Part 60

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Tae and Tee are wearing matching suits at Pram and Sun's wedding. Tee congratulate his brother and celebrate the happy day with everyone else.

Pine invited his special friend that he wants to introduce to his family. Apple is a beautiful girl inside out and Pine's parent already like Apple.

Tee watches everyone is happy right now,  he has nothing else he wants to ask from god because he already has everything by his side now, everything that he needs.

Tae comes to Tee's side and takes Tee's hand into his. Tee smiles and leans his head on Tae's shoulder. Tae turns to kiss Tee on top of the head, he tighten their hand together and look at what Tee is looking right now.

"I'm so happy now phi"

"me too, I'm happy too and I hope this happiness will be with all of us forever" prays Tae, he wants all of them to be happy like this.


They both continue watching their families and then join them to take family's photos.

The wedding take the whole day before they all send Pram and Sun to the airport, they will be going to France for their honeymoon.

When Pram and Sun safely departed Tee told his parent that he will be going with Tae to a short vacation. He already informed them earlier but they also will leave today.

"Be careful and drive safely. please take care of Tee for us" asks Phoom to Tae and Tae happily agree with it.

"That's right, don't do anything dangerous Tae. I know you like extreme sport but you can't ask Tee to join you" warns Tae's mae and Tae's family agree with it.

Tee laughs when Tae sighs dejected, they all always protective of him and he can feel the love from them. Tee doesn't want Tae to sigh once again so he hugs everyone as a goobye gesture. They need to move now before it's become too late at night.

Tee hugs his papa last and he blushes hard when his papa told him to play safe and use protection. He doesn't even think about that stuff but now that thought plays around his mind.

Tae and Tee change to more comfortable clothes after refresh themselves, they will need to drive for hours before they can reach the destination they are going.

Tee is fully prepared with foods, snacks and drinks. He needs to munch something to make him stay awake to accompany Tae to drive.

Tae chuckles when he see how cute Tee try to fight his sleepiness. He actually feels guilty to ask to go with him today because he knows how tired everyone to prepare for the wedding but he needs to report at his work soon.

"You can sleep love, I'm sorry we need to go today" Tae ruffles Tee's hair softly. Tee leans into the touch, he is sleepy and tired but he wants to be here now, with Tae.

"I want to be here phi. When you start working, we won't have a lot of time to spend together like this"

"I want to be with you all the time Tee"

"me too but we are adults now and we know which one should come first. It's okay, I can go to visit you when I have time" Tee already think about his plan, he also arrange his schedule so that he can see Tae at least once a week.

Tae will start working in two weeks but his new semester will begin in another month. He is thinking to stay with Tae for a week before his classes start. Tae and Karn will work at the same place and they will rent house together. Xan is the one who told Tee about his plan and Tee wants to do the same.

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