Part 56

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-not edited-

When Karn arrives with Mond and Anne, Xan already sleeping on the bed. Karn smiles to all Xan's friends who hugs him comfortingly. Tee pulls Karn to be at Xan's side.

"you too phi, get some rest. We will be outside and if you two sleep too long, we will wake you to have dinner" said Tee and Karn nods his head while saying thank you.

When everyone left, Karn get on the bed and hugs Xan from behind, it's true, Xan never looks and feels this small before.

"I'm sorry for telling you to give me some time to think. I'm sorry for thinking I can do this alone, I'm sorry for hurting you. Let's face everything together starts now. I have a strong troop of army with me now" Karn chuckles a little before he kiss Xan on the head and fall asleep while hugging Xan. It's been so long since he feels comfortable like this.

Xan's friends are thinking of ways how they can help Xan and Karn to be together.

"should we go and meet Phi Karn's family and threatened them?" Ask Mond angry.

"what are we, gangsters?" ask Lime and hit Mond lightly for suggesting something so brutal like that.

"then, should we go and lecture them?" suggest Lime later.

"what are we, professor, counselor?" Anne shot back to Lime and Lime pouts.

"we should give some time to them first. When they want us to help then we will help. For now, let become their support first" suggest Pond smartly and they all agree with it.

"we all already know Xan's family so I'm sure it will be easier to convince them. The real problem is, we don't know anything about Phi Karn's parent" Mond sighs, he really doesn't know how to help.

"for now just wait and be with them, I will ask Phi Tae later about that. Let's get something to eat for dinner first." Tee decided to stop discussing about the matter first.


Tae wakes up early and he feels like he is in another world, he looks outside the window to see a greenery view. He wakes up, take showers and get ready to take a walk around the lake in the morning. He left his phone without he realise and just take his camera with him.

He snaps a lot of beautiful photos and hopes he can show it to Tee later. While he is enjoying his time Kulen call for him to has breakfast together.

"I'm sorry I didn't help to prepare breakfast" Tae feels bad for just eating like last night

"just a simple breakfast. So, do you like the lake?" ask Kulen while giving Tae's plate.

"a lot. It's beautiful. I hope I can see the river later"

"You should see it. It's beautiful too"

They enjoy breakfast together and Kulen start to tell Tae about the old book, about the story of the king.

"the story, we can't say wether it's real or not because it's not recorded in a history book but deep inside, I believe it's true" said Kulen and Tae nods his head. He did his research and no one can prove that it happened in past.

"I want to show you something. Come with me" Kulen ask Tae to go with him to another house, it's smaller and looks like a workshop or just a hut.

Kulen open the door and Tae's eyes were greeted with tons of old books and drawings. All of the drawings look old except for the newest one, the one who looks a lot like him but with mustache and beard on.

"my family, since years ago they always draw a portrait of two men togehter, years after years the portrait become clearer and look a lot like you. That's why I gave you the old book" Tae is shocked. What is happening right now?

"I try to find another man in the portrait but can't find him. The last day I worked at uni, I still can't find him and can't draw the clearer version of him. I'm too old to find him and just hope you will take him here someday"

Tae stares at the portrait, it's true from the previous portraits Tee's face can't clearly seen but he can see Tee in every of it.

"this is scary actually. I can't believe it happens to me"

"well, I don't know if this is the reincarnation of just mere coincidence with fate but this is the truth,things that happened today"

Tae smiles and keep staring at the portraits hanging on the wall. He wants to show all of this to Tee so bad.

"my late grandfather told me that someone look like the other person did come here before, he wants to meet the other man who looks like you because that person keep appearing in his dream. He failed to find the one like you and he die after a few years looking for you. My late father told me that maybe, fates are not on your sides yet, that's why you both can't see each other yet"

Tae wants to cry when heard the story, his heart ache because the man died without he even has a chance to meet a person like him. Did all of this happened only to him because Tee in the past tried before but failed? Maybe that's why Tee doesn't know anything about this anymore.

"what's his name?"

"if I remember it correctly, it's Song."

"oh, it's not Tee like in the old book?" ask Tae more.

"Yes. When I met you and you told me your name is Tae, I'm surprised but I feel like this time, you will meet the other one, Tee, the queen. Did you meet anyone named Tee? I don't want to be hopeful and I try to put an end to this, that's why I didn't marry anyone and decided to not has a heir. Maybe it's time for ny family to let go of this tale. I will just keep it with me till the day I die" Kulen laughs a bit.

He is really hopes that after years he finally can see both of them together, he wants to tell his family when he dies, he already met with the king's love.

Tae told Kulen to wait for him and he runs to take his phone in the room. He finds a picture Zoe shared to him before and shows it to Kulen. Kulen looks surprised.

"wow! This beauty, is this true? Not just a mere makeup?" ask Kulen to make sure.

"it did has make up on but you can see this one" Tae shows his photo with Tee.

When Kulen saw that photos he flopped down to the floor. Finally, finally he will be able to draw a complete portrait of both of them together.

"You found him" Kulen almost got a heart attack now.

"yes, I found him. My love, I found him" Tae helps Kulen to stand up and help Kulen to walk to the chair nearby.

"this is magical"

"yes" Tae is also happy with this, finally he knows what he wants to know, even though he still can't tell wether it's just a tale or a fate.

"but, I want to know, why Tee become blind, mute and deaf. What happened to him?" ask Tae, he needs to solve all the puzzles in his head.

"How is he now, I mean, is he has no disabilities?" ask Kulen before answering Tae's question.

"He is perfectly fine. He is healthy too"

"I asked this because, Khun Song, he was deaf and mute" another surprised hits Tae today. He will be in the hospital at this rate.

"He is perfectly fine, thank goodness" Tae did grateful for this.

"I have a book that will explain why Queen Tee become like that and maybe, that's the reason why you two didn't met before either. I hope I have time to write the story of you two before I die, to make a closure and the end of this tale so that no one become confused anymore." Kulen enter the room back and bring another old book with him to give it to Tae.

"here, take times reading it. If you want to find me I will be in the house" Kulen left after that.

Tae stares at the old book, the cover has red's stains on it like blood. No title on this cover just an old book with blood stained covers.

Tae decided to rest first and take a walk around before he reads the book. He needs to arrange his time wisely because he needs to leave tomorrow morning.

He promised himself to take Tee here someday and introduce Tee to Kulen. He can't wait to share this place with Tee.

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