Part 49

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-not edited-

Pram's family arrived at Sun's house, the one who should be nervous is Sun but his father is more nervous than him, he can't decide what to do in front of their important guests.

"sawatdee, how are you khun?" Pluen greet them with a wide and polite smile.

Both Sun's parent wai back fast and answer their questions, they also ask the same before inviting into the house. They all go directly to the open garden in the house. They prepare a lot of food for the guests.

Tae who is standing from far can't hide his happiness when he see his lover who still didn't see him. How should he react in front of them? Will Tee's parent talk about his relationship with Tee too? Now he is worried for his dad, can he receive the news well?

They all are seated on the big table with full of foods, Sun decides to introduce his family first, he introduces everyone including his nephews and nieces.

Pram take turns to introduce his family after that, Grandpa and grandma didn't come together because of their health and they stay at home. The twin, Tin and Tia come with them.

"So the youngest is not married yet?" ask Pluen to Sun's father making Tae chokes on his drink. Tee also has dry throat.

'what is my dad doing?' Tee glances to Tae in worry. Pluen just smirk knowing his teasing is working to the young couple.

"I heard he already has someone special, I'm not sure how my son able to date someone" The answer making the people at the table laugh while Tae is pouting.

They continue to talk about the future event, they want to make a proper engagement party for their sons. Phoom is excited about it more than anyone else.

"baby, can you go and take the gift in the car?" Phoom whispers to Tee and Tee nods his head. Tee excuse himself to leave first.

They have done eating and go to the living room to discuss more. Sun's parent already comfortable with Pram's family. They all seems to like each other more.

Tee and Pine return will a bouquet of flowers and fruits, Pine bring another gift in his hand.

"please accept small gift from us. We can't come empty handed. If I know you have a big family I should buy more. Next time I'll make sure to bring more" Pluen gives the gifts to them.

"you don't have too. Your presence alone is already a gift for us" said Tae's mae .

"we can't come empty handed since we want to see our in law, we also want to thank you for accepting us" Phoom politely answer back. He is really grateful that his eldest son will be in a good family later. He only want his son to be happy.

"and, this is the engagement ring from our side to Sun. You can see it first, if you don't like it we can change it since the party will be next month" a box of ring was put on the table.

Even Sun is surprised to see this.

"I'm the one who design and make it, I'm sorry if it is lacking or not perfect enough. I want to give a special one to Sun" Pram smiles to the parent and Sun. He really hopes the family will like it. Pram is here to have Sun as his partner so he wants to give all the best thing he can for Sun.

Sun's mae take the box and open it to show it to Sun. Of course the couple ring is beautiful. Sun has tears in his eyes but he try hard to stop himself from crying.

"this is beautiful." comments Sun. He likes it, no, he loves it so much.

"thank you Pram, for loving my son this much. I'm happy that my son meet with a good man with a good family. I shouldn't be crying but I'm so happy for my son" everyone has tears in their eyes after listening to Sun's por.

After all of them are calm enough and no more tears, they all act like a family again. The parent talk among them, the kids running around in the garden. Everyone went missing doing their own thing, including Tae and Tee.

Tae asks Tee to follow him to the back, they finally can have some times together.

Tee rush to hug Tae first when they are alone. Tae happily hold Tee back and they stay that way for a few minutes.

"I miss you love" Tae rubs Tee's back softly.

"I miss you more" Tee looks at Tae and kiss Tae on the nose. Tae stares into Tee's eyes. One month is too long for him, everyday is torturous while being away from Tee.

"I want to finish my internship fast. I don't want to be away from you anymore"

"me too phi. Another 3 months, it's hurt to wait that long" Tee returns to Tae's arms. He hides his face on Tae's chest, inhaling the scent he miss so much.

Tae chuckles happily, he pulls Tee to sit on the chair. Tee ignore the chair and sits on Tae's laps. If he can, he wants to be glued to Tae forever.

"This is dangerous love. Something might stand up soon" Tae warns Tee since Tee is stradling him.

"dirty mind!" Tee scolds Tae but Tae just laugh it off. But if Tee keeps wriggling on his laps like this, nothing is impossible.

"so, how is your internship? Anyone try to flirt with you?" ask Tee with a little bit of jealousy. He is not worry of Tae cheating on him but if he can, he doesn't want anyone try to flirt Tae.

"is my boyfriend jealous?" tease Tae with a happy smile. Tee rarely act jealous, maybe because he never spare a glance at anyone else.

"of course, you are handsome. I'm sure you catch someone attention" Tee pouts cutely.

"I think one girl try to approach me but I show her our rings and our photo together, she back off after that. I think rumour spread fast there, no one else try to approach me after that" Tee feels better when he heard that.

Tae doesn't has to worry about anyone approaching Tee because he sends Xan as Tee's bodyguard and he will make sure Karn is safe too. They help each other on this matter.

"when I have a stable job and some saving, I will meet your fathers and ask them to let me marry you" Tae already has a plan in his mind, he keeps that thought in his head. He wants to be with Tee soon.

"me too, I want to ask your parent to give you to me too. I don't care if we can't afford a luxury event, I don't even care if we can't afford to have one. I just want to be with you, we can just register our marriage" Tee sounds serious because he thinks if they want to save money for the wedding it will take years.

"We can't do that love, your parent will be sad. They will want to see their baby has a proper wedding" Tae wants to give the best for Tee, he wants Tee to has a happy wedding where his family are happy too.

"Just make a simple wedding with family and friends only." argue Tee.

"Love, I'm happy you can't wait to marry me but we still has time to discuss about it. Our main focus now are our studies."

"you are right. God! I sounds ridiculous just now" Tee laughs at his own thought.

They talk about their lives and happily sharing their days. Everyone can see they are happy together.

"Tae!" that loud voice make Tae and Tee startles.

They both are shocked to see Tae's por are here watching them sitting like this. Tee jumps off from Tae's laps, they both can't say anything after that.

"oh my god, you are dating Tee? My head" Tae's por almost fall and Tae runs to catch his por. He is really shocked right now. What to do?

"my meds, ask your mae" orders him. His youngest son is really giving him a headache now.

What will happen to Tae and Tee now?

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