Part 37

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After the deep talk, Tee wants to ask something and he is not sure if he can ask it.

"you want to ask me something?" Pluen intuation is saying Tee wants to ask him something, he is smiling waiting for his son to ask him anything he wants to know.

"uhm, my other father. Is he fine?" Tee wants to ask more but he doesn't know how, he can't even imagine his other father's face. Pluen told him they look alike but how much alike and Tee can't imagine his face when he is older.

"Papa. You borthers call him Papa and me Dad. You can call him Papa too."

"Papa and Dad" Tee has tears in his eyes again. It's like a dream and a miracle in his life to has a second chance to has a complete family.

"Yes. We can't even name you properly but you are our baby Pooh. Papa call you that, till today" Tee and Pluen laugh a bit. That name sounds cute, too cute for an adult like him.

"Pooh is cute and chubby. I'm not cute,I don't even like honey" Tee chuckles again.

Pluen laughs some more, who says Tee is not cute? If Tee has a little bit more meat and muscle he will look a lot more better.

The thought Tee is living a hard life make Pluen sad. Tee didn't tell much about his adoptive family and he didn't want to pry too. He will wait for Tee to tell him one day.

"actually I have not a good news to tell you. It's about papa?"

"huh? What happened to papa? Is he okay?" ask Tee scared and worried. He wants to see him so bad now.

"calm down baby. He is stable now. Actually, I think it's a miracle too, how we all end up meeting today is a fate for our family to be together again" Pluen caress Tee's chin softly.

Tee waits for his dad to tell more.

"actually, he is here at this side" pluen shows the wall on the left.

"he has an asthma, he dreamt of you, something bad happened to you and got an attack. He is hospitalized here and his room is just at this side"

Tee's reaction is speechless, they are so close now. All they have to do is go there and their family will be together again.

"I want to see him, my brothers too. Please" plead Tee hopeful.

"of course. I will help you. Let's meet everyone"

Pram, Phoom and Pine are in the ward together, Tae has to left since he has a class he needs to go.

"where is dad? He is late" ask Phoom, he doesn't know where his husband go and Pram didn't tell anything.

"he will come soon, want me to call him again?" ask Pine this time, he tried to reach his dad for a few times but failed.

Pram remains silent in the chair. He really wants to take his papa and go to the other side, he wants to gather their family again.

Pram actually ask his friends who work at the hospital to run a test on Phoom and Tee DNA. Just to convince everyone, and to convince Tee especially.

The door open when they are talking and Pluen shows up first, he ask Tee to wait for a second. Pram already standing this time and walk to the door.

"Honey, Pine, I want you to meet someone" Pluen holds the door tight and he push it open widely.

Phoom and Pine look at the door and wait for that someone to enter the room. Pram walks inside while helping Tee from the wheelchair. He push Tee inside,now three of them are at the door.

Pine's phone fall from his hand when he looks at Tee, with the bandages but he still can see his papa in that body.

Pluen is more surprised than Pine, his tears roll down without he realising it. He can't believe his own eyes.

Tee too, he has tears in his eyes and now he can see an older version of him. He found his real father, he found someone who make him able to see this world.

"My baby" Pluen's voice is cracking, his body is trembling badly. He tried to get down from the bed and almost fall but Pluen catch hin first.

Tee tries to get up from the chair but his condition is not allowing that yet. Pram push Tee to them and Tee get down from the chair.

Phoom is waiting for Tee with open arms, they are hugging and crying on the floor. Pluen hugs both of them in his arms. His family. His loved ones.

Pine follows first before Pram. Five if them are embracing each other on the floor with happy tears. Their family is complete now.

They room is dead silence,only their sobs can be heard. They stay like that more than 15 minutes. It doesn't enough to repay for their lost time. 21 years is not short.

"my baby, my baby" Phoom keep calling Tee that and all Tee can say is papa. That's all he has been repeating this whole minutes.

They are calmer after one hour but Phoom and Tee are glued together,they didn't talk just stay on the bed together, Tee in Phoom's arm all the time. They stay like that till they both fall asleep because they are tired but never once Phoom's hand release Tee's hand. They grab each other tightly, nothing can separate them now.

Pine, Pram and Pluen sit on the sofa watching them with a smile on their face. They all still feel this is unreal, the happiness they are feeling now will be able to stay for hundred years. They are together now, together forever.

"how did you met dad?" ask Pine.

Pluen told his sons the story and some about Tee's adoptive family too. Pluen just told what he knows and heard from Tee.

"Tee is the one Tae wants to introduce to us. All this time, he studied at your uni Pine" Pine gets really shocked with what he heard. All this time they are at the same place but they never met each other. Maybe Pine just doesn't look around.

"dad, I think we should investigate about Tee's adoptive family" Pine suddenly remembered Tae told him about Tee and his family, about how Tee dislike Ying.

Pine did disappointed with the real Ying but he is also glad that the truth appear earlier for him, before he falls deeper and deeper. People can hide their true colour in front of others.

"but Tee told me about his dead parent, grandpa and his twin siblings. They seem nice and Tee looks so happy talking about them" said Pluen, he doesn't want to trouble the family who raise his son, he is grateful to them.

"he has more than them. He has an aunty and cousins who live in the same house." said Pine more.

"I think we should investigate too dad. Tae told me something happened in that house, the cause of Tee been hospitalized. The twin told him, their cousin hurt Tee." Pram told them about what Tae told him before he left. Pram feels his anger returns when he remembered that.

"they hurt Tee?!" Pluen is tense now, how dare them hurt his son!

"I will talk to them and make them pay! How dare they touch Tee like that!" Pluen is ready to go and make a report, he will fight for Tee, no matter what.

"let's go to policy station dad!" Pine is agitated too, he can't let Tee stay with them anymore.

"relax dad, Pine. We need to investigate first, besides Tee didn't say anything yet. We need to talk to Tee first. They are their family too after all" Pram doesn't wait too and he agree with them but their country has law. If they want to win, they need to be patient. They need to has Tee's permission first.

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