Part 6

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-mistakes everywhere and not edited-

Xan has his arm around Tee while they are walking to the locker room, they need to take a shower first before get into the pool. Tee doesn't like the idea much especially since he knows this will involve his cousin. It will not be easy for him.

"stop thinking Tee. If she ask you, just tell her you are here to accompany me" Xan consoles Tee.

He knows Tee is worry about this competition, not like he is scared that he will fail. Tee's family is complicated to talk about and Tee didn't say much either. His friends know why Ying is a problem to Tee because they all come from the same school.

"I'm not sure if doing this is a good choice"

"stop thinking about it and let's focus on the training okay? I'm here with you" Xan pats Tee's back comfortingly. Tee smiles and release a deep sigh, he can't back away now.

They both take a locker and change into their swimsuit, Tee take a short shower first and bring together his towel to the pool area. Xan follows after making sure his body is cool enough.

The pool is separated for both genders but the audience are free to watch. Xan take his time to flex his muscle making girls screaming at his body, he is an attention seeker and has too much confidence.

Xan is tall and handsome, come with great body too, he is a charming person except he flirts too much for his health.

Tee shakes his head, sometimes he ask himself why did he befriend his best friends. He still loves them tho.

"Let's warm up!" yells Tee calling Xan from his own world. Xan grins stupidly and runs to Tee's side, both of them start a simple warm up.

There are a lot of people today, must be because the stars are here to practice too. The said rival who wants to win his cousin's heart.

"Tee, that one at the end of the pool is Phi Pine, the president of student Council and Phi Tae is the one sitting beside the pool" Xan shows the said men they were talking about before.

Tee takes a good look to the seniors and he can clearly see why Pine is famous, with that face, even himself will be proud of him.  Tee can't look clearly on Tae's face because Tae is sitting like that, just showing some of his face but Tee still can tell, Tae also indeed handsome.

"They both are good looking, no wonder my cousin in the cloud nine. Two Princes are aiming for him" Tee glances at Xan who is warming up properly while Tee is done with his.

"The witch doesn't deserve it. Are you okay without your glasses?" ask Xan concern, he wants to buy Tee some aid for swimming but Tee rejects it saying it's okay for him to swim without glasses.

"Yeah. I'm used to it. Just don't wander far away from me"

"okay" Xan pats Tee's hair and they both jump into the pool, make sure they are ready with the coldness of the water. They wear their goggles and ready to dive in.

They start their first training slowly, Tee also didn't aim to so his best today, doesn't want to attract unnecessary attention on him. He needs to beat the princes without notice.

After twenty minutes in the pool, Xan start his training properly, Xan needs fast training like this, he is not as good as Tee. He needs to practice his breathing and techniques too.

Almost one hour they both stop, Tee heads to the bathroom first and he needs to leave soon. He needs to be home today, he can't return to his dorm.

He press the code on the locker but he can't open it, he keeps pressing and his frustration build over time. He needs to rush but this locker is holding him from doing so.

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