Part 29

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A/n, some of you might skip this part because this is not about Tae and Tee at all but it is important so you need to read it if you want to understand what happened for the next next chapter. Enjoy reading.

-not edited-

To explain more about Ying, why everyone loves her and think of her as an angel because she act like one. No one will say she is a bad person because of her personality she shows to the public. The only people who knows her can tell all she is showing is fake.

Pine did fall in love with Ying because for him, Ying is the best girlfriend he ever had, for him Ying has everything he asked from a girl so he concluded that Ying is the perfect one for him.

"Our 100th days anniversary is coming, I want to buy something for you" Pine smiles and holds Ying's hand dearly.

Ying is really excited and she is hoping that she will get an expensive gift, she knows Pine is rich but she doesn't know how rich he is.

"I'm surprised you remember, you remember it is already the best gift for me" Ying smiles softly, she is really touched by it.

She has bad personality that she hide but she is a loyal girlfriend, she never cheated, she just don't like when Tee has something more than her. To say she is a good girlfriend is not an exaggeration because she is one but she is a fake.

"Let's get inside" Pine pulls Ying's hand into a jewellery shop, mostly sold diamonds and golds in here, Ying is getting an expensive surprise after all.

Ying cheers silently inside, she is really ecstatic about the gift she will has. Jewelleries! Which girl hate that?

"Phi Pine, this is too expensive for a gift" Ying try to stop both of them from totally enter the shop but Pine reassures her to come further inside.

"Welcome, may I help you?" ask the worker politely, she is smiling for the couple.

"It's still early to buy you a ring, how about a bracelet?" ask Pine to Ying. If Ying can she will be jumping in happiness but she try to control herself.

Ying glances to the price, all of them indeed expensive and she is a little afraid that Pine can't afford it since Pine is still a student like him, how many allowance his parent gave him to buy this.

Ying doesn't want to look too eager and she also doesn't want to lose face if Pine can't afford what she wants so she decided to choose a more cheaper one.

"It's too expensive phi, you can buy me food and I'm already happy with it" more acting here making Pine feels proud having Ying as a girlfriend.

"both of you are lucky to have each other, both of you are sweet" praise the worker, it is her work after all.

"This tray is the latest pattern arrived, it also affordable to young couple like both of you" the worker pull out a tray of ten bracelets on it, Ying's eyes are sparkling with them but she try hard to contain herself.

"this one is pretty" The one Ying chose is not the cheapest but not the most expensive too.

Pine take it and try to put it on Ying's wrist, it is beautiful and Ying like it very much.

"You like this one?" ask Pine happy that Ying is accepting the gift from him.

Pine bought it and Ying wear it on her wrist, while they are leaving the meet with a man at the entrance and the man greet Pine.

"Khun Pine, what are you doing here?"

"Phi Oab, buying a little bit gift for my girlfriend" replies Pine polite with a wai, Ying wai the man too.

"What a beautiful girlfriend you have" Oab compliments the couple. They talk a little bit more before Oab excuse himself because he has work to do, he is the branch manager of the shop.

"You know that man?" ask Ying when they are on the way to Pine's condo, Ying promised to cook for Pine tonight.

"yeah, he is my father's staff" answer Pine short but making Ying shock! Pine's parent own jewellery shops that famous in Thailand, how rich is he?!

Ying a little bit disappointed that she didn't buy the more expensive bracelet just now, Pine can afford it.

"I'm surprised. You never told me about your parent"

"I must forgot to say that. I mean, I will introduce you to them one day. I want to meet your parent too"

Pine is totally serious about their relationship and Ying thinks she  catch a good one, she will keep Pine forever. She can't find anyone richer and better than Pine at this point.

Night growing darker each hour and Ying decided to stay over, they both are adult and Ying thinks she needs to give everything she has to keep Pine tied at her side, they are a couple after all and it's not their first time. Pine has a good husband materials, since she wants to thank Pine, she give everything to Pine that night.


The morning comes, Pine leans at the headboard and stares at Ying's face while playing with Ying's hair, she kiss Ying's forehead. This is their first intimate encounter since they date each other. If he can, he wants to marry Ying so much.

He gets off from the bed when the bell ring on his door, he ordered breakfast for both of them. He serves it on the plate and make two cups of coffee for both of them.

He blushes and smile while collecting their clothes on the floor, last night indeed a little intense but he loves everything that happened between them. While he collecting Ying's clothes something fall from the shirt to the floor.

Pine ignores it first and hang their clothes before he leans down to pick up the thing that fell.

He is shocked! The necklace he is holding in his palm making he shakes in fear. He puts the necklace on the table and search something in his drawer. When he found the thing he is searching for he feel on the floor, astounded!

His hand trembles when he old the other identical necklace in his hands. The necklaces is same! Totally same with his. He didn't wear it because he forgot about it before and he keeps it in the drawer for a long time.

Pine's head is throbbing like crazy, his heart is beating so fast like he is running with full speed.

"No way! This is mine, this belong to Ying? I need to call Phi Jay. I'm going crazy" Pine gets up and search for his phone, he keeps his necklace back in the drawer, put the one he found on the table.

"Maybe Ying found it or maybe someone gave it to her. Maybe she bought it from someone. Maybe it is not hers at first"

Pine able to calm down when he thinks about it. He try to put himself together without assuming bad things and Ying wakes up when he is struggling with his inner side.

"Good morning phi" greets Ying with a shy smile.

Pine takes his shirt and give it to Ying, trying to act calm and normal. Ying wear the shirt which is bigger on her and walks to Pine to kiss her boyfriend but Pine avoid it.

"Sorry, I want to brush my teeth first" Pine pats Ying's head softly and Ying accept it without feels weird.

They eat breakfast and talk a little bit till its the time for Ying to leave. Pine decided to ask about the  necklace then.

"Is this yours?" ask Pine while holding the necklace, Ying almost forgot about it.

"Yes!" answer Ying fast and try to take it from Pine, she is nervous about it because it is not hers actually and she doesn't want Pine to think badly about her.

"where did you buy it?" ask Pine more.

"I'm not sure, my mom gave it to me. Can I please have it back? It means a lot for me" Ying is scared to make up a story about it so she just give the better answer.

Pine is scared to with the answer so he let Ying take it from him. Ying also worry about her lies and try to leave as soon as she can.

Things moving fast, Ying left and Pine lost in his own world.

A/n sooo, you guys know whose parent the richest now? Hahaha

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