Part 64

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-not edited-

Tae and Tee have their engagement party today, it's not as big as others because they only invited people close to them. After all the past years that full with memories they have come to this.

Tee finally start working near Tae's work place and they will stay together. Their parent want they to get married soon but still respect their sons decision to get engaged first.

Tae and Tee know, more challanges will come to them since they will start a new life, new environment and also new people too. Tae is worry at first but when he knows Xan will be working at the same place with Tee he is glad

Xan choose the company because he wants to be close to Xan who works together with Tae. They end up rent house near each other and becomes neighbours.

The pros are Tae can be at ease about Tee safety and Tee will has a friend st work the cons are, they are glued together all the time. Some people mistaken their relationship all the time, he is jealous, so does Karn.

Pond and Lime already open a small hydroponics farms, Anne join the government Agriculture association. Mond work with his family, they all have their own career now. Tee and Xan work at a tissue culture laboratory. They have a stable working hour and schedule unlike their engineers.

Tae and Tee are wearing grey suits, the party are not grand but meaningful since everyone they love are here. Engagement's rings fit their fingers perfectly. The prove they are tied together now.

"Please love my baby forever, if you make he cry I will chase after your soul" warns Phoom when they gather around the table to have dinner.

Others laugh at the threat, Phoom means it well and Tae promised to love and take care of Tee forever.

"Tee, if Tae hurt you,you can tell mae and por too. We will punish him" of course Tae's parent on Tee's side too. Everyone are laughing at Tae sour face.

"Phi Tae is always kind to me. I'm scared I will hurt phi more" replies Tee, Tae is always considerate and treat him like jewel, sometimes he is scared that he might hurt Tae without he realize it.

"nothing like that Tee. You've never hurt me. I love you and you love me, that's all matter" Tae disagree with what Tee told him because all he feels when he with Tee  is happiness, besides the distance between them before make him appreciate their limited time together 

"But I'm a little stubborn too"

"nothing I can't handle love. I love your stubbornness too"

"oiiiii" Sun smacks Tae's head lightly for making a cringey comment.

Others start to ignore Tae and Tee for acting lovey dovey in front of them. They are happy for them but sometimes too much sweetness can cause diabetes, right?

The party went on well till late at night, Tee and Tae send their friends away. Tee hugs everyone and thank them for coming for his happy days.

"thank you phis for coming, thank you for the presents too" Tee thanks Tae's friends too.

"thank you for having us too Tee" Zoe hugs Tee for a seconds, Boss and Karn follows after that.

After sending everyone home Tae and Tee  sit at the lawn staring at the night sky that full with stars. Tae pulls Tee into his laps and hugs Tee tight.

"thank you for today love"

"I want to thank you too. Welcome to my family phi" Tee leans and kiss Tae on the nose.

"welcome to my family too" Tae kiss Tee back.

They stare at each other for a long time before Tae moves forward and catching Tee's lips in his. Their kisses start slowly and full of love till half of the emotion added with desire to own each other.

This is not their first time but everytime feels like a first time for them. Besides, this is their first kiss as fiancess.

Tae's lips move to Tee's cheeks and then to Tee's ears before naughtily landing on Tee's sensitive throat. The weak spot makes Tee shudders in excitement.

"Phi, we are outside" Tee try to stop Tae because they are in public and if Tae insist more, he will has no left power to stop Tae.

"wait here" Tae lift Tee to sit on the table. He left after that making Tee feels lost. His body tingles and blush from head to toe, he did want Tae to stop but not like this? Even he himself can't understand what he wants now.

Tae runs super fast into the house, he ignores people in the house looking at him who is dashing around like a flashman. He also ignores everyone's questions.

He grabs his car keys and wallet, he runs outside of the house once again and rush to Tee. He grabs Tee's waist and pulls Tee into his arms. They continue kissing while Tae making his way to the car.

They are leaving the house

"wear your seatbelt love" Tae kiss Tee for the last time before he enters the car. He takes a deep breath and calm himself before he starts driving. He doesn't want to cause any harm to Tee if he drive right away.

Tee obeys in confusion, where are they going?

"I'm taking you to a hotel love, I can't wait for another time and I don't want our family to stop us. I'm sorry for being selfish but I want you"

Tee looks into Tae's eyes and he knows that eyes, he will be locked in the room for whole night. Tee too, he also wants to be with Tae so bad.

"Take me anywhere you want phi" Tee leans forward and kiss Tae before he return back to his seat. They are ready to go.

Pine who watch the car leave the house laugh and enter the living room where everyone is gathered.

"if you are curious what happened, Tae and Tee won't be home tonight. Don't call them because they both left their phones" said Pine making all of them are speechless. Of course they know thst wasn't their first time but they dare to leave just like that? In front of their parent

"they are bold?" ask Pluen.

"my God. My son must have ruined your son's mind" Tae's mom shakes her head in disbelief. Everyone laugh at that.

"don't worry, I don't think my son that innocent either." add Phoom and of course he knows, Tee consult about this matter with him and he teach a lot of hot stuff too.

Everyone laughs together again.

Everyone is happy and that's all matters now. Even though they can't predict what will happen in the future as long as they enjoy the moment in the present, everything will begin with a good start.

Fates bring people together but to be together forever depends on the people themselves.


Finally, it's the end. I'm sorry if there are lots of mistakes and the story end this way. I truly has idea how to end it but I'm glad I finallay finished this. Thank you for reading and spend time for this story. Thanks again.

I will write another story of Tae and Tee soon.

-Lots Of Love-

-Hi, thank you so much for reading, this is my sixth story, if you guys have time you can read my other stories too... Thank you
-Love is Here (Complete)
-The KISS (Complete)
-Love Me Back (Complete)
- Married! (Complete)
-Half Of My Life (Complete)
-The King's Love (Complete)
-Accidental Roommate (Complete)
-Mine, to Love (Complete)
-Falling For You (ongoing)

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