Part 28

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Tee accompanies Xan to the mall, he just tag along because he wants to buy something, not like he wants to disturb their time but of course Karn misunderstood when he saw Tee and Xan walk together to their promised place to meet.

Tee politely wai and Karn returns it not happy but has to cover his reaction. Xan is smiling like a kid get a free candy when he meets Xan, he is lovestruck!

"Then, I'm going first Xan. I will go back by myself." Tee pats Xan's back.

"excuse me phi" Tee wai once again while smiling before leaving the two of them.

"Let's get inside phi, lunch is waiting" they both enter the restaurant, Xan pulls a chair for Karn and take a seat in front of Kaen.

"Have you wait long phi?" ask Xan to open their talk, when he arrived Karn is already here.

"No, I just arrived too. Let's order"

After making their order they did not talk much because of awkwardness but the silence is not uncomfortable. Xan is too happy and his happy mood cheer up the space.

"Is it okay for your friend to go alone?" ask Karn this time, he is curious why Tee didn't join them when he is already here.

"Oh, I just gave him a lift because he needs to buy something. Since we are coming to the same place besides, we are living together for the time being" Xan shares his life without Karn need to ask, he is that easy going.

"his dorm's building need to renovate and doing some maintenance but for my opinion, it need to be demolished because of the poor condition and old" Xan shares what he thinks about it.

Xan didn't study engineering so he didn't understand how it works but for him to live in that building is dangerous for his life.

"the old building near the lake?" ask Karn interested because they are actually doing survey about the renovation and one of their assignment is to research about the old building and how to make it better.

Their talk continue about the old buildings till their order served on the table. From the talk Karn can tell that Xan is concern about Tee's well being, without realising he told the story about Tee.

"Tee deserves a lot more than what he get today. Not everyone is lucky like us phi" Xan looks upset but Karn didn't want to interfere further more than necessary. Tae also talk about Tee a lot, Tee's name gets up as their topic of conversation a few times.

"I'm really glad that Phi Tae is taking care of Tee now. If I'm Tee's parent, I will tell Phi Tae to marry Tee and take care of Tee forever"

Karn chuckles at that comment, it seems like Xan cares about Tee as a best friend and not more than that, he feels a lot better after hearing that, his heart feels lighter now.

"I don't know about Tee but Tae will hate to hear that. He is not that open for man and man relationship. He is not a homophobic but, it is beyond his imagination"

In case Tee did fall in love with Tae, Tee needs to be ready to be disappointed that's why he is telling this to Xan so that Xan can warn Tee earlier.

"Really? So, what he thinks about me pursuing you?" ask Xan nervous, will he able to fight Tae in order to win Karn's heart. He doesn't want to ruin his lover's friendship.

Karn respects that Xan is thinking about this matter so he wants to hear clear answer from Xan first.

"What if Tae hates this and my relationship with him is on the stake. What will you do?"

The question is hard for Xan to answer, he likes Karn a lot so he will not back off easily but at the same time he doesn't want to make Karn sad if his doing ruin their friendship.

Xan moves his hand to touch Karn's and grip it tight but tender, his eyes got a lot of emotion that he can't portray with words.

"I will think about it when you accept me as a lover but, I will not give up no matter what" Xan is persistent about this and Karn can't help but be happy with the answer.

"Are you sure about your feelings for me?"

"Of course!" Xan's voice that is louder than usual attract other customers reaction to their table. He politely apologise and grabs Karn's hand tighter.

"This is not a phase phi, trust me! This is the first time I want to date someone so much, I will date you till we marry each other, get old together and then die together"

Karn laughs again, Xan is really funny for thinking so far in the future where there not taking one step ahead yet.

"What if I reject you?" Xan's face turn sad but he takes a deep breath.

"I will keep trying till you found the one you want to be with forever, I hope that person is me though" mutters Xan cutely.

Karn looks at Xan clearly and he thinks that Xan is really the best for him. He never feels like this about anyone before and he also knows that this is not just a phase. Xan teach him to feel a lot more than like, he is anxious, jealous, curious and loves the attention Xan is giving to him.

What else is the is best answer he can give to Xan except yes?

"Let's try it together. This feelings both of us have to each other. Let's date"

Xan almost fall from the chair when he heard it, he is too happy to say anything and he is blushing like crazy. Is he crazy? He wants to cry too.

"Really phi?" ask Xan, tears already pooling in his eyes.

"Yes, but if you cry I will take it back" tease Karn and Xan wipes his tears fast. He will not ruin this moment.

"Thank you phi. I will be the best boyfriend ever!"

"Okay. Let's try this together. I just want to warn you, I'm difficult to handle, stubborn and less affection too" warns Karn beforehand, he knows how he is so he needs to warn Xan first.

"I know it all phi, I love all of that too. I'm stubborn too and I hope if we did has a misunderstanding, let's talk about it first"

"okay" Xan is matured and childish at the same time, Karn is waiting for their days together as a couple.

"Today is our day one! Let me mark it in the calendar!"

11/04/2021-my first and last boyfriend. Day 1


While Tee is walking alone he pass through a couple, at first he didn't realise it but after he turns around, it is Ying and Pine. He knows Pine because who doesn't? Pine is the student's council president.

He hides behind the wall and wait the couple to leave his sight, why did he hide?

Tee waits to confront Ying to ask about his necklace but fails everytime, he doesn't has the guts to do so. He also doesn't want to talk about what happened last time between him and Park. It is clear that Park was wrong but he knows Ying's family very well, they all will turn the fact to blame him.

The maid told him that she never saw the necklace but he can't ask Park about it, the only possibility he has is to ask Ying but be still can't do it. He decided to put aside about the necklace since he can't focus in his study if he thinks about it so much.

"Phi Pine is handsome and I heard he is kind too. I hope he met someone better" Tee  hopes that Pine will find a better woman in his life, he is not trying to talk poorly about Ying but he knows Ying, he knows Ying too well.

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