Part 23

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The engineering win the game and some don't understand why they need to celebrate it together. Anne's friends are invited to celebrate with the Engineering team at a pub.

Tee really don't want to be here but dragged by Xan to join them. Xan is trying to be as close as he can with Karn. He knows it will not be easy for him to gain Karn's heart but he is ready to make a move now.

Tee sits between Xan and Mond, he just sit there quietly and drinking soda since he can't drink alcohol and he really don't want to try that kind of drink.

Tae eyed Tee the whole night and he realise Tee didn't touch any alcoholism beverages, he also focus on eating nuts serve as the snacks.

"Tee, you want to order something else?" ask Tae concern because eating nuts will not be able to fill his stomach.

Tee did feel hungry and he want to be away from here too, the smell and the noise are getting into his head, he doesn't like the surrounding much.

"Come with me, we will sit at the table outside. I'm hungry too" invites Tae with a reassurance smile.

Tee looks at Xan and told Xan he is going outside with Tae. Xan nods his head and he change his seat, replacing Tae who sits beside Karn before.

Tae and Tee both sit on the chair and Tee feels like he gain a freedom. He breathe in the better air than the one that suffocating his nose in the pub. He hopes he can go home early and just go to sleep.

"Order what you want to eat" said Tae and Tee orders what catch his eyes, simple pasta and apple juice, he drank enough soda already.

Tae orders the same except he adds more aide dishes for them to eat together. Tee glances at Tae want they are done ordering their food.

"you don't like to drink?" ask Tae while sipping cold water served on the table.

"Yes. I don't like it and I don't like the smell of it too. I don't enjoy this kind of place too" Tee stated his opinion, he make it clear so that no one invite him to this kind of place again.

Tae nods his head, he glads Tee is being honest about what he likes and dislikes.

"You can drink phi" Tee feels guilty now when he realise Tae didn't order any alcoholic drink too.

"I'm okay. I can't drink today since I've to drive and send my friends later"

"Ah, congratulations for winning phi" Tee smiles while congratulating Tae, he did watch the game even though he is a little bit late, he enjoyed it and it was a good game.

"Thank you. We need that win because this is our last time playing. Next year we will focus on our final year, no time to play anymore"

"That's right. This is your third year. I wish you all the best phi" Tee is smiling a lot today and that makes Tae feel a little weird inside.

Tee is more friendly this time and doesn't seem to build a high wall like before, maybe their relationship is moving to more comfortable and friendly.

Tee decided to open up his heart a bit but he doesn't want to put high hopes in this relationship. If one day Tae decided to stop has any relation with him it will be easier for him to let it go.

Tee thought a lot and his friends date Tae's friends, Xan might end up dating Karn so he wants to be more friendlier to them too.

"your food is here. Enjoy" the waiter serves the table and Tee's eyes lit up with the food on the table.

"eat all of it Tee. My treat"

"Eh phi, I can pay..."

"Nope. I'm so happy today so I want to treat you" Tae insisted and Tee decided to just follow along. He gets to eat good food so he should be grateful.

They eat while Tae share his old and funny stories about the uni. To say they have a good time is not an exaggeration because they did enjoy the talk. They are seeing their different sides

"so, anyone special now?" ask Tae after beating around the bush for a few times.

Something bothered him, the closeness between Xan and Tee. He wants to know their exact relationship because they are too close to be just friends.

"Nothing like that phi. I'm so busy handling my life, my part time job, my study and my siblings. So much on my head and hand, no more space for dating" explains Tee, he ever think about finding someone special because he has a future he needs to think and plan about.

Tae accepts the answer and he wants to ask about why Tee work part time when his family is already rich, he saw Tee's home before but he didn't know Tee is staying at a dorm now.

"How about you phi?" ask Tee back, he did not concern about the matter but just asking back the same question to avoid the awkward silence.

Tae chuckles a little bit at the question, he needs to answer it now and to be honest he doesn't know himself either.

"no one special now but I think I need to find a girlfriend soon. Its a little bit lonely to be single"

Tee laughs together with Tae when Tae did it first. Tee respects Tae's answer, besides as long as you are not two timing and give false hope to anyone you can date anyone you want.

After they are done eating and Tae paid for their food, the party inside doesn't look like it will end soon. Tee already ready to go with his friends except Anne, they all are not a party persons so they already miss their comfy bed. It almost midnight too.

"Phi Tae, I will send Phi Karn home today. You should handle your other friends inside" Xan is out while dragging the drunk Karn with him.

"Okay then, make sure he is safely home then." Tae pats Xan's back. He waves to Tee and walk inside the pub to take care of his friends.

"Noooo!!! Night, early. Young. Drink more!!!" Karn is slurring his words badly and he is more than drunk.

"Tee, I can't send you to your dorm, do you want to stay at mine?" ask Xan since he is the one who forced Tee to come, they come together too.

"it's okay Xan. I will send Tee and Mond home. Take care" said Pond while hugging Lime, Mond clings on Tee like a baby koala. All of them are light drinker, a can of beer, they pass out for good.

They all go to their way, Tee and Pond send Mond back first, then the couple send he home. He is glad he able to arrive at his dorm before midnight, he might able to do a little revision before go to bed.

Meanwhile, Xan piggyback Karn on his back, Karn can't walk anymore and passed out like dead, tomorrow will be hell for him because of a hangover. Xan enters the code on the door, it is still the same code like when he is staying here.

He puts Karn on the bed and sighs, Karn is smaller than him but heavy. Heavier than he thought.

He takes the shoe off, the jacket and put it on their places. Xan covers Karn with the blanket and adjust the cooler. He wants to stay but Karn will kill him when he wakes up tomorrow.

"You! Change my clothes!" orders Karn out of nowhere, his arms already stand on the air, waiting for Xan to help him.

Xan is contemplated to do that, but when Karn whines saying his clothes is uncomfortable Xan moves to the bed.

Taking off the shirt is easier but watching Karn's naked abdomen is hard! He try to clean his head and change Karn to a new shirt.

Karn takes off his jeans alone, leaving him with just his green boxer, Xan needs to do mind controlling again. A man's body never excite him like this before. He wants to cry for being a Pervert.

When Karn try to take the boxer off, Xan hurriedly push Karn to the bed and cover the body with blanket.

"Go to sleep now. Shh, shh" Xan kind of lull Karn to sleep and Karn happily smiling before softly snoring to a deep sleep.

"Good night my future boyfriend" Xan shyly wish and kiss Karn on the forehead before running to door with happy little steps.

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