Part 32

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Pram is doing his work in the office when he get a call from his worker. Pram take off his glasses and put it on the table before answer the call, normally when a branch manager call you, bad news always come first.

"Yes Oab?" answer Pram while leaning his back on the comfortable chair.

"I don't know how to explain this but if you are free khun, please come here immediately" Oab sounds nervous on the line and Pram hates the fact that his thought is true. He hopes to hear good news sometimes.

"is this about a customer again?" ask Pram with a sigh. He takes his stuff in case he will not return to the office today.

Thankfully he has not meeting or something else urgent for the day, except the unfinished documents he needs to go through. That work can wait.

"it's better if you come here. I'm sorry for the trouble" when Oab said nothing else except an apology Pram already expecting for the worse.

"okay. I'm coming" Pram hang up the call, inform his secretary that he is leaving for the day.

Pram drives to the store, he feels a little bit nervous with the problem waiting for him but at the same time he is eager to know what is the problem.

Arounf 40 minutes he reached the mall and take a lift to go to the store. He takes a deep breath and ready for any possibilities before he enter the store. He was greeted by his staffs, he smiles and nod at them before enter the door to the back.

"Oab" calls Pram calm, he sees no weird customers in the store and he sees no problem at the moment. So he guess the problem is about their stocks or products.

"Khun Pram"

"just call me Phi Pram, Oab. What's the problem?" ask Pram. He puts down his bag and walk to Oab.

"I'm not sure about this one but it is real and original, it looks a lot like your family's." Oab shows the necklace in the box to Pram. He did clean and fix the necklace a little bit,but it is better to change the chain.

Pram is speechless with what he saw, he talked about this with Pine a few days ago and today, he see it with his own eyes.

"where, how? Did Pine send this?" Pram is lost, Pine said his girlfriend own it so how come it is here now?

"no khun. A man come and bring this, he wants me to fix it and make it looks new"

"a man?!" double shocked. How many this necklace are out there. How come in a close time he found two already. What is happening.

"Oab, please check this one if the material and details are the same" Pram gives his to Oab.

He walks to the other side and calls Pine, he needs to know if the girlfriend still has it with her at the moment. It can be the same one.

After talking to Pine and Pine confirming that Ying lost the necklace bring headache to him. This necklace belong to whom?

"Pine, come here immediately. I'm at Oab's store" Pram cut the call and return to the working table. He knows that the necklace is same with his but he needs to double check it. He needs a solid confirmation.

"it is 100% same khun"

Pram become silent. He sits on the chair to calm himself and at the same time to think what is happening right now and which one is real?

"You said, a mam came and bring this?" ask Pram about the person taking the necklace here.

"Yes, he looks like he is in twenties."

"Did he said this belong to him?" Pram touch both of the necklaces in his hand. He is close enough to find his baby brother. Maybe he will get a new clue.

"is there any possibility he stole this?"

"It might be but I don't think so. He looks rich enough, and he asked me to fix this and willing to pay for the cost. He is not a thief" Oab tells his observation, the man didn't try to sell it to the store.

Pram and Oab wait for Pine to be here, and he reached the store alone. He looks like he rushed to get here so soon.


"look at this nong" Pram shows the necklaces and Pine is shock, more than Pram. He touches and check the necklace.

"how?! This is crazy phi! Ying told me she lost it so how come it is here?"

Oab explained everything again to Pine. Pine is still speechless and dumbfounded with this news.

"CCTV! We can see his face and maybe we recognise him!" suggest Pine smartly.

Three of them roll the latest videos and found what they are looking for. Pine get triple shocks when he saw the face, it is bitter reality than a sweet one. He knows that face very well and he doesn't like it very much. He will die if they are brothers!

"You know him? Is there a chance he stole it?" ask Pram, he feels weird that Pine look like this, horrible. Like he sees a ghost.

"Yeah. This is the one that I told you. The annoying man, my rival! He is rich so I don't think he stole it. He can't be our brother right?" Pine shivers thinking about the possibility, can he become brothers with his rival?

"You said he is in the same year with you. Our baby brother must be younger than us" Pram shakes his head, his nong is not being smart right now.

"You are right! God, I almost die just now" Pram laughs a bit. He smacks Pine for being ridiculous just now.

"If khun Pine knows this person, maybe you can talk to him and hopefully he has answers for all the questions you have" suggest Oab.

That smart answer makes the brother hug him tightly. They knows what to do with their next step now. Oab is really helpful for the brothers.

"I will call and ask him to come to the shop to take it. You can meet him here" suggest Oab more.

"great. Please call him"

Pram and Pine are waiting for Tae to come here, Pine is still whining about want to ask Tae about his brother. He hates Tae from head to toe, he is the one who start the rivalry without a solid reason.

After a long wait Tae gets here and both of them can see Tae talk to Oab from inside. Tae wants to pay for it but listen to what Oab tell him.

Tae nods his head agree to meet Pram, he doesn't know that Pine is here too. He doesn't know Pine is the son to the owner of jewellery shops, people just know he is rich.

Pram walks out first and Tae politely wai to the older man, Pram wai back and smiles to Tae. He can't see what to hate about Tae now and Tae looks polite for him.

"I'm sorry for disturbing your time. Can we talk?" ask Pram and Tae frowns because he is here for the necklace and he plans to go and see Tee after this. He needs to clear the misunderstanding that happened between them.

"we want to talk about this!" Pine shows up from the back and show the necklace. Tae face change again after seeing Pine.

"I'm Pram and this is my brother. We really need to talk to you, mind having dinner with us?" ask Pram humbly.

Tae doesn't has the heart to reject it so he agrees to have dinner with them. They seems to have important matters to discuss too.

Three of them walk to the nearest restaurant in the mall. It is time to get dinner even though it is still early. Maybe Tae can pack some for Tee later.

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