Part 25

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The midterm examination already end and all students are enjoying their one week  break before continuing their normal schedule. Tee didn't enjoy his break like other students and focus on working but he promised the twin to be with them for the last weekend.

Tee doesn't want to stay at that house but he has no choice since the twin beg him to stay with them. He can do that much to his siblings since he love them so much. He will try to avoid everyone that hate him in the house.

Tae spends his time with his family and his friends too, they intent to spend their holidays as much as they can because their schedule will be hellish busy after this short break.

Tae spent four days with his family and the remaining holidays with his friends, they spend their time camping in the mountain. Enjoying the thrill and nature as much as they can.

While everyone having fun with each other, Karn keep staring at his phone, his mind is full with someone that he insist he doesn't like much but he wants to at least get a text from the annoying Junior.

"are you waiting for a call?" ask Boss and sits beside Karn. He needs the heat from the fire because it is really cold here at night. They are on the top of the mountain after all, they can't even see stars tonight since fogs invade the area making it is hard to see anything far from them.

"no" replies Karn short and keep his phone inside his hoodie's pocket.

Boss shrugs his shoulder and continue sipping his hot chocolate. He ignores his phone because they didn't get good reception there. He already told his girlfriend about his condition before they hike up here.

"Ah, I miss my girlfriend but can't do anything about it" grumbles Zoe. He tried to send a text to his girlfriend but it never went through.

"Give up guys. Tomorrow we will head back to uni and you guys can go to your lover. Let's sleep early tonight since we need to climb down early morning tomorrow" Tae walks to his tent that he shares with Karn.

Karn follows after Tae and enter the tent. He zip it close and lay in his sleeping bag. He wants to sleep but he can't close his eyes because his mind is full with someone. Their last conversation was when he chase Xan away from his room that morning. It almost a month now.

"You can talk to me of you want to share it. Seeing you like this, Karn and Boss are worried too" said Tae, Karn glances at Tae who is closing his eyes but not sleep yet.

"I'm sorry" apologise Karn without knowing a reason why.

Tae chuckles, what is Karn sorry about?

"we won't force you but you know we all are here with you" replies Tae still closing his eyes.

Karn sighs, he is thinking wether he should tell Tae what is happening in his brain but he is a little bit scared, Tae doesn't like to talk about this matter much, what if Tae change after he share his thought.

"What if, I'm gay?" Karn put all in, he bets everything this time for asking this question to Tae. He knows Zoe and Boss will be okay with it but Tae is a little bit different.

Tae is silence for a minute and Karn can't help but disappointed with the response. What should he do now?

"Don't worry Tae, I'm just asking and don't worry, I ask this not because I have feelings for any of us" Karn can't hide his disappointment, he turns to another side and try to sleep. He will know if he ruin their friendship tomorrow.

"I'm okay with it Karn. I don't care if you are gay. I know I've never show a good response before but not because I didn't respect them, I just don't understand how that's happen and for me it's a little bit weird." Tae sits down and look at Karn, he knows his silence just now hurt Karn and ruin Karn's bravery to ask that question.

Karn turn to see Tae and he sits too, he is happy to hear Tae said all of that. Means even though he is a gay man, their friendship will still the same.

"I don't care if you are gay and I'm sure Zoe and Boss will be ecstatic about this. They always want to have a gay best friend so that they can tease them and to check out hot guys." Tae laughs at that, his best friends are a little bit crazy after all.

Karn laughs at that, it is so true because he is sure these two at least bisexual because they always has eyes for men and women.

"Thank you Tae" Karn means it, now he feels a lot better, his mind becomes clearer.

"Hey, we are friends, best friends. I respect who you are, I will always be your support"

"Thanks again man!"

"Yeah. By the way, who is the man?" ask Tae with a smirk. Something must happened to make Karn realise he likes a man, right?

"Huh?" ask Karn pretending to be dumb, he is not ready to talk about that yet because he himself still unsure about his feelings. One step at a time

"Well, I think that junior is really a good guy" said Tae and he waits for a reaction from Karn.

"what junior?! Go to sleep!" Karn hides himself in the sleeping bag and turn away from Tae. He has nothing to say anymore and seems like Tae knows more than what he thought.

Tae let is slide this time and get back to sleep. He needs to restore his energy to climb down tomorrow.


Tee is playing with the twin since tonight is his last night with the twin. Tomorrow he needs to leave early because he wants to meet with his friends, spending time together before a new week start.

"Guys, it's already late. Let's sleep" Tee helps the twin to tidy their colouring books.

Tia and Tin help to clean up, they brush their teeths together and get into the bed. Tee lays a comforter in the middle of the single bed, he is always sleeping there when he stays over.

"Okay. Goodnight Tia, Tin" Tee kiss both of their foreheads.

"Good night phi. We love you"

"I love you more" Tee smiles at them

He sits leaning on the wall and watch the twin to go to sleep. He loves watching their sleeping face because Tia look so much like his mother and Tin look like his father.

"I miss you so much mae, por" Tee sighs his sadness away. He holds his tears because he doesn't want to wake the twin up.

He feels thirsty and decided to go to the kitchen and fill the water bottle he always has in the bedroom, he hopes he doesn't come across anyone, especially Park.

He takes the bottle to the kitchen, he fills it up and drink a glass of water. The house is already dark, everyone already in their room and maybe asleep too. Tee is done and when he wants to leave a hand grab him from behind and push him on the wall. His body is in pain because of the push.

"Got you! You think you can run away from me" Park is whispering on his ears and he hates it! He wants to scream but another hand cover his mouth. All he can do now is pray.

Tee struggles to let go, he try as hard as he can but with his body planted on the wall and his hand at his back being held tightly by Park, he can't free himself.

'Mae, Por, help me!' Tee prays hard in his heart, he keeps struggling and able to break free, he wants to give a punch but a voice stop him.

"What are you doing?" ask Ying, Tee hates to admit it but he is glad that Ying is here now.

"He try to seduce me. Gay bit**!" Park push Tee away.

Tee wants to defend himself but Ying look at him disgustingly, like he is a trash.

"Go now! I will tell everyone if you try this again!" Ying is half yelling.

Tee knows he is doomed now and he can't ever defend himself in here so he left. He runs away from there, he is still traumatised with the incident just now.

He is scared, really scared!

Ying slaps Park hard on the cheek. Park wince in pain because of the slap.

"I saw everything just now. If you want to do something, do it somewhere else! Stupid! " Ying want to walk away but she steps on something and she takes it. It's the necklace Tee always wear, Ying smirk evilly and walk away with it.

What will happen to Tee now?

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