Part 43

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Tae woke up to his alarm ringing on the bedside table. To be honest, he wants to slam the phone off because he is still sleepy and tired, last night is a drama with full tense happened in his life.

He glances to the screen, he wants to ignore it after turning off the alarm but his eyes catch a notification saying a text from Tee.

His eyes lit up fast, the tiredness he felt before flee through the window. He is curious but at the same time scared with Tee's texts. So many assumptions twirling in his head, all of it are bad one. He is so negative right now.

Hope less, hurt less. That's the quote Tae try to use in case he will end up with a bad rejection.

He opens the text, read it once. Reread it twice, repeat for another second times. He can't believe the answer from Tee. Tee is saying 'Yes' for his confession. They share the same feelings toward each other.

"Yahoo!!!!" Tae screams happily.

His voice able to wake the whole building. He try to call Tee, he needs to listen the answer directly from Tee's lips now. He is desperate for a confirmation from Tee.

The call didn't reach Tee and Tae start to be anxious, why he can't reach Tee now? So many possibilities run through his head.

"I will go to him" Tae decided to meet Tee face to face.

He is still wearing his pajamas, the hair is really messed up, he has a really bad bed hair. The face of people just woken up will greet Tee this morning. Not a normal smart looking Tae.

Tae runs to the other building, doesn't car how he looks right now. He is running real fast that he almost run some people, he use the stairs instead of elevator that people prepared for convenience.

Tae doesn't care how he looks right now, he doesn't even try to look presentable in front of Tee. He knocks the door, again, almost wake up the whole level with the sound.

Someone comes running to the door because he is angry with the crazy person banging his door. Pine appears in front of the door with murderous look. Both of them are having a super bad bed hair.

"are you crazy?" scold Pine but Tae doesn't care and push Pine aside so that he can enter the condo.

Pine absolutely speechless with Tae's action now, he even wonder if Tae didn't see him standing here.

"Phi Tae?" the surprised Tee wakes Pine from his cloud, he walks inside only to see Tae is hugging Tee real tight.

"Hoi! Let my nong go!" Pine pull Tae away from his brother, he even hide Tee behind him.

"Tee, the text. Everything is true right? You accept me as your boyfriend?" Tae try to come closer again but Pine steps a few steps back with Tae.

"yes. I want to be with you Phi Tae" Tee shyly admit it making Tae super happy, this time he successfully jump to hug Tee, Pine between them because he is stuck. He doesn't has time to respond to their conversation.

"thank you Tee. I will be the best lover you ever had" confess Tae shamelessly.

Pine push Tae away, this time hard enough to free himself between the newly made couple.

"wait! you want to date my nong?" ask Pine angrier this time. Tee is worry now when Pine ask like that. He will not bless their relationship?

"yes. I like and love him a lot. I want to be with him" Tae bravely admit it and he didn't thinking twice to tell his feelings toward Tee making Tee blush more.

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