Part 59

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Karn received a call late night from his father and he is scared to answer it but he still press the answer button. He waits for his dad to talk first, he will beg if he needs to and he is ready for any harsh words from his dad.

"I'm sorry son. I understand if you are angry and hurt with what I said, I deserve to get that. I just hope you don't hate me a lot that you can't forgive me. I'm sorry for saying harsh words to you, I never want you to leave our family. You are my son and you will always will be my son"

Karn flops down on the floor, he is crying when he heard that.

"I'm not asking you to apologise por, I just don't want you to hate me" Karn is sobbing when he said that. He just wants his dad to accept him.

"I'm sorry I can't understand what you are facing, it's must be hard on you. I'm sorry I wasn't there"

Karn continues sobbing that he can't even say anything else.

"I respect your feelings, you love a man, as long as that man is good enough for you then I will be happy. At least let me see him once to threatens him a little bit, if he dare to hurt my son, I'm gonna kick his butt" Phat wipes his tears and try to joke a little bit, Karn laughs a little too.

"I will take him home to see you. I love him por, I'm sorry I fall in love with a man"

"Karn! Don't be sorry, don't apologize for things you can't control. As long as he is good for you, just don't let him be more handsome than me" Phat makes a joke again.

Karn laugh more, this is the dad he grows up with. The dad that loves to make jokes and rarely got angry.

"He is really tall por, models look" Karn never admit that Xan is handsome when he is in front of Xan.

"no matter how tall he is, I will make him bow because he is scared. I'm not letting him go if he hurt you"

"thank you por for accepting me. I will be a good son for you and mae, I will be a good brother to my siblings too. Thank you por" Karn wipes his tears again.

"thank you too for forgiving me son. It's late, get some sleep and when you are ready, introduce you lover to us. Good night son, I love you"

"Good night too por. I love you too" their call ended. Karn leans on the wall and cry again, he knows his friends talk to their dad about this matter, especially Tae. Finally, his dad accept him.

Tae looks from his room and he smiles watching Karn crying in happiness. At least he can help a little because his friends help him a lot too.


The vacation is a huge success, everyone can enjoy it in a good mood. Of course, Xan's family still can't accept Xan's relationship yet but they never told Xan to leave the family. They just need time to think about it.

Tae laughs watching everyone playing beach volleyball, he didn't play together because he is still tired from the lack of rest. He enjoys seeing how happy Tee is playing.

"I'm gonna change. Phi Zoe, take my place!" Tee surrenders after playing for a long time. He can't feel his legs and arms anymore.

Zoe runs into the court to replace Tee, Tee takes a seat beside Tae while panting heavily. He is sweating from head to toe.

Tae wipes Tee's sweats and offer Tee a bottle of cold mineral water and Tee drink it all in one gulp. Tae continue wiping Tee's sweats till he can see red marks on Tee's hands caused by the ball he hits.

"It's so red Tee, does it hurt?" ask Tae worried and look around Tee's arms. Tee laughs and shakes his head, he did feel a little pain but he is fine with it.

"we should put some ointment or it will bruised"

"it's okay phi. After a while it will turn to normal back. This happened everytime I play" Tee's skin is so white so his skin turn red easily even with a light hit.

"should we put some ice to make it better?" Tae is ready to go and buy ice for Tee.

Tee laughs at Tae's worried face. He holds Tae's hand in his and look at Tae in the eyes. Tae is too intentive since he comes here, Tee might know nothing, why Tae becomes like this but Tae wants to treat Tee better,Tee is too precious for him

"I don't want you to be in pain"

"but I'm okay phi. You are so worried about me, something happened?" now is time for Tee to worry.

"No. I just want to treat you better and I don't want you to get hurt" explains Tae softly.

"Phi, you are giving me the best treatment already."

"okay then but, if this red marks is still here tonight we will treat it" Tae is serious about treating the marks and Tee just nods his head while laughing.

"Phi, I still have a little bit of time after our brother's wedding. Want to go for a short vacation together?" invite Tee hopeful, he doesn't has any idea where to go yet but as long as Tae want to go with him, he is okay anywhere.

Tae thinks about the suggestion and he is thinking maybe it's the right time for him to bring Tee to see Kulen and takes Tee to that beautiful place.

"Sure. There is somewhere I want to take you and I'm sure you will like it" Tae already has a plan now.

"okay!" Tee agree fast without thinking twice. He is sure his parent will allow him to go since he will be going with Tae.

Tae shows a few photos of the place he went before he came here, Tee is mesmerises with the beauty of the place. He seems like this is the first time he see the place while Tae feels so close to that place.

'Maybe your partner can't remember anything because he already tried to find you in the past. In this life, it's your turn'

Tae remembers what Kulen told him and he agree with it, even Kulen can't prove the truth from the story wether it's just a tale from old time or it did happen before.

"I promise you will love this place" Tae is sure Tee will like it.

"I can't wait to go there. I want to touch the cold water with my own hand"

"I will take you there and you can do anything you want there" Tae pulls Tee into his arms. He actually doesn't care wether Tee might feel something deep like him because all he cares about is the future with Tee. He wants to protect Tee forever.

"Yes! I like places like this more than city. I want to stay at place like this when I turn old later"

"Then I will build a place for us to stay together" Tee shyly nods his head, it's like Tae is proposing to be together till death tear them apart and he likes it.

"let's have lunch together!" Boss call Tae and Tee to join them eating pizza they ordered online.

Tae and Tee walk to them hand ,they didn't even realize when they stop playing because they were in their own world.

Tae watches his friends happy face spending time together like this. At last, everyone can he happy like him too and he prays the happiness they are having now stay with them forever.

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