Part 38

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Tee returns to his real home for the first time in his life, home where he in wanted and loved, home of his real family. The house is far bigger than his grandpa's house, not like he try to compare, he just stating what he see.

The house is really beautiful and unique, this is the heaven that he able to witness on earth.

"baby, let me take you to your room" Phoom insist on calling Tee 'baby', Tee just let it be even though he feels a little embarrassed.

"my room?" ask Tee softly, he will be living here now? This house is a bit far from uni, he needs to travel far if he stays here.

"the one we prepared for you since you were born" Phoom pulls Tee's hand to the stair. The rooms located on the second floor.

Pluen, Pram and Pine just let them be, they are happy and they never see Phoom this healthy and happy before.

"Dad, you talked to Tee's grandpa?" ask Pram while three of them sitting in the living room, the maid prepare their drinks.

"yes. I show the DNA result. His reaction make me feels weird" Pram recalled their meeting, Tee's grandpa cried a little and thank them for finding Tee. He is too happy to let Tee stay with them.

"he didn't like it or he didn't believe it?" ask Pine. He is ready to explain and meet the grandpa again, till he believes them.

"he is thankful for us, he said he pray everyday for Tee to meet his real family who will protect and love him." reply Pluen.

"maybe Tee is treated badly there. When I asked, Tee said nothing. He is hiding something from us but I don't want to force him"said Pram, he tried to talk to Tee about this but Tee avoid his questions.

"we will talk about that later. Now, papa wants to celebrate this happy commotion. He wants to make an event and make big donation to the orphanage. Let push aside sad things and focus for this happy moments first"

Pram and Pine agree with his dad, they shouldn't burden Tee with their questions. Tonight they already has a big dinner,inviting Tee's friends and Tee small family. They want to share the happiness with everyone close to Tee.


Tae told his friend about Tee and his new family, not the whole story but they understand what is the dinner for tonight, they are invited for the happy occasion too. They will never decline free foods.

Tae also told Tee's friends, they heard from Tee already but not the whole story either. All of them will be going to the house together later.

"what should we bring?" Karn ask Xan, he is leaning on Xan's body while playing his phone. He likes sitting like that with Xan, no matter how hot the weather is.

The others sigh and leave the couple alone, Zoe and Anne is far more less annoying than them but they still happy for their friends. Their circle getting bigger now. Their circle are famous for having popular seniors like Tae's group.

"fruits?" that's what people commonly bring when visit people house.

"we will bring fruits!" Boss and his girlfriend raise their hand first. They don't want anyone else to bring the same thing with them.

"flowers?" suggest Xan once again.

"we will bring it!" Zoe and Anne raise their hand.

"we will bring sets of chocolate" Pond and Lime said what they will bring. The others has no idea what to bring anymore.

"I will bring wine!" Mond excitedly annouce his gift.

"I just thought of that. Can't we share money on that?" ask Xan to Mond. He is totally has no idea what to bring anymore.

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