Part 10

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-mistakes everywhere and not edited-

Tee walks alone because he needs to get to work, he has no transport except his bicycle that decided to has flat tyre today. He got a few days off when he enter the game and now he needs to get back to work.

Mond wants him to wait till the sport week is over before start working back but Tee can't depend on that anymore. He has his pride and he needs money to buy his food and other necessities. He did get money from his grandfather even though it secretly but he saves it in case he needs it in the future. Who knows what future hold.

"You!" Tee lurches forward almost fall when someone push him hard from behind. Thankfully he able to hold onto a car, he can stable his feet back.

"Ying?!" Tee is shocked and scared. He always try to avoid Ying at the University especially after he won the game today.

"How dare you humiliate me like that?!" the sharp nails digging into Tee's chest, Tee frowns in pain but he remains still. He knows he can't do anything back or else his siblings will be in danger.

No one knows since Tee keep it as a secret to himself, Ying's family always threaten to do something bad to the twin if Tee make mistakes. They knows Tee loves the twin the most.

"Who gave you permission to join any game in sport week?" ask Ying still furious.

Did Tee regrets joining the game?


"I'm sorry Ying but I was forced to join it. I have to go now because I need to work. I'm sorry" Tee takes the chance to run away from Ying. Not like Ying will chase after him. Ying did give a paragraph of curses word to Tee but Tee can't even hear it.

Tee enters the shop from the back door and greets his coworkers. They are happy Tee is back to work now, some of them miss Tee's presence.

Tee changes to his uniform and start working with cleaning the dishes in the sink. He has small talk while working, they congratulate Tee for winning the game even though he only win second place.

"Tee, you're back? I thought my precious lil brother want you to work next week" Met pressed the word precious because he can't win again Mond, he loves his lil brother too much.

Tee laughs a bit at that, he is glad that Met is always nice and considerate to him. He even understand Tee's situation, when Tee ask for early payment Met gave it without asking twice.

Tee can eat good food while working, he can take some home too. Tee likes working here, the pay is good, the boss and workers are always nice to him.

"I finished my game, I can't leisurely doing nothing while my pay is moving" replies Tee softly.

Met smiles and pats Tee's shoulder, he likes hardworking people like Tee. He already think Tee as his family, all Mond's friends are close to him.

"Studying hard, working hard is good but having a little fun sometimes is okay" advices Met as a brother. He didn't know Tee's personal problems and he doesn't want to interfere much, he cares about his coworkers.

"I understand phi. Thank you" Tee returns to his work back, running away from being lectured by his boss. Met did loves to talk a lot too.

Tee's schedule commonly start at 5.30 pm when he finished his class and end at 10 pm, sometimes he work more extra hours for payment on the weekend. Met didn't allow it at first because he is afraid Tee will be too tired and don't have time to study but Tee promised to take care of himself.

"Tee, it's already 8.30. Go eat with your friends and you can go back after that" Met told Tee who is still busy washing the plates.

"But phi..."

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