Part 18

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-not edited-

Weekend come before Tee realised it, he actually almost forgotten about his promise with Tae because he stop thinking about it and the past few days. A text is enough to remind Tee about the promise.

"Why are you sighing?" ask Mond when he sees Tee is back into misery, Tee looks okay for a few days.

"Nothing, just tired" lies Tee, he decided to keep it secret from his friends, he hopes this is the last his encounter with Tae, he can't chase away the bad feeling when he is close to Tae.

"should I told my brother to give you more off day and more pay?" ask Mond innocently but Tee laughs at it, trust it or not, if Tee did ask for it Mond will force his brother to do so.

"I'm fine. I'm not tired of working, just tired" adds Tee and Mond understand it.

Others join them in the class after they are done talking, Xan look the worst among all of them. They heard about Xan taking care of a patient, the senior he accidently hurt because of his temper.





Tee and Mond smile and nod their head, when all of them have their seat they ask Xan about the senior.

"How is he? How long you need to stay at his room?" ask Lime curious. They though it's only for three days but it's already passed that.

"he is stubborn! Last night, he insisted to take shower even though the bulb in the bathroom is broken. I told him to wait for me to buy a new one and change it but he never listen. He fell in the bathroom, he injured his feet!" rants Xan angrily but others can't help but laugh.

Xan always rant about how hard to take care of stubborn senior like Karn. Both of them always has southern to fight about, everyday.

"so, you will need to nurse him more?" ask Mond still laughing.

"I can't leave him alone yet. He tends to skip meals too and when he is in pain, he bears it without taking med. I'm really can't let he live alone in that state"

Everyone can sense something but they keep it quiet, who cares about a stranger that much? Xan is a really good man but to be this kind to a stranger, there is something fishy about it.

The class start when the professor enter the classroom and they halt their conversation for a while.

The lectures keep on for two hours, they go to the cafeteria for their lunch. Xan decided to go back to his room because his patient need to eat too. Thankfully the uni is close to the place he is staying.

-reply my text please, where would we meet tomorrow?

Here comes another text from Tae and Tee hold himself from sighing. He types something as a reply, an enough reply to make Tae stop bothering him today.

-at 11, B Mall. Please bring my necklace and see you tomorrow.

Tee ends their chat and put his phone inside his bag.

"Tee, can you come to support us today. Today might be the end of our game since Engineering is a strong opponent" ask Pond.

"Yes. I will join you guys"

"Great!!! Let's paint our face with our faculty colours" Lime is excited and they all agree with it. They are sure some fans will do it too.

"You Anne, today you need to support us, not your boyfriend!" warns Mond.

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