Part 22

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Tee and Xan both are gloomy today and their friends can't ask what happened, both of them staring into the space, sighing like the world is almost end.

"let's go. We need to watch final today. We must support engineering!" cheers Mond, ignoring his depressed friends.

They all know, Tee and Xan will tell them what happened when they are ready, they don't want to force them to talk and they respect their friend's privacy too.

"you guys go first. I'll be there soon" said Xan. Others are silence for three seconds before they look at Tee, seems like they need to leave both of them first.

"I will reserve seats for you guys!" Lime answered this time and all of them leave after smiling encourage their friends to cheer up.

After they left, Tee plays with his phone, open and close the text box between him and Tae. He did ignore all Tae's text and he replied only when it's necessary. He is avoiding Tae at all cost.

"You want to share with me?" ask Xan.

Xan feels the most comfortable with Tee and he relies on Tee more compare to other friends, Tee also kind of think of Xan as his brother sometimes because they have the same personality.

"It's about Phi Tae" Tee sighs tiredly. Xan looks at Tee and pays attention to whatever Tee wants to tell him.

"I don't understand why he wants to involve with my life so much."

"What did he do? He force you to do something again?" ask Xan concerns, he will talk to Tae if he has too.

"No, but he is forcing a friendship with me. Xan, I hate to admit it but he makes me feel something. I'm scared and I'm not comfortable about this feeling" rants Tee and Xan stay focus, he listens to everything Tee said.

"I think you should open up to him. The more you scared the more it will pressure you. The more you stop him from coming into your life the harder it will be. You don't hate him right?" ask Xan softly while holding Tee's hand.

Xan knows Tee, Tee rarely pays attention to stranger but since their first encounter Xan knows Tae always in Tee's mind and his gut is saying that Tae's presence is not a nuisance but a fate. He strongly believes that Tae will bring something good to Tee and he himself doesn't understand why he feels that way.

"I don't hate him but I'm scared. I'm scared Xan, he is a famous senior. If my family knows about he is getting closer to me, what will happen? You know my aunt won't let me has a friend like that. You remember what happened to Elise before, she left Thailand because her family forced her to do so after my aunt met her family. She hated me for that"

"But not everyone will listen to your aunt. Look at our friends. None of our family think badly about you, we all love you" Xan remember the hurtful past very well. Tee was hurt multiple times because of his own family just because they are not blood related, why they hate Tee so much?

"We don't know that Xan. Ying told me to make my presence like an air, if I somehow friends with Phi Tae, it will be really bad"

"Tee" Xan comes closer to Tee and pulls Tee into his embrace. Tee return the hug and stay there.

They are calmer after two minutes passed.

"Don't think about it much. I will talk to Phi Tae, you shouldn't trouble yourself thinking about it. I promise you, I will always be here no matter how things going on"

"Thank you Xan" Tee smiles a little bit, he feels better even though his problem is still there. His heart feels lighter than before.

"Now, tell me what make The Great Xan sighing all day?" ask Tee with a teasing smile. Xan laughs a bit.

"About Phi Karn?" guess Tee and Xan nods his head lightly.

Tee can guess that Karn is the reason why his friend become like this.

"Tee, what if I like man" ask Xan serious and Tee laughs at that, it sounds funny for him but Xan remains serious. Tee stops laughing.

"Are you sure? You had 10 girlfriends before" ask Tee to make sure what Xan told him is right.

"Tee, this is not about I'm gay or straight. This is about how my heart choose another man's heart" responds Xan serious.

"You fall in love with Phi Karn?" ask Tee guessing once again. The silences from Xan is the answer for his question.

"How sure are you?" Ask Tee back, he is serious this time and he wants Xan to be sure about his feelings, not just a fling before moving forward.

"100%" answers Xan confidently.

"How can you be so sure?" Tee is interrogating Xan this time. Tee never did this before when he told Tee he likes any girls.

"You never ask me this question before" said Xan.

"Because I know you are serious this time Xan and I want you to be sure before you move to another step. Half way courting is not good"

Xan accepts Tee's answer and he also ready to give Tee the answer for the questions.

"The last night I stayed at his place, incident happened, I fall on top of him. When my eyes met him, I think my world stop spinning. My heart thumping like crazy, and it roars with how much I want him. He accidently move his hand and our lips met. That was the most magical kiss that happened to me. Tee, I want him, so badly that my heart hurt" rants Xan excitedly and Tee is speechless because this is the very first time Xan become this excited about a mere kiss. It is not a kiss, just an accidental peck, right,?

Tee pats Xan's arm softly, he is glad that Xan is clear with his feelings and he knows how much Xan wants to has Karn now. As a good friend, he will help Xan.

"Do you think about confessing to him?" ask Tee this time. Xan becomes quiet and turn to sad face he showed before. The problem starts here.

"After that kiss happened, he turn cold and I can see hatred from his eyes. I don't think he will like it if, a man confess to him. What if he hates gays?" Xan is really worried because it is not easy to change people perspective and hatred is a strong feeling.

Tee becomes quiet too, it is true the world is more accepting this days and people do respect others sexualities but some people respect it but can't accept it if that happened to themselves.

"All his friends are straight and I heard Phi Tae don't like this matter much too."

"oh, this is not good then. How about you try to befriend him again. I mean, approach him like usual, since we did share some relation with their group."

"I'm thinking about the same thing. I can't believe love can be this hard. I watch a few BL series, to help me understand my situation and it looks easier than this!" whines Xan.

"BL?" ask Tee stupidly, he really has no idea what Xan told him just now.

"Boy's Love, gay series"

"Oh. You don't need to watch that, just look at Pond and Lime"

"Their stories are different Tee. They both are in love with each other." Tee agrees with it too.

"Maybe you can ask them to help" suggest Tee.

"Not now. For now, let's keep it between us first. After I make a few moves we will tell them. You know Mond and Lime won't let this matter go without doing something." Tee needs to agree with this one too.

Mond and Lime will do a lot of stupid plans in order to make the relationship between Karn and Xan work out. They are a little bit crazy and they tend to force people too. Karn will have a really bad days if this two involve in his life.

Tae glares at two men talking while sitting close to each other, they even hugs and touch each other a lot.

Another set of eyes glares at the men too. He doesn't like what he is seeing and he hates himself for feeling that way too.

"Yo! Why both of your face look like a killer?" asks Boss to Tae and Karn. They both ignore Boss and walk away to their place. Tae to the field and Karn to the reserve players chair.

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