Part 40

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Tae and Tee choose presents for Christmas, they almost buy the whole shelf when the counted people they will be giving it this Christmas.

Tae gives them the address for them to deliver the presents. When they are done with the shopping they find a place to eat.

"can we eat there, I want to eat noodles" ask Tee hopeful, he always watch people eating there but he can't afford it but now, with the allowance from his parent he will be able to eat here now.

"sure Tee and it's my treat" Tae wants to treat Tee for accompanying him today.

"eh, I can pay mine phi" Tee declines it fast, like usual he doesn't like to make people pay for him.

"today is my treat because you help me. Don't worry, let's go!" Tae pulls Tee's hand, he ignores Tee's deny because he really is thankful for Tee today.

They both enter the shop and look for a table, Tae found one and they both walk there.

Tee sits in front of Tae, a waiter come to give them menu and a paper for then to make their order. Tee choose what he wants to eat then follows by Tae.

"that's Phi Pram" Tee able to recognize his brother from behind,Pram is sitting in front of them but he is facing backward to them.

"yes, that's him" Tae needs to turn around to get a good look and he agree that that man is Pram.

"he is alone. Let greet him" Tee excitedly
walks to his brother, he hasn't seen him for a week.

"Phi Pram!" Tee touch Pram's shoulder and he is smiling widely, Pram did surprise but he smiles after that, he is happy to see Tee too.

While they are greeting and asking each other what they are doing at the mall, Tae excuse himself to go to the toilet, leaving Tee with Pram.

"are you on date?" ask Tee teasingly, he looks at the other side of the table, there is a phone and another glass of water on it.

Pram smiles and nod his head short, no one knows he is dating someone now because he is not ready to tell his family yet, but maybe he should tell Tee today, not like he can hide it from Tee now since Tee is here.

"oh, I will move and sit quietly at my table then. Don't want to interrupt your date" Tee grins sheepishly, he is curious to see Pram's date but not like he wants to disturb them.

"you can stay. I will introduce you"

"I'm okay phi, I will keep ot secret from our family too" Tee chuckles a bit.

"no. I want to introduce you, please stay" Pram hold Tee's hand asking Tee to stay, Tee just nod his head with a smile

"so, are you on date too? With Tae?" now it's time for Pram to tease Tee, Tee blushes a little bit and deny it hard

"no! We just want to buy some presents for Christmas. Nothing like that phi, we are friends!" Pram becomes more excited to tease Tee now because of hard denial.

"you know, hard denial means real"

"that's nonsense and ridiculous phi. Phi Tae is a good person, he will be with a beautiful and smart girl" Tee pouts a little bit.

"you are beautiful and smart too." Pram doesn't like Tee look humbly on himself.

"I'm a man phi" Tee plays with his fingers, he feels a little bit uncomfortable hearing that from Pram. He thinks of himself looking so normal.

"being a man doesn't mean you can't be beautiful."

"at least call me handsome phi" Tee avoids the topic, he knows Pram wants him to be more confidence about himself.

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