Part 58

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Tae spent three days at Kulen's place and to be honest he wants to stay there longer but he can't. He already read the text from Tee and his friends about Karn and Xan so he needs to be there with them as a support.

Tee is waiting for Tae to arrive at the resort since tae told him he is near the resort 10 minutes ago. Karn and Xan are getting better and they look happier now. They did think they are selfish for wanting to be together even though their families are against of their relationship but they can't lie themselves, they need each other

Tee saw a car entering the main gate, he knows that car very much so he runs to the car. Tae parked his car, he didn't see Tee is running toward him so when he opens the door he is startles to see Tee.

"Love!" Tae hugs Tee instantly, he missed Tee a lot and at the same time he is grateful that he can see Tee again. This is real, his love is here with him now.

The hug is tighter than usual but Tee doesn't mind it at all, he miss Tae a lot too. Tae looks at Tee and kiss Tee on the forehead

"I miss you"

"I miss you more. Are you tired driving alone?" ask Tee concerns.

"not really. I'm not tired but hungry" Tae didn't stop to eat because he wants to arrive faster, he only eat some bread and chocolates along the way.

"then let's go to the cafe" Tee doesn't want Tae to be hungry, it's late but he is sure the cafe is still open.

"how is Karn and Xan? I think it's better if I see Karn first to see if he is okay" Tae wants to ask Karn how he is doing, he is worried about his friends too and he knows how close Karn with his family.

"they are okay phi. They are talking and spending time together now. Let's get you something to eat first" persuades Tae and Tae just get along with it.

Tee only drink hot tea while accompanying Tae to eat, he fills Tae with what happened to Karn and Xan.

"We are lucky our parent can accept us. I don't know how to make Xan feels better, I failed as friend" Tee sighs, he really want to do something to help because his friends always be with him, always support him and help him in life.

Tae takes Tee's hands in his. He is not agree for Tee to blame himself about this matter. They can't control every situation even though he is grateful that his parents can accept them.

"We will help them go through this together. When we are together, we are stronger"

"You are right" Tee smiles this time. They have each other.

"I talked to my por about Karn's parent and he promised to help too. My parent and Karn's parent are friends."

"really?! Mae and por will help?" ask Tee excited.

Tae doesn't know Tee called his parent like that and he also doesn't know that Tee and Tae's parent stay in contact, they always call each other behind Tae's back.

"Mae and Por?" ask Tae confused, Tee's eyes widen when he thinks he almost spill their secret. He didn't tell Tae about his close relationship with his parent.

"Yeah. One day, they will become my parent too right?" Tee laughs a little bit to make him less nervous, Tae smiles widely at that.

"can't wait to marry me hm?" ask Tae teasing but Tee nods his head, he did want to marry Tae. He wants to has a family together with Tae like his fathers and soon, Prem and Sun.

"I can't wait to marry you too. You will be in third year soon and then you have another year to graduate. 2 years are long" Tae sighs with a pout.

"two years will be enough for us to be ready, you are already working and saving money for us to build a family, I will work hard to graduate well and then work at a good place. Two years will be gone without we realising it"

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