Part 51

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Tee woke up early because someone is at the door, he thought Xan is back because he spend the night outside with Karn yesterday. Tee didn't follow his family back home because he needed to do something at his dorm, of course Tae know that.

Tee with disheveled look, morning hair looks prettily cute in front of Tae's eyes when he open the door. Tee rubs his eyes in disbelief when he see who is standing in front of him now.

"Phi Tae?!" ask Tee shocked but still rubbing his eyes to make sure his own eyes is not playing trick on him.

Tae reach for Tee's hands to stop Tee from continuing rubbing the eyes, it turns a little bit red already.

"stop doing that love, you will hurt your eyes" said Tae tenderly.

"Phi Tae! You are real!" Tee jumps into Tae's arms making Tae stumble to the back a bit because he is surprised with the attack. He laughs and hugs Tee back.

"I want to take you put for a date"

"a date? Really?" Tee can't hide his excitement.

"yeah. We can leave after breakfast" Tae doesn't has anything plan but he will go anywhere Tee wants to go today.

Tee is thinking about their days ahead but when he stares at Tae's face and then the clock on the wall, it's too early for them. Maybe Tae can sleep a little bit before starting their day.

"uhm, I'm still sleepy now and not in mood for breakfast yet. Can we sleep for one hour?" ask Tee cutely.

Tae nods his head, he will do whatever Tee wants today. Tee pulls Tae into the room and help Tae to take off his jacket and lay it on the chair.

"wnat to use my short? Sleeping in jeans is not comfortable" offers Tee, he wants Tae to get a comfortable nap.

"it's okay. I will just take off my belt. Let me use your toilet for awhile. Wait for me on bed"

Tee smiles and walk to the bed, he is not sleepy anymore but he knows Tae will not sleep if he didn't. After a few minutes Tae return to the room and go to Tee.

Tee happily open the blanket so that Tae can get under it with him. Tae can't help but think Tee is too cute for him to handle. Tae lays down first then Tee follows.

Tae put his arm around Tee and Tee sneak closer to get heated together. It's only take 5 minutes for Tae to fall asleep. He is tired after all.

Tee enjoys staring at Tae's sleeping face. After he has enough staring he gets down from bed and go to the kitchen directly. After he knows what to cook for both of them he leave to the bathroom to do his morning routine.

Tae is still asleep when he is dkne in the bathroom. He smiles and get ready to cook, maybe he can cook a heavy breakfast for both of them. While he chopping the ingredients, he prepare some roasted chicken too.

The nice smell wake Tae up from his deep sleep. He yawns and look for Tee's presence. He rubs his eyes, he is not tired anymore abd fully refreshed. The sleep do him good and restore his energy back.

"Tee, Love?" Tae calls for Tee while walking to the kitchen.

He sees a cute Tee in a yellow apron with pooh picture on it,must be from his papa then. Tae smiles and sneak to Tee's back and hug Tee from behind.

Tee is startles because he is too focus with his cooking that he doesn't realize Tae is coming into the kitchen. Tae really give him a little fright.

"Phi Tae!" scolds Tee with a pout and Tae laughs at that

"sorry Tee. I thought you heard me calling you. I'm sorry" Tae give Tee a light peck on the lips. Tee return the small kiss and smile.

"what are you making?" ask Tae and his eyes look around the kitchen. He is hungry but he doesn't want to trouble Tee with cooking for them.

"just simple food. Phi Tae, where do you want to take me today?" ask Tee. His hands are still busy doing his work.

"no where in mind actually. I just want to be with you, I don't mind where we are going" replies Tae, he wants to has a good date with Tee so he will do whatever Tee wants today.

"then, can wr just stay here today?" ask Tee back.


"I want to be with you at home, in comfortable clothes, doing nothing but cuddles. Can't we?" Tee really want to stay at home where just the two of them. At home they can stay glued together without need to cover from anyone else.

Tae thinks what Tee said and he agree with that. He really wants to hug Tee all the time too. As long as he is with Tee, the place is doesn't matter.

"okay then. Since you cooked breakfast for me, we will order lunch and then I will cook dinner for us. Sounds good?"

"perfect!" answer Tee excited. He turns to see Tae and hug Tae tightly before return to his cooking.

Around 10 minutes he is done and with Tae's help to prepare the food on the table, they eat together while watching tv. Tee already downloaded the movie he wants to watch, it was action comedy. He enjoys watching things like that more than romance.

They share small talk and spend the precious time together wisely. Time moves faster than they like, they already had their dinner and now is the time for Tae to leave.

Tee cried and that make Tae's heart cry too. Tee rarely show his emotions like this and he can't leave Tee in this state.

"I'm sorry for crying" Tee sobs in Tae's arms. Tae doesn't know how to make Tee calm down, he wants to stay but his other responsibilities is on the other side. He even consider to move early morning tomorrow but he knows he can't.

"I'm sorry for being clingy" Tee wipes his tears away, even though it keeps flowing like water.

"no love, you are not being clingy. Me too, I want to stay longer too. I'm sorry because I need to go, I'm sorry to make you cry like this" Tae's heart hurt so much but there is nothing he can do now. He still need to leave.

"this is not your fault phi. I'm sorry for crying too." Tee holds his tears this time and he try to be calm. After a minute he able to stop crying but his face is all red, his nose and his eyes too.

Tae touches Tee's face and he kiss those red nose and eyes. Tee looks pretty crying like this.

"I love you Tee"

"me too. I will walk you to your car."

"are you sure? Aren't you afraid you will scare people away with this red eyes. People might think you are a vampire" tease Tae and Tee laughs a little bit. He knows his eyes turn red easily if he cried.

"Don't tease me. It's going late, I don't want you to drive late at night"

"okay. Let's go together" Tee locks his door and walk hands in hands with Tae to the car.

They didn't talk much just enjoy their silent time together.

"we are here. I'm going love" Tae kiss Tee on the lips and smiles to Tee before he enter the car. He rolls down the window and Tee put his hands there.

"drive safely. Call me when you arrived. I love you" Tee leans to kiss Tae on the cheek.

"I love you more. See you soon. Goodnight love"

"okay. I will miss you"

"I will miss you more" Tae ruffles Tee's hair

Tee smiles and walk away from the car slowly, his heart feels heavy but he try to be strong. He waves his hand while watching Tae drive away. Tae also watch Tee from the side mirror all the way till he can't see Tee anymore.

Tee remains there even though he can't see Tae's car anymore. Deep inside he prays Tae will be saved till he arrived his destination.

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