Part 47

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Tae takes Tee to watch a night sky at the hill,it is a famous place he and his friends hang out a lot. No one except them know this place and they build a small hut for them to sit on and get shelter when it's rain.

Tee is stunned with the beauty of the night sky, they are lucky since tonight the moon is not full so that they can see stars more clearly. It is really beautiful. Tee doesn't know there is a place like this in Bangkok.

Tae smiles happily watching Tee awes at the view, he thought he is tired before and he thought he needs rest a lot but with Tee in front of him like this, all the tiredness fly away.

"thank you phi, for taking me here. Yours and your friend's place" Tee hopes he is not disturbing their relationship, friendship. Some friends want to keep their secret among them only.

"don't worry Tee, when we found this place and build all of this, we wanted to bring our special one here. I'm sure Xan already been here before" Tae pulls Tee's hand to sit at his side.

The ice cream they bought after the dinner already melt a little so they need to eat it now. Tae open two small cups kf ice cream and give one to Tee.

"Thank you" says Tee and start scooping the ice cream into his mouth. The sweetness and the strawberry's flavour hits his mouth heavenly

Tae laughs at Tee's reaction, doesn't know ice cream can taste that good. Tae try his and he admits, it is delicious and sweet. Suitable for their dessert.

Tee talk about his day and what he went through with his study, Tae listens and comments a little bit about that. Tae tell Tee his past days too.

Spending a little time together like this already make them happy, they only want to be together, to love each other and be at each other sides all the time.

"Tee, I want to marry you" said Tae out of nowhere making Tee surprised but Tee knows, Tae is serious. He can see it from Tae's eyes.

Tae takes Tee's hand into his, kiss both of the hands and smile at Tee.

"I want to be with you forever Tee. Till the day I die" what Tae said sincerely like that put tears in Tee's eyes. He also realize when Tae said that, he also want to be with Tae forever.

"I'm not saying now, but I will marry you someday. When I'm financially stable and when you are ready to live your life with me"

Tee looks at their hands and pull it to kiss Tae's hand back. He put his other hand on Tae's cheek.

"me too. I want to marry you too phi. I want to be in your life forever too"

Tae smiles and pulls Tee into his arm, he still can't remember how he fall in love with Tee and he still can't tell how much he wants Tee in his life, because it is a lot, too much for him to think about it. Almost, he will die if Tee is not with him anymore.

"thank you Tee, I love you"

"I love you too phi. A lot"

Tae pulls Tee into a deep kiss full of love, and Tee returns the kiss with the same amount of love.

After the deep kiss, they both laugh a little. They are shy.

"Phi Tae, do you want to know about my past? Since I've always avoid it when you try to talk about it?" Tee knows Tae want to know what happened to Tee before, why Tee's was hated by the family except his parent and grandpa.

"To be honest, I'm curious but it doesn't matter now. As long as you are happy Tee" Tae doesn't want to see Tee to be sad and talk about his sad past. He wants Tee to be happy, always.

"no. I want to tell you, I want it out of my chest"

"okay then. You can tell me little by little. I don't mind." Tee smiles at Tae for being considerate with him.


"I know I was adopted since 5 because grandma always told me that. She hated me because my mom took me in since I'm a child with no identity. She hated that in her bloodline live someone like me. At first, they all just ignore me all the time and I was hurt by that but grandpa and my parent are nice to me. I ignore them all too.

Things start getting worst when my parent died in a car accident, they blame me for bringing bad luck. Since then, they start to touch me, hurt me. Not so bad to leave bruises but it kind of hurt me a lot. Especially Ying and Park, when they treated me roughly no one scold them, grandpa didn't know about it.

The twin who was born before my parent died, they treated them better than me and I'm glad about it because I want them to be happy too. Maybe, my aunty knows that I will do anything for the twin so they threatened to do something to them if I didn't listen to them.

My grandpa tried hard to keep me away from them, he is hurt by them too, emotionally but he keep going strong in order to safe me.

When I was 18, I decided to leave the house because I can't stay there anymore. Park, he is really scary to me, I've never tell anyone about this before but he tried to do something bad to me, especially when he was drunk. I can't stay there anymore so I left, since I already 18."

Tae is furious when he heard that, what kind of family treated each other that way?!

"How dare the!" Tae is angrier than Tee thinks.

"everything is better now phi. I'm glad I found my other family. My life is getting better that I want to forget all the bad past. I'm tired living in the past that I want to start a new one. Now, I'm better because I have everyone now. I'm glad"

Tae pulls Tee into his arm, he didn't say anything just holding Tee close to him. If Tae can change the past, he wants to be with Tee sooner, so that he can protect Tee from all those hurtful pain.

"my life before might sound bad but not all of it are bad. My adoptive parent, granpa and the twin, they love me. I'm happy they are my family too"

Tee smiles to Tae and walk to the side of the cliff, he takes a deep breath and release it, he is letting go everything that hurt him before. He doesn't want to live with the past pain anymore

Tae walks to Tee and hugs Tee from behind, he told Tee a story he read from an old book that he found. He almost at the end of the book but still not the real end yet.

"The King, really loves his queen and willing to do anything to her. He treated his queen like a real queen, with love that no one can surpass that.

Some said it was just a tale since no man can be like that but I'm sure, the real love, pure love did exist. His love for the queen is really amazing and beautiful. He teaches me how to love and at the same time be loved too. The queen is his real love. The King's love and you are, Mine, to love"

Tee blinks away his tears since he doesn't want to spoil the moment now. He deserves a love from another person and someone is willing to love him from heart too.

"thank you phi, for loving me"

"thank you too, for loving me back. I might not able to compete with the king's love but I promise to love you forever"

Tee already crying now, Tae hugs Tee tighter. They share their monent by stars as their witness.

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