Part 53

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The hardest abd busiest week finally over for internships students. They enjoy theirast day with a blast because they will graduate after this and they can start working soon.

Tae is happy because finally he will be able to be with Tee soon, a month, he didn't meet Tee for a month because of his busy schedule, same goes to Tee. They can't even call each other a lot too.

"congratulations and thank you for being with us. I hope you all will be successful in the future and if you want to join our company we welcome you with big hand" his supervisor really like how they work and they are really efficient.

After thanking everyone here and say goodbye they all go back to their house. Their internship officially over today. They only need to present it to their lecturer and then they are done with their studies.

Tae, Zoe, Boss and Karn do internship at the same place and they rent a house together for convenience. They all go back together and decided to has a small party for four of them.

Their last day at the house, they want to celebrate their success before going back to Bangkok.

Tae wants to return as soon as he can so that he can meet Tee sooner but he wants to be fair to his friends too. They will not have a lot of time together once they are working later.

"Congrats tu ourselves!" they clink their glasses togather. Tae doesn't want to drink at first because he wants to leave early tomorrow but he got a text from Tee saying that Tee needs to do his project at other district that they can't see each other tomorrow.

They really leave the real life behind and enjoy to the fullest, Tae and Karn are not a haeavy drinker so they drink carbonated drinks with a can of beer. Don't want to has a terrible headache tomorrow.

"Oh! you guys remember the beautiful man I told you about last year?" ask Zoe already tipsy.

Everyone except Tae need to think real hard when was that because it's been ages. Tae still remember that time and he still can't get a proper look at the face of that person yet. The old book, he still bring it with him till today. He just forgot about that book because he is busy with his life now, he even doesn't know how the book end yet.

"The theater!" Zoe become angry when his friends can't remember it.

"ugh! I will tell you guys a big secret. Anne told me, they were forced to join the theater when they were first years students. The one who I said beautiful, he is Tee!" Zoe look at Tae directly, he just got a photo Anne sent him yesterday. Anne told him about the theatre.

"What?! Really?! All this time the person we have been looking for is in front of us?!" Boss is shocked! They try to find the person before and they are a little bit crazy about it too.

"Yes! Look at this picture!" Zoe shows a picture in his phone

The photos of Tee wearing a beautiful traditional clothes with a complete make up, he is truly beautiful.

"he is really beautiful Tae. What deed you  do in the past life to have this beautiful person?" Karn really can't understand why Tee end up with Tae sometime.

"Send me those photos." demands Tae.

"so, the old book. You still have it?" ask Boss, he suddenly want to read that book too.

"yeah. In my bag" Tae lazily answer because he is too focus on the photos, he smiles widely, Tee is really beautiful.

Staring at the photos make Tae drown from the reality and right now he is in the path of how the story begin. He is in there, together with Tee. Not a female one but a male, the male Tee.

They both walk together watching the characters in the old book react to wach other. In there, Tee is really beautiful.

"Tae!" Karn smacks Tae's head to bring back Tae to the realitiy now. Tae hiss in pain and glares to his friends.

"Did you finish the story?" ask Zoe ignoring the death glare.

"No. I stopped around when they both are old and pass the throne to their son" answer Tae.

His friends decided to read from that part till the end, while they are reading intently Tae continue staring at the photos. He even edit and crop Tee's picture to save it. He doesn't need others faces.

"Oh!" Karn

"My!!" Zoe

"God!!!" Boss. Three of them are in sync while shouting like maniacs. Tae rubs his face in disbelief. His friends are crazy.

"Tae! Read this sentence" Zoe give the book to Tae.

Tae calmly try to read the passage.

"The real love did exist where everything else doesn't matter anymore. Status, bloodline and even gender. Tho males can love each other and The King and The Queen of Talsnia proved it. Their love are magical and pure, it's beautiful that they stay together and love each other till their last breath"

Three men are waiting for Tae to make a reaction like them. They are shocked because all this time they thought Tee's character as a female.

"He is my love from my past life?" ask Tae confused. Even his friends doesn't has the answer for it.

"I don't know because I'm not sure this is a historical story or just a tale people write. But, with this poor looking drawing, I can see your face in here. Tee too, especially this last photo."

They all agree with Boss, they drawing are dirty and can't be seen clearly anymore but they can see Tae and Tee features on it, or maybe they already put Tae and Tee as the characters that they see what they already imagine

"If you did reincarnated from the past, abd you are the king in this story, no wonder you fall in love with Tee again. In the past, Tee got the king's love but today, he got your love." said Karn.

"if that's the case, your love to Tee must be really sincere and beautiful that God allow you to love him again in this life" add Boss, he is in a romantic mode. This love story make him feels warm inside.

"True! But, as I remember Anne said, Tee act as a small character in the theater. The main story is about the king's son, the one who wrote it. Even they didn't know Tee is a man in the story and they assumed Tee is a queen, so he is a female. In the story, Tee was blind, deaf and mute. Why? When in this story clearly said nothing about that" Zoe actually did some research about this story, he even asked for a copy of the script. He wants to know about the truth and what happened to Tee.

Tae doesn't know why but his tears roll down his cheek when he heard how Tee become blind, deaf and mute in the story.

His friends are stunned to see him crying and lost to another world again. Karn taps on Tae's shoulder to wake him up.

"huh?!" ask Tae surprised, even he doesn't realise he was crying.

"You are crying" said Boss. Tae wipes his tears and stare at the old book. What happened to Tee in that book. Why he was blind, deaf and mute?

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