Part 5

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-mistakes everywhere, not edited-

Some students working hard on their assignments forgetting their untouched lunch. Their schedules today are packed and they barely have time to breath including now.

"I'm almost done with mine" said one of them while finishing up his slides.

Others are doing their best to catch up too. When six of them are satisfied with their own slides they send to one person who in charge in compiling it.

They are done after rechecking it twice.

"I will email it to our professor now" said the student again and other five agree.

"Done!" Six of them cheers and high fives each other. The day will be done when they attend their last class today at four till six.

"let's eat"

The table become quiet again because this is their first food for today, they are just first year students but their schedule are packed with classes and clubs. They must join a club if they want extra mark in curriculum.

Let's have a short introduction about this gang, some called them the sixth sense. Even themselves didn't know why their group was called as that ridiculous name.

Xan, can be called as the leader of the group. He is mix blood thailand and canada, he is super handsome and tall. Girls fall for him real hard, some boys try too and he is okay for both sides. A bit of player but nice. He has a body a man dream of since he loves gym more than he loves his room.

Pond, he is tall and the smartest among all of them, the one who control the group too. He is matured and they depend on him so much. He didn't talk much but when he is angry, he can talk real fast and your ears will bleed. Only one person can cool him off, his boyfriend. Lime.

Lime is small and cute but super fast, he is cheerful but not the smartest among all, a bit slow too. Pond's boyfriend. He is confidence because even with his small body, he is athletic since he is in track team. You can call him bullet because he is small and fast, just less smart.

Mond or Moon, his girly name. He is a diva full of sass, he has feminine build but he is really pretty. Likes wearing make up but not overdo it, girls consult him about fashion and make up. He is the peacemaker and an angel fall from heaven, too good to be a human. He is too naive and innocent some times, always make his friend worry about him. He is, super rich!

Anne is the only girl in their group, she is strong and has a string justice. Don't let her knows you are cheating or mistreated people, she will write your name in death note. She is scary when she is angry but she is nice. She is lovely and pretty, she just chose to hide her beauty behind her less fashion sense. Always argue with Mond about fashion.

The last one is Tee, he is the normal one. He is smart, independent and matured. He has his good and bad side too, he is hardworking and like to hide his talent because he hates attention on himself. A funny but nice guy to hang out with, he is a real gentleman too.

"guys! I heard Phi Tae from engineering and Phi Pine from Economic will fight to get your cousin. They enter swimming to win her" Mond is a gossip monger, he has everything in his hand like an Internet especially about gossips in the uni. He has a big group since he is in the media club.

"Huh? Who?" ask Tee confused, he never cares about others. He took a month leave because of family's matter and he late in knowing everything that happened in the uni.

Mond smack his own forehead while others just laugh at how lost Tee is right now. Now, Mond need to start over the whole story about rivalry between Pine and Tae.

Tee is not interested about the story at all but he just listen to it, might be useful or useless in the future.

"so, they want to date my cousin?" ask Tee perplexed, Ying already has a boyfriend if he is not mistaken.

"Yeah, The Witch Ying! She entered the uni later than other and spotlights are on her. So annoying!" Lime huffs angrily.

They dislike and detest Ying because of what she had done to Tee, how she mistreated Tee all the time even though they are family. Tee said nothing about them hating her because he didn't like her that much either.

"she is so plastic! Acting nice in front of others, what a witch!" Anne hits the table making the plates on it shake. He is black belt karate too.

"she must be so happy now because the princes are aiming for her. I hope neither of then win the competition, no one can claim her as a girlfriend then" Xan open his mouth this time, he flirts with everyone except Ying. He doesn't think that Ying is beautiful because he has his own way of saying someone is beautiful.

"Tee, you should enter it and win the game. Our faculty name will be known to other. You and Xan are great swimmers" suggests Pond this time.

Tee shakes his head, he has no time to practice because he is busy with his studies and part time work.

"I agree with Pond! Our faculty don't have participants yet. This is great, you can crush the witch happiness and at the same time make our faculty proud." Xan is so ready to swim and become the winner now. He will beat everyone in the game since he is good in it.

"I agree too!!" cheers others. Tee sighs, there is no escaping it this time. He needs to rearrange his schedule then?

"Don't worry about your work Tee. I will tell my brother you will not working but he needs to pay you" Mond smiles at Tee. Tee works at his brother's restaurant.

"no, he shouldn't pay me"

"shhh!" scold Mond this time.

"I will pay you then. Remember this Tee, I'm not buying you with money, nor I try to use money on you. Please, if you win, the win is for me. Okay?" begs Mond with his beautiful eyes. Everyone knows Tee will lose with that puppy eyes.

Tee sighs, he always lost when his friends beg him like this.

"I will take the money if I win the game" Tee decided with his own condition.

His friends cheer at that agreement.

"we need to sign up our name. I will tell Phi Kong, he will put our name" Xan takes out his phone and text someone, must be Phi Kong, their leader in the faculty.

"Ai Pond, can you teach me how to do this report?" Lime leans to his boyfriend, he is the sweetest when asking help from Pond. By teaching he means he wants Pond to do it for him.

"You are partner with Anne, discuss with her" Rejects Pond a little bit cold. Lime pouts, playing his pitiful look.

Others shake their head, they are so done with the drama, Pond always end up helping Lime no matter what. Sometimes they are wondering, what is the point of rejecting at the first place.

"This time is my turn to do the report. Please" begs Lime again, he shakes Pond's arm cutely.

There, everyone can see the defeat smile from Pond.

"I'm out!" Anne the first one to leave, can't bear her eyes and ears anymore. Better run now.

"Me too!" Tee follows, other two follow, leaving the couple alone. Its hard to has a couple within your group of friends, especially when you are single.

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