Part 17

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Xan can't stop himself from walking from one side to the other side, he is worried sick about the senior he pushed off. If this matter reached his father's ears, he will be dead for sure.

"Sit down nong. I'm sure Karn is okay, he is not on the list of death angel yet" told Boss and his friends agree with him.

Xan can't process the meaning of the sentences, did his seniors joking around about their friend condition. Karn is clearly bleeding from his head, anything can happen because of that.

"that's not funny at all phi. He is in danger, who knows what will happen to him" Xan is totally worried and he thinks this is not the right time for them to make a joke about someone else safety.

The seniors sneer among themselves, they are really sure their friend are okay in there and nothing bad will happen.

"You are responsible if anything bad happen to him" another senior blames Xan for what happened and Xan can't retort that. All of this happened because of his temper, he shouldn't push the senior that hard, the floor is slippery because of the rain.

"his parent are scary, I don't know how they will react if they know their precious son are injured because of someone" add another one, really making Xan to feel more than worst.

"What if he can't continue his study because of this, we only have a year left. Poor my best friend" Boss shakes his head and act like he is really sympathise with Karn's situation.

Xan can't raise his head to look at the seniors because the guilt is eating him inside out. He will do anything to make the senior forgive him, he will beg and make sure he is forgiven even though he will be hated.

"I promise phi, if anything happened to him I will take responsibility. I will even marry him if I have to" Xan promised the seniors leaving them speechless with the promise.

The seniors are just playing around, they just want to scare the nong a little, can't believe this is the reaction they got.

Karn is straight tho.

"It seems you all are his friends" a doctor walk out from the treatment room. All of them stand when they see the doctor.

"How is he? He is nit dying right?" ask Mann, making the doctor chuckles.

"Don't worry, he is fine. The wound is not deep and he didn't bleed much either. He already gain his conscious, after taking his meds and pay for the treatment you can take him home. Make sure he get plenty of rest, I gave him a few days rest, he will be good in no time." explains the doctor with a warm smile.

All of them can release a relief sigh, especially Xan.

"I will take his med and pay for the bill" said Boss but Xan insist of paying for the bill.

After they finished the process, Mann push Karn out on the wheelchair and the car already waited for him there. Tae arrived at the same time too.

"How is he?" ask Tae still panting because he runs to get here from his car.

"He is alive" comments Boss and get a smack on the head from Tae because of that. They talk a bit more before decided to leave the hospital, Karn need to rest too.

"someone need to take care of him, should we send him to his parent?" ask Zoe.

"No. I'm going back to my room. I'm okay" Karn shakes his head, he doesn't want to be home because of this, his mother will nag and never leave his side.

"But you can't stay alone Karn" Tae scolds his stubborn friend.

"Come to my place then. I can look after you" adds Tae more. He will not let his friend staying at home alone in this condition, even though he is not badly hurt.

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