Part 55

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Tae can't sleep well because he is thinking about the person the monk told him before so he decided to call the given number and he got an address to see the said person.

He drives a long way to the village because it is too secluded and just a small village. He drove for eight hours to reach the village. While he driving at the soiled road which is not easy to drive by car, he looks around at the small forest surrounded the road.

He feels alive here, like a place he belongs to. The drive take an hour before he reached at a house made of wood. It is really beautiful with a lake around it. He also can hear the sound of water from a river. He can't believe this type of place is still exist in this world.

Tae get off from the car, this place is too far from a town but it is fully accommodated. This place has electricity and also phone signal. He is amazed.

"You must be Tae" a voice makes Tae turn around to look at the man.

"Professor?!" the man is his professor, the one he got the old book from.

The professor just laugh at Tae's surprised face. He walks to Tae's side while Tae wai at him respectful.

"let's get inside" This man is Prof Kulen, he is a professor in his faculty wjo teach the history of engineering, no wonder this  place has everything needed in a house

even though the house look like a traditional one but inside, it's full of electronics appliances, just same like a modern house.

"wow, I'm impressed prof" Tae look around the house and Kulen just laugh at Tae's reaction. That was a common reactions he got from other people too.

"well, I just install what I need" Kulen make two cup of coffees for him and Tae, he even serve Tae with biscuits and bread.

They have a small talk before they start talking what's playing in Tae's head. Tae has thousands of questions to ask about The King and his Queen.

"we will talk about that later. I'm sure you are tired, get some rest first" Tae agree with it and he enter a room prepared for him.

He loves it here, he wants to bring Tee with him here so that he can share what he is feeling right now with Tee.


Tee and his friends go to the resort first since they already has a plan among them before others join them. They want to enjoy their moments together without anyone else, without their lovers because they will has time less with each other later on.

They are playing ball at the beach ignoring the jot weather and just enjoy to the fullest. They want to let go all the burden from second years of their study because next semester they will be busier than before.

"I want to buy ice cream, anyone want it too?" ask Xan to his friends.

"yes!!!" yells Mond happily.

"I will just buy any flavours then!"

"okay!" replie them and continue playing.

"I'm coming with you" Tee walks to Xan to the store nearby. He can't match with his friends energy. They are so energetic.

Xan and Tee walk together side by side, Tee knows Xan has something in his mind because he try to be cheerful like usual but he knows Xan for years already.

"hey, you have something to share with me?" ask Tee softly, he doesn't want to sounds nosy.

Xan laughs a bit, he thought he hides his emotion well. He try to hide it because he doesn't want to spoil their vacation.

"You can see it?" ask Xan.

"we all can see it. Xan, we know you for years already, we all understand each other inside out" said Tee which is the truth.

Xan sighs and sit a chair near the shop. Tee sits beside him.

"tell me, maybe it can ease your feelings" Tee wants to help if he can. He doesn't want Xan to bear it alone because everyone is worry about him.

"You know, my parent, Phi Karn's parent will never accept our relationship. Phi Karn's parent want him to marry a woman of their choice" Xan sobs a little and Tee is shocked with the news, he thought it's just a small misunderstanding between them.

Tee is stunned to speak, Xan is crying sadly, even Tee has tears in his eyes. Tee pulls Xan into his arms, he wants to help Xan but he doesn't know how.

"We met his parent, they want him to leave the family if he want to stay with me. I don't know what to do" Xan continue sobbing making Tee cry too. He really doesn't know what to do.

Mond, Lime, Pond and Anne follow them actually and they are standing behind Xan when they heard the painful story. They run to Xan's side and hug Xan tightly. They feel bad for playing happily while his friends are facing this problem.

"Don't worry Xan, as long as you both love each other. We will find a way together to fight this. We all are together in this" Lime is crying real hard while hugging Xan.

"My selfish self want us to be together because we love each other. How we can be happy when he cry in his sleep thinking about his family. What should I do?" Xan has met a dead end because he knows whatever the decision they made, they will not be happy with it.

If Karn choose him, he lose his family if he choose his family, how can Xan survive.

"how is Phi Karn now?" ask Pond. He is worried about Karn too.

"he is staying with Phi Boss now." Mond look at Anne and they nod their head together reaching an understanding. They both leave to go somewhere else.

They will bring Karn to Xan, how can two broken heart be apart, they won't let that to happen. To reach Bangkok only take an hour drive and with Anne driving skill, they can make 40 minutes. She is a crazy driver.

Everyone understands the assignment so they decided to retun to their room to rest. Xan is too tired now. Pond, Lime and Tee help Xan to be in the room to rest while waiting for Karn.


Karn's condition is worst than Xan, they really want to make a team and fight with both of their parent. They will make a petition if they have too.

They are on the way to the resort now after forcing Karn to get into the car. Karn doesn't want to see Xan yet because he can't decide what to do, he is lost.

"Phi Karn, I know I'm not in your shoes so I have no right to tell you anything but you know, Xan knows and everyone knows how much you two love each other. Being apart is not the best solution from this, you two can be together because that's your strength and fight for it together." said Mond softly, he really doesn't know how to tell Karn but he wants them to be strong

"Mond is right phi. By together mean us together, not just you and Xan. We all, all of us will fight with you too. We will do anything to make sure you two can be together forever. Don't worry about this alone because you are never alone" Add Anne with a smile to encourage Karn.

"once you steal Xan's heart, it's not just your responsibility, it's all pur responsibility. We all want to achieve the same goal, we want to be happy together so we will help you and Xan. We will be happy together no matter what hurdles we need to face in the future" Mond looks at Karn who smile at them, Karn get some strength from their words. They all look crazy but they do love each other.

"thank you so much. I feel a lot better now since I have a group of strong army with me now"

"that's right! Now, you need to prepare yourself on how to face Xan. To watch his big build look so small while crying make us sad." Mond try to stop himself from crying again.

"how dare he wants to face it alone. We will never let him become sad alone. If he needs to cry, we will cry with him!" Anne sounds angry but she wipes his tears while driving. How dare anyone try to hurt their friends. How dare them?!

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