Part 61

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Kulen told Tee everything he has told Tae before, about his family and the old book his family keep since the old time.

Tee now understand why Tae asked him weird questions while they are on their way here.

"Khun, I'm confused" Kulen and Tae understand it well, Tee still can't grasp what's happening yet.

"my great great grandfather didn't tell anyone wether the story is real or not but he kept the old book and ask us to keep ir safely. My late father told me before he died to bring both of you here, together if both of you exist in this world. I don't have any heir that I can pass this old book so I don't know how to keep this book.

One day, I saw Tae when he was in my class as a first year. I'm delighted because he look a lot like this old drawing of the king. I tried to approach him but I don't know how.

One day, I got a chance and that chance came after three years. Tae came to me like a fate, he helped me to tidy my office. I left the book to him and he took it. It's a miracle that he took the book.

Tee, I've never seen you before not even once and my day at the University has come to end. I don't know how but today, fate brings both of you here. Finally, my family able to bring you both here. Now I can die in peace"

Tee still can't processed everything right now and he is divided by half, either to believe or don't believe all of this is happening to him. He saw everything, he saw the potraits, it's clearly wasn't a lie.

"so, did you think all of this are reincarnation phi?" ask Tee to Tae since he can see Tae take it all better than him.

"I don't know Tee because I fall in love with you first before I know all of this. I did get dreams of the past but nothing as I remember I pass through all of that process. It just like I dreamt of someone else who looks like me" Tae hold Tee's hand because he knows it is a lot for Tee to take in right now.

"I'm sorry but, can you leave the books and let me be alone for a little bit" Tee politely ask and Kulen and Tae understand it. They both leave Tee at the chairs.

Kulen serves Tae a cup of coffee and sit in front of Tae. They both enjoy the coffee in quiet.

"I can't believe I will be able to see both of you here" Kulen said with a happy smile.

"I'm glad I able to come here with Tee. I don't care wether the king and me are the same person or not because I do love Tee and I love Tee a lot"

"You are right, just because both of you look alike the king and the queen don't mean you both are the same person. Maybe both of you here, in this life to put a closure for my family's tradition." Kulen is happy that finally what he and his family protecting come to end, everyone will be happy with this event.

Tee walks to them after two hours, Kulen and Tae already cook dinner while waiting for Tee.

Tee goes directly into Tae's arms and Tae gladly try to help Tee to calm down. Kulen smiles watching the young couple like this.

"I hope with us here will bring happiness for them" Tee read the book and he cried hard for their love story to end like that but at least they were together till the last breath.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you this story earlier."

"it's okay. It's better like this since I can see the proof with my own eyes. This night be fate or coincidence but I'm glad we are in this"

"me too" whispers Tae to Tee.

After the whole 15 minutes, Tee wipes his tears and wai to Kulen, he act like a rude person just now.

"I'm sorry khun for being rude. I'm Tee" Tee apologise and introduce himself. Kulen pats Tee's bag and told them to sit to eat dinner.

"You can call me Uncle Kulen"

"Khrub uncle. Excuse me but can I use bathroom first?" Kulen shows Tee the way and Tee leaves both of them at the table to refresh himself a little bit.

After that the dinner is going well, they share stories of the book and more detailed stories from Kulen. Overall it's a good day even though it is filled with surprises.

Tee cleans the table while Tae wash the dishes. Kulen already excuse himself to go to sleep after giving Tae and Tee blankets and pillows for them to sleep.

Tee take shower first before Tae, even though it's late but they need to take one before going to bed. Tee plays with his phone replying his friends texts and scrolling through social medias while waiting for Tae.

Tae enters the room still wiping his wet hair, he sits beside Tee and kiss Tee on the head making Tee looks at him confuse.

"thank you for coming here with me and I'm sorry for making you surprised like today"

Tee smiles, put down his phone and hugs Tae. It did making him overwhelmed with a lot of feelings but he didn't hate it. Deep inside he feels happy because at the ebd, the king and the queen were together till death come to them.

"I'm glad we came here. I like this place and I heard a lot of things we can do here. I can't wait for tomorrow, I want to explore everything here" says Tee excited and Tae laughs a little.

"then, we should sleep earlier so that you can have enough energy tomorrow" Tae hangs his wet towel and pull their blanket to cover their body.

Tee puts his head on Tae's shoulder and leans close to Tae's side. Tae puts his arm around Tee and they slowly fall asleep.


Tee awake earlier than Tae so he decided to prepare breakfast for three of them. He is alone in the kitchen humming to his favorite song while preparing ingredients to cook.

"Good morning nong Tee" greet Kulen when he see happy Tee cooking in his kitchen.

Tee smiles and greet Kulen back. He invited Kulen to sit and serve him with a cup of tea.

"I can't drink coffee in the morning so I make tea, you are okay with it?" ask Tee.

"I'm fine with tea too. So, how's sleep?" ask Kulen while sipping the hot tea. The tea taste good, better than what he always had.

"It's colder than what I imagine but everything else is comfortable." replies Tee and start frying the eggs. He only prepared light breakfast like fried rice and eggs.

"I'm sorry for using your kitchen without your permission" Tee serve a plate to Kulen.

"you can use it as yours"

Kulen taste the food and he compliments Tee for cooking it. It does taste good, a lot better than him.

While they are enjoying breakfast Tae come into the kitchen and greet both of them. Tae kiss Tee on top of his head before take a seat beside Tee leaving Tee blushing because he is shy with the kiss.

"Why you didn't wake me up?" ask Tae to Tee.

"because you are tired phi, you drove here yesterday and we had a long day yesterday too. Besides, Uncle keep me company while cooking"

"Okay." Tae smiles and start eating his food too.

They both decided to walk around the place and Kulen told them to not wander too far in case they might get lost in the forest. Tae already prepared everything in his bag pack in case of emergencies.

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