Part 42

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The dinner is not what Tae imagine because he can see Tee is not as happy as him while eating. He can detect that Tee feels uncomfortable and want to go home soon.

"the food is not good?" Tae ask, maybe Tee doesn't like Japanese food as much as him and he thinks maybe Tee just eat it because he is the one who wants to eat that.

Tee shakes his head meaning the food is good but he choose to keep quiet and silently eating his food back. Tee wants to ask Tae about the girl but he can't because he doesn't know how to ask about that, he is also afraid to hear the answer.

The dinner turn bad every second time is moving, Tae has to stop eating and cut their dinner short since Tee is not enjoying this moment.

As Tee promised he pays for the food, Tee's is still acting the same like dinner because he doesn't want to talk, just staring ahead of him.

The drive to their condo is really quiet that Tae had to turn on the radio to break the silence, he glances to Tee times to times while Tee staring to the dark street they are passing. The drive become so long with the silence.

Tae parks his car and wait for Tee to say something to him since they are already arrive. Tee remains quiet, proving that he is not in reality now, he is thinking about something deeply.

"Tee, we are here" Tae pats on Tee's shoulder.

"ah. We have arrived? I must fell asleep just now" Tee smiles a bit but it is a sad and nervous smile.

"Tee, you didn't enjoy our dinner?" Tae has to ask, he can't keep the question in his mind anymore. He wants to know what makes Tee behave like this, he is afraid if he made a mistake today and that mistake will ruin their relationship.

"I enjoy it phi. I'm just tired" Tee gives his excuse and Tae has to believe it even though he can't and doesn't want to believe it.

"I'm going first phi. Good night" Tee opens the door and ready to leave.

Tae takes a deep breath before get off too and call for Tee. Tee turns around and look at Tae who is walk-in toward him looking a little bit upset.

"Tee, I'm sorry but I like you" after saying that, making Tee shocked he pulls Tee's cheek and close their lip together, for a 10 seconds sharp. Tee is blinking like crazy.

Tee doesn't even has time to recover from the shock when Tae take something out of his pocket, a small box with blue colour appear. Tae opens the cover,showing a pair of ring.

"I want to love you, to treat you as my lover. I don't want to be your senior, your friend anymore. I want to be more and I want us to be official." Tae takes the ring and put it on Tee's ring finger before he wears his. Tee just let everything happen because he is still in the shocking state.

"I know I might sounds crazy right now but I really don't know how to tell you, how to act around you without showing my real feelings. At first I'm thinking of loving you without telling you but I can't. This ring, I asked my sister to buy it for me. She gave this to me just now, I hope to give it to you in more romantic ways, like at the dinner but I might have ruin everything. I'm sorry Tee, but please, can you give me a chance to love you?"

Tae talks real fast that Tee has to work his brain hard to understand every words. Tae is begging in front of Tee now, and Tee never see Tae act like this, he looks cute in Tee's eyes.

"the one who you met tonight was your sister?" ask Tee after arranging his words in his head.

"Yes. I know it might not be as expensive as your father's but I learn how to make it with my sister's help. Can you be my boyfriend, please?" pleads Tae hopeful.

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