Part 26

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Tee is pale and he looks distracted like something is playing in his head. He found out he lost the necklace again but too scared to go find for it. He left the house early in the morning because he doesn't want to see Park.

Anne touches Tee's shoulder making Tee flinches scared, now everyone is worried about Tee. What happened?

Mond and Lime sit beside Tee, Xan, Anne and Pond look at Tee with concern. They want to help Tee if Tee allow them to do so.

"I'm okay. I'm not feeling well, I'm sorry for ruining our days" apologise Tee, he feels guilty for ruining everyone's mood. They want to enjoy their last day of the break together but his mind state is not in good condition, he is still thinking about last night.

"nothing to feel sorry about Tee. We can leave now if you want" said Anne.

"we should take you home then, you need to rest" Lime is worried too.

"it's okay. Let me rest for 15 minutes. You guys go play, enjoy the slides" Tee smiles at them, they planned to come to this water park since early semester. Tee doesn't want to ruin it for them.

"You guys go play. I will stay here with Tee" Mond send away his friends and stay with Tee.

Others continue playing but they always glance at Tee who is sleeping under the shade. Mond remains at Tee's side all the time.

After 15 minutes, Tee feels a lot better after a short nap and now he enjoys playing with his friends. He wants to forget what happened between him and Park and move on from the bad event. He has a lot more to think besides that.

They ready to go home when they spent the whole day there, they are dead tired. Xan is the one who will send Tee to the dorm and they are heeding there.

"Tee, how about staying with me tonight?" ask Xan concerns, he doesn't want anything bad happen to Tee since Tee is not feeling well.

Tee chuckles, he knows he make his friends worried about him but he is okay now, he feels a lot better too.

"I need to prepare material for class tomorrow and I'm okay now. Don't worry" Tee pats Xan on the shoulder, he takes his bag and get off from the car.

"Call me if you need me" Xan's heart feels heavy to let Tee go like that. Maybe he should stay here tonight.

"Okay. Go home and rest" Tee waves then walk into the building. Xan sighs dejected, Tee is sending him away now so he just left.

Xan arrives at his building and get his things, he walk to the elevator and wait to it open. When he enters, a man shout to tell him to hold the door for him and he did that.

Karn walks into the elevator, they both stare at each other without saying anything. It is really awkward for both of them.

"Phi Karn" Xan wai and greets Karn first since he doesn't want to be rude to his senior.

"Uhm" Replies Xan short, inside the elevator become silent and awkward again.

"Phi" calls Xan and get off from the elevator at Karn's level because he wants to talk if Karn will lend him some time.

Karn stops walking and turn around to look at Xan, he waits for Xan to open his mouth and tell him what he wants.

"Can we talk?" ask Xan bravely, if he is rejected he will hope Karn will find happiness with someone else then. But before he gives up, he wants to at least let Karn know about his feelings.

"come with me" Karn walks to his door, Xan follows feelings excited that Karn is giving him an opportunity, not blatantly ignore him. Seems like he increase a few percent of success rate.

Xan enters the room and sit on the small couch, Karn sit on his bed and look at Xan. Xan fumbles with his fingers, he is really nervous right now.

"I want to apologise for the kiss before. The accident that happened between us" the first sentence from Xan makes Karn speechless, means like Xan regret that kiss too.

"I hope it didn't happen like that. It is clearly an accident but you hate it and that accident put a distance between us. I'm sorry about that" continues Xan.

"so, you hate it? The accident?" ask Karn, he is disappointed but trying hard to hide his feelings.

"No! I don't hate it" denies Xan fast.

"What do you mean? You are saying sorry like you regret it and now you said you didn't hate it?" Karn stand up and his anger is rising at the moment, is this Junior playing with his feelings?!

"I hate that we become awkward after that. I hate that we stop talking to each other after that and I hate that you start to avoid me because of that. But I'm grateful because I able to understand my real feelings after that, I like you phi! I like you more than what I supposed to feel!" Xan is standing too and he raise his voice without he realised it.

Karn is speechless after hearing the confession, more like an angry confession from Xan because Xan is always calm and cool about everything.

"I like you phi!" Xan sit back on the couch, he rakes his hair harshly. He doesn't want their discussion turn to an argument and he doesn't want to talk rudely with Karn.

"have you dated a man before?" ask Karn still serious.

"No, never. This is first time I have a feeling for a man. This is not a phase because I'm sure about my feelings, I will never stop liking you even though you turn to hate me. That's all I'm saying to you, I want to let it off of my chest, you don't have to respond to it, I just want you to know. Thank you for you time phi" Xan sighs one last time before he walks back to the door. Whatever plan he has in his head all of them fall into a drain.

"Don't you think you are selfish? Leaving just like that after telling what you feel about me?!" Karn is yelling now and Xan is dumbfounded, will their verbal argument turn to fist fight later?

"Because I know it is one sided. You can forget what I said and I will never appears in front of you again. We will become strangers once again"

"You selfish jerk!" Karn rush to Xan and give a headbang to Xan direct under his chin because Xan is taller than Karn. Karn aims for a nose actually.

"ow! Phi!" Xan is in pain, the smack will make him awake for a week, the pain too.

"You should ask me about how I feel too, I want to talk nicely but with your attitude right now, I think we will talk later. Leave!" Karn push Xan out from his room. If he feels excited and flutters just now, now he is angry.

Karn should listen what he has to say too, he already has a little patience and a lot of temper, Xan will need to wait till Karn cool down before they can talk again.

"Phi Karn?! I'm sorry, let's talk properly. Please" pleads Xan while banging on the door but of course Karn ignores it. He doesn't care and Xan will stop when he is tired.

Xan keep banging the door but stop when three other residents open their door to yell at Xan to be quiet. Xan says sorry and decided to leave for now, he doesn't want to disturb them more than now.

'Do I gave a chance?' Xan can't stop smiling now, maybe he really has a chance if he didn't make a stupid move just now. Hopes Xan will be able to cool down Karn's temper soon.

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