Part 15

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Tee, Xan, Lime, Mond and Pond are hiding behind a large tree in the park, they are spying on Anne and Zoe, since Anne said she wanted to help ask Zoe about the necklace. They take three days to do this mission.

Anne doesn't look calm at all, she is nervous and Zoe can detect that Anne has something to tell or ask from him. Zoe waits patiently for Anne to tell him if she has something to say.

"How's your day?" ask Anne with an awkward smile. Zoe smiles back and just act like he knows nothing. Like he didn't detect Anne weird behaviour.

"Good, the last class is a bit boring since we just learn the theory" Zoe still gives the honest answer and Anne can't register the answer into her head so she just nod his head like she heard what Zoe is saying.

"Uhm, Phi"

"Hm?" ask Zoe softly, he knows Anne is trying to tell him something.

"Can I ask about your friends?" ask Anne carefully, Zoe looks at Anne. So this is what Anne want to ask him about, about his friends.

"Oh, did you heard about the rumours? About we are naughty but scary?" ask Zoe with a chuckle, they indeed has an image that not good enough. Especially when the rivalry between Tae and Pine, Pine's fanclub always spread rumours about them, some of it are true tho.

It's not what Anne want to ask but maybe she can make it from here, trying to beat around the bush till she able to ask about the necklace.

"we aren't the nicest but we are not that dangerous as the rumour. When we were juniors, we did trouble our seniors but after that we just normal students" Zoe answers truthfully what he thinks about them. Rumours won't disappear just like that easily especially when there is always some people like to spice it up.

"Oh" Anne is not interested with the answer either. She has a lot of plans in his brain.

"have you see Phi Tae holding a necklace, something like this?" Anne shows a picture from her phone, she just ask directly because it's easier that way. Her friends cheer for her directness.

Zoe looks at the picture and he thinks about it, have he seen it before because he didn't see Tae wear one.

"Yes, I think I saw him play with it. Why?" ask Zoe back.

"This belong to my friend, he dropped it in the swimming locker room and maybe Phi Tae pick it up. So, can you ask it from him and give it to me so I can give it back to my friend" Anne uses her beautiful puppy eyes hoping Zoe will help her friend.

Zoe sighs and leans back on his chair, it's not like he doesn't want to help but he needs to know how.

"are you sure it belong to your friend? Why he didn't ask it directly from Tae?" ask Zoe more. Tae is not a stealer so he is sure if the said friend ask from Tae properly Tae will give it back.

Anne thinks hard how to answer it, she can't tell her boyfriend the truth right? How she can help Tee this time?

"Uhm, you can try ask Phi Tae first, if he wants to see my friend I will tell him"

"Uh, but how did your friend know Tae has it?"

Anne sighs, so does her friends. Why asking help from Zoe is so hard and why so many questions asked?

"You don't want to help me?" Anne pouts cutely, this is her last straw to make Zoe help her. She can't answer those questions

Zoe touches Anne's hand and nods his head, he will try to talk to Tae about it.

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