was Ying?" ask Tae to make sure about this.

"yes. We know Phi Ying because she is our senior" replies them. Hearing that he knows Tee is in danger now.

He thanked all of them for the info, he took Tee's phone and run to make a call. He needs to call someone and tell about Tee is missing.

Tee decided to tell Pine first, both of them meet and decided what to do now. They didn't want to tell anyone else yet because they don't know about Tee's condition yet.

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