Part 34

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Tee agreed to meet with the person Tae told about, he is not hoping for anything just curious but a little bit prayer that it will be a good news to him. Maybe his parent are still alive and they never throw him away from their life.

Even though the future will hurt him once again he will accept it willingly, that will be his fate and he will accept it with open arm and move on from all the pain. He promise himself to be strong, stronger than he is now.

They will meet today in the evening, Tee decided to go back home to meet the twin, they both beg him to be home. He also miss them, he promised to has lunch together too.


Pine met Tae accidently at the cafe, Tae actually want to tell Pine about the good news too. Pine waves his hand and walk to Tae who is sitting alone at the table.

"wassup!" they high five each other, acting like a good friends already.

"Good and I have a good news to tell you too"

"oh. He wants to see us?" ask Pine excited and he sits without a permission, he doesn't care anymore.

Tae laughs a bit, Pine face turns brighter when he ask that. Deep inside Tae glads that he can bring the family together, if Tee is indeed their brothers.

"Yes. He agreed to see you both but, I need to tell you something first"

"huh? What?" ask Pine curious and a little bit worry too.

"before that, what I want to tell you has nothing to do with me, I mean, I'm not saying this because I'm jealous or whatsoever. I mean nothing bad about it" Tae has something important to tell and he doesn't want Pine to misunderstand him.

"What is it? You make me worried"

"it's about this person and your girlfriend"

"Ying?" The frowns are clear on Pine's forehead.

"yes. Actually, this person is adopted into her family. They are cousins and from what I know, their relationship are bad. The necklace, I think she took it from him because there were a fight when he tried to take it back" Pine becomes quiet. Take gives Pine a little time to digest what he told.

Pine is thinking hard about this, Ying is an angel in front of him. Ying never talk bad about anyone else, she is a really good girl.

"I know it's hard for you to take it and you might think I'm making up the story. At first I didn't believe it either but I've never see he cried like that. I met his friends and ask around, what her family did to him, it's beyond what we can imagine. I'm sorry for telling you this but, if you choose Ying over him, he will be in pain more" Tae doesn't know the best way to tell Pine, not like he can tell Pine to break up with Ying too.

To be honest, Tae wants to confront Ying face by face but he is afraid what Tee will do to him after that. Tee also mention about they threaten to hurt the twin. This issue is bigger than usual.

"thank you Tae. I will talk to Ying myself. I'm not saying I didn't trust you but I need to break up with her properly."

Tae pats Pine's shoulder, he understands how hard to understand this and how hard to believe something like that. Actor can act, an actor is a human too, all in all human can act and build a character to show to the world. They can hide behind the fake character, but their true self will show up later on.

While they are having a good conversation a few guys has their jaws drop to the floor, their eyes round like balls.

"I think we need to repent. Tomorrow will be the end of the world" Boss mutters to his friends and they can't agree more. The legend rivals are having good time together.

"I should make a wish, because this is too good to be true" Zoe start to make a wish that he will get good results in exam.

"I'm not dreaming right?" ask Karn. Xan smiles and peck Karn's nose making Karn surprised.

"You!" scold Karn with a jab on Xan's chest. Xan just grin coyly.

"aisy!!!" the others boo and walk away from the couple, it's hard for them to watch this cringey couple together.

Pine left a little while ago, before Tae's friends arrive at the table. Karn is still fighting with Xan and scold Xan about PDA. Xan ignores it like usual and leave the cafe. He has class to attend now.


Pine has a date with Ying, he promised Ying to eat together. His heart is heavy and he wants to believe his heart that Ying is not guilty but his rational brain want him to do the right things.

"Phi, if you are tired we can meet later"

Ying is always care and attentive about Pine, it makes Pine think it's harder to believe what Tae told him. What if this is all a scheme for him to leave Ying, what if the said person is not his brother? He has a headache now.

"Ying, I want you to be honest with me" Pine looks at Ying's eyes. He is determined to put an end on this. Wether they are together or through.

Ying feels a little bit weird but worried because Pine is never like this. She is scared that she will lose a good and rich man like Pine.

"the necklace, is it yours?" ask Pine serious.

Ying looks nervous and scared, this is the sign that maybe what Tae told him is true.  Ying doesn't need to lie about that if she is not wrong.

"Yes. It belongs to me. Why?" ask Ying back.

"You said to lose it"

"yes! I don't know where it gone" answer Ying fast.

"It belongs to someone else, I saw a man wore it" Pine lied because he needs to find the truth.

Ying's face change this time, she looks a little angry too because she thinks she knows who wore it. Tae told her he will return it to Tee back.

"He stole it from me! He is jealous because I have it. That belong to my family and he stole it because he wanted to wear what's mine" Ying's voice is trembling like she is telling an obvious lie but Pine wait patiently. He doesn't want to make a bad move.

"He was adopted by my uncle and his wife. He always act like he is the real heir of the family and jealous of me and my brother. He stole our toys and everything, he caused his parent to die too. He is a bad luck to our family. My grandpa and my grandma fought because of him and he used my grandpa to follow what he wants. He is really a bad person!" this is the very first time Ying bad mouth people that Pine heard, Ying looks like a different person when she spits hatred to this person.

Pine sighs, he still didn't get what is the truth but it is the best they put distance on their relationship now. Pine is disappointed but he can't do anything about it.

"Ying, I think we should take a break. I'm disappointed you lied to me about the necklace but this is not the reason for me to ask this to happen. I have a lot of things to do and think now, I hope you give me the time and space I'm asking for. I'm sorry" Pine leaves Ying alone after he pays for their table.

This is the first heartbreak Pine felt, it's hard to ignore the pain. He really didn't want to believe what Tae told him but today he saw a different character showed by Ying. Which one is the real Ying?

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