Part 4

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-mistakes everywhere, not edited-

Class continue as usual and it's been a week after Tae and his friends talk about the beauty, assignments and tests make them forgot about everything else.

Boss sighs for thousandth times today because he is tired and his brain can't function very well now. He can't even has alcoholic drink at all this hell week. Boss can't get to see his girlfriend too making him more agitated than ever.

Tae can't even think of flirting around when he is busy with his study, he likes to play but when it comes to his study he will put all the attention he has. He has a goal to achieve, he wants to be the best engineer in Thailand. He loves what he study.

Zoe and Karn might look like they don't care but they are serious about their studies too, other students who knows their group respect them because of their hard work and smart brain. They are not just handsome but handsome with brains too.

"I want to sleep all day tomorrow" mutters Karn sleepily, their day will end after the last test this evening. They will have their long awaited weekend after that and next week is sport week. Less studying more playing! Hurray!

"Me too" agrees Boss with fast nods.

"Huh, if your black belt karate girlfriend allow it" says Zoe with a smirk. Others snickers at that, it is so true because in Boss and Celine relationship, Boss is not a boss, just a loyal worker. Celine is the one who control their relationship.

Boss agree with that but he loves Celine, others might think their relationship are unhealthy but they treat each other with respect. Celine is more mature compared to Boss.

"sport week start soon, what sport will you join this year?" ask Tae to his friends, they will play soccer for sure, but they commonly play more than one sport.

"I think most of the sport are full because our freshmen are fired up this year" said Zoe proudly, Zoe is one of the member in student council. He automatically become important person in his faculty.

"I think soccer is enough for me" answers Boss, for the sport week this year he wants to play cool, he wants to walk around with his girlfriend to see others playing.

"I'll will play soccer and volleyball, I promised my friend to join it" answer Karn this time, Karn is aiming for win because volleyball team from engineering is the strongest.

"this year I want to play more, soccer, basketball and swimming"

"Swimming?!" ask Zoe shocked, since when Tae likes water? Tae prefers playing on land than in waters.

"Yes." answer Tae confident, something must has happened to make Tae join swimming and his friends eager to know why.

"Don't tell me you want to peek female
students!" accuse Karn with a disgusting look, he can't believe his friend this dirty and low.

Tae sighs and smacks Karn's head for spurting nonsense. He did has a reason why he wants to join it this year, he already registered without telling his friends because he doesn't want to make his friends become nosy.

"Remember Pine?" ask Tae to his friends. They all nod their head fast.

Pine is the president of student council, he has good look and grades. good attitude as a show. This is Tae's personal opinion about Pine. Girls line up to be his girlfriend even boys try their luck too.

When the election for the student Council open, students vote for Tae and Pine to join it and become the president, Tae rejected the idea because he hates formalities and he detest to fake his real self.

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