Part 13

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-not edited-

Tee is at work while his friends still trying hard to find the necklace for him, he is thankful for them but at the same time he feels guilty for making his friends do stuff for him. They even have their own life and things important to do than helping him.

"Tee, can you do this delivery?" ask his senior at work. Tee's mind is somewhere else but he tried to stay focus.

"Yes phi" Tee takes the receipt and the address. He puts the food safely and wear his helmet.

The ride is short since it in the close distance, he takes off the helmet and wear mask and a cap like usual. He takes a look at the room number and walk to the closest elevator.

He already did a lot of deliveries here since this is close to the restaurant. All of them are the students studying at his uni, he didn't talk and cover his face as much as he can when he makes deliveries. Not everyone knows he work part time, he doesn't want anyone to recognise him too.

When he reach the room he press the bell and wait for someone to answer the door. After a minute waiting the door is still unanswered so he press it again. He hopes the customer will answer the door soon.

"wait a minute!" he heard a yell from inside so he feels better, there are someone behind the door to pay for the food he is delivering.

"sorry, I'm in shower" the customer pants, he is running around his house.

He is still has wet hair and water on his body, Tee can see it all since all the customer is wearing is the dark blue towel.

Tee shows the receipt, the man needs to pay for his food so that he can go back to work.

"You are the same guy who did delivery to my room before. Still didn't talk much I guess" The man chuckles and pay a few bill to Tee.

Tee counts it and want to give the change back but the man said he did not need it.

"It's a tip. Keep it"

"Thank you" replies Tee soft. He is thankful that some customers are this kind to him.

"thank you too, Tee" Tee's head snap up to see the one who called his name.

"Phi Tae" Tee stutters the name out, he can't believe he didn't recognise the voice, he knows Tae's voice well, for him it's scary.

"Uhm, I'm going" Tee decided to run away from the door, he made a mistake splashing water to Tae today. He is dead!

"Not so fast!" Tae grabs Tee's arm tight, Tee try to let it go but he can't. Tae is amazes with Tee's effort to be freed from his grip.

Tae did look scary, like a serial killer or a rapist right now. If anyone being caught like this they will cry for help.

"Phi Tae, I'm sorry but I need to go now. I'm still working" Tee begs Tae to let him go but Tae did the opposite. He pulls Tee inside his room and close the door, he even lock it. Is he sane?!

Tee walks to the wall when Tae keep walking toward him, approaching him like a predator. With Tae's scary face, Tee knows he will has a nightmare tonight.

"Hey, don't look so scared. I'm not a bad guy" huh, whose gonna believe that.

"well, not yet" Tae brings his face closer to Tee and whispers the words. Tee shuts his eyes tight and hugging himself from Tae.

Tee is thinking the best way to get out from the room, punching and kicking Tae may give him some space to run but he can't even move being trapped to the wall like this. He can't even raise his leg.

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