Part 11

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-mistakes everywhere and not edited-

Tae is playing with the necklace he found in the locker room, he thinks it is a unique necklace because the things that bind the chain together is the locket. Two square magnetic things meet and make it a chain. Like a couple necklace.

"What's that?" ask Karn. Tae is engross with the necklace that he ignores them talking about their game.

"nothing" replies Tae and keep the necklace into his pocket, he is afraid he might lose it but he wants Tee to come to him, to find it.

'if he knows I have it' Tae sighs, battling with his inner side. Did Tee knows about he has the necklace? He is stupid thinking Tee will find him.

"Zoe met a good girl, his neighbour from childhood and now they are dating. What a super speed love" Comments Boss about their best friend dating so suddenly.

"He likes the girl since forever. His first love" said Karn.

"How lucky he is, to be able to date his first love" sighs Boss. Tae knows Zoe is suddenly jump into a relationship but he didn't see the person yet.

"He never dated before. Of course luck is on his side, he is a good man" comments Tae.

Four of them are called trouble maker and some people think they are bad guys but Zoe is the nicest among them. He won't be in student Council if he is not committed enough.

Three of them agree that Zoe is indeed a nice guy and he deserves the best girl out there.

"So, who is this girl?" ask Tae to them.

"She is from Agriculture faculty, she is pretty and kind of a nice girl" answers Boss short, he doesn't know much about that girl either.

"She is a first year and if I'm not mistaken, the juniors who win the swimming competition against you are her best friend. I saw them hanging out together after the game" add Karn.

Tae's head snap to look at Karn in a flash making Karn startles at the action. Its like he is saying something shocking to make Tae react that way.

"they are friends?!" ask Tae excited. Karn and Boss blinks confused with the sudden excitement. If they are friends, what's the problem?

"Wait, don't tell me you keep grudge they are winning against you" accuse Boss, they are a respective sportsman and has high sportsmanship. They need to accept whatever result at the end of the game.

"We should get to know each other" Tae is grinning happily.


"we should see her and get to know each other, maybe we can be friend to her friends too" suggest Tae smartly.

Boss and Karn frown hard, since when they care who their friends's friends are? They did be friend with the girlfriends but not their friends. Uh, what a confusing sentence to use.

"knowing her is enough. Since when you like to know new people? They are our juniors from different faculty, they will be uncomfortable with us" Boss and Karn can't see any relation or benefit for them to hang out together.

Tae is not even has time to hang around with the juniors from their faculty but now he wants to hang with juniors far from his faculty. He must be hurt somewhere in the head.

"I will talk to Zoe. Bye!" Tse takes his bag and leave the dumbfounded men. What is happening?

"Did Tae drink too much chlorine water from the pool?" ask Karn to Boss.

"Maybe the ball hit him too hard in the game?" ask Boss back. Tae did hit his head with the ball today, when he scored a goal. Its normal for them to head the ball.

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