Part 48

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Tae finally finished his studies, now he is doing his internship before he can graduate, this is his last step for his uni's life. He is happy but at the same time he is sad because he can't spend time with Tee a lot. He has to move to another place too since the company he is doing internship now is far from the uni.

Tee also lives alone in the condo that he shared with Pine now because Pine also has to do his internship. A lot of changes happened at the same time, giving Tee has a hard to adjust.

It's not just Tee, his other friends face the same thing with him, they all in the same boat and try to comfort each other to fill the loneliness. They are jealous with their friends who are not affected like them.

Xan always spend his time with Tee, he also sleep and stay at Tee's place almost everyday because he said he can't be at his place where he can't see Karn. He is a little bit over but Tee understand it well, he also glad that Xan wants to stay with him.

"Tee, we will have public holidays for two days. Phi Karn told me he will come and see me, how about Phi Tae?" ask Xan to Tee while they are having dinner together.

"He is not sure yet because his family has important event that day." Tee looks sad with his answer and Xan feels guilty for asking that.

"I'm sure he will take time to meet you here. He is always come unexpectedly" Xan try to ease Tee's sadness and Tee smiles a little bit.

Tae always call him and they chat a lot but it never same with meeting face to face, he wants to touch the person he loves, just watching it from phone scree is not enough.

"he called everyday but it's never enough, maybe I'm too greedy" Xan laughs when  Tee said that.

"he is your boyfriend so nothing is wrong with being greedy. Me too, I'm more greedier than you, I went there myself even though Phi Karn didn't let me"

"I really felt bad that I can't go with you that day"

Two weeks ago Xan drove to meet Karn, he invited Tee to join him but Tee can't because of his grandmother's health suddenly become worst. He needs to stay and be here with his family

"things happened and family always comes first" Xan pats Tee's back to comfort Tee.

"My grandma already accept me and I'm really happy with that. I hope god give me more time to spend with her, I want her to be healthy again"

"I'm sure she will be fine. Don't think so much"

Tee and Xan eat their dinner while chatting about their family. Xan and Karn might look like a happy couple but they have their own problems too. Xan's family can't accept his relationship with Karn, Xan are having a hard time too. His parent even threaten to stop giving him allowance.

"how is your parent? They are still angry? " ask Tee this time.

"my mom is okay now, she talked to me yesterday and told me that I can love anyone I want as long as I'm sincere. My dad, he is still stubborn" Xan doesn't sounds sad, maybe because his mom already can accept him. Tee only can pray that everything will be fine to Xan.

"Everything takes time to happen. It's already a miracle a person we love love us the same" Tee always keep that thought for himself because he doesn't want to ask for more than what he can has.

Xan nods his head agreeing with Tee, he is sad that his dad is not open about his relationship but he never blames his dad about this, every one has their own principle. His dad never talk badly about gay people, he just can't face the fact that his son is a gay person.

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