Part 62

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Tae took Tee to the river first and Tee want to play in the water later since he has a lot of places to go first. They didn't wander far from the area just a little bit deep in the forest.

Tae actually feels weird with Tee who walks confidently in the forest while this is their first time here together. Tae just follow Tee's happy trails walking around the forest.

Tee runs after awhile without warning Tae first and Tae had to run too. Finally Yee stop in front of clear land, the small hill in front of them with small wayer streams flowing.

"Wow! This is beautiful!" Tee laughs happily before he runs to Tae. Tae is dumbfounded but he catch Tee in his arms.

"we can camp around here" says Tee excited. Tae puts his bag down and holds Tee tighter in his arms.

The description about a place that he read from the book appears in his memory. The only thing that didn't exist here is the house the king and the queen resided

"how did you find this place?" ask Tae.

"I don't know phi but I think I saw trails to come here. This place is beautiful"

Tae looks around and let Tee go. Tee running around the place before he start to climb the hill alone. Tae almost got a heart attack when he see Tee is already halfway of the hill.

"Tee! Wait for me" yells Tae and start running faster than Tee. His heart almost burst watching Tee standing at the hill.

Tee waited for Tae to reach him and he pulls Tae to walk together with him to the uphill. After awhile they reach the top. They were nothing except a cliff behind the hill, Tae holds Tee tighter in his arms.

"No love. We will just see it from here" Tae forbid Tee from going more than the tree.

Tee then remembered the old book he read and decided to listen to Tae. Tee ask Tae to sit under the tree and they both rest under the shade. The winds blow peacefully making Tee feels sleepy.

Tae too, they both fall asleep under the tree.


Tae is awake in his own dream,the place he is walking now is the same as he is in his real life. The tree, the streams, the hill, everythings are the same.

"Young man" Tae turns his head fast and he see the king, the man who looks like him in different clothes.

"You! How?!" of course Tae is startled to see someone who looks like him in front of his eyes.

The king laugh at Tae's scared face.

"I'm here to answer your unanswered questions. So that we both can move on from this fate"

"huh?" Tae is still confused.

"about reincarnation, trust me, you and your lover are not our reincarnation. We were not in your past life either, maybe we lived in different dimensions. All of this that happened might be fate but your love and my love has nothing with this fate. You love your lover and I love my queen, nothing more to think about it. Our lives already over but my love for my queen will be alive forever. I'm sorry if our past love stories appeared in your dreams, it might happen because I still have regrets in me when I died since I want my queen to live like normal again. I'm selfish for wanting to leave him while I know he can't live without me either. Now, I'm accepting our fate and now I can live with my queen forever. I'm letting go of my regrets and I hope you can love your lover and has no regrets like me. Even though we might be living in different dimensions, fate brings us together in this life. I hope this is the closure for this to happen. My love for my queen are different between your love to your lover"

Tae wipes his tears without he knows why he is crying.

"I'm glad you can live without regrets now. I'm glad you are happier with your queen now. I've never doubted about my love for my lover, I just want to know the truth. I'm glad I'm here and I able to see you, even though I'm more handsome than you, I'm glad you look like me" says Tae proudly and the king scoff at that. Of course he is handsomer than Tae, he thought so.

"whatever. you can go now. Just to tell you, my queen is prettier than your lover"

"you!" Tae can't even retort to that because Tae disappears so fast.

Tae gains his consciousness, he rubs his eyes and look at Tee still sleeping soundly.

Tae looks up to see the king and queen in front of his eyes,he almost scream because he was shocked

"don't be afraid, your lover is beautiful" said the queen and Tae only can remains still.

"Why? How?" ask Tae after that.

"we are saying goodbye and wishing the best for you and your lover's life. Please love him forever" ask The queen softly.

"I will. I will love and cherish him forever"

"then, here is our goodbye"

The royal couple leave after that and once again Tae awakes from his nap, he is having a double dream which he can't tell wether it's the truth or not.

Tee also start to wake up, he snuggles close to Tae and smiles happily.

"I can't remember what dream I had but it's a good dream" mutters Tee.

"as long as it's a good dream"

"yeah" they stay like that for a fee more minutes before Tee's stomach start to growl. He is hungry now since it's almost lunch time. Tae laughs but help Tee to get up.

"maybe swe should head back."

"yes. I'm hungry" Tee laughs along with Tae and they both walk back to Kulen's house.

Tee remember the route well, it's like this place is not foreign for him. Tae just follow Tee from behind till the found the river and then walk forward to Kulen's house.

They have lunch together, after the lunch Tae, Tee and Kulen tidy the room that filled with the portraits. The arrange it well and throw away unnecessary things. The room looks better, the portraits finally finished. Kulen also draw Tae and Tee's picture to put at the end of other portraits.

Tae and Tee spend their last day playing in the river and spend time resting as much as they can before the drive back to the city.

"Please come again" Kulen feels sad to send they home but he knows this couple has their own lives at the city.

"We will uncle. My new semester will start soon and Phi Tae already start working. We promise to make time to visit you" Tee hugs Kulen as a goodbye and Tae follows after him.

"drive safely"

Tae and Tee get on the car and start to drive away. Tee waves to Kulen with a big smile on his face. Tee feels sad to leave but he still need to go. He will make sure to visit and Kulen frequently.

"we will come again Tee" Tae grabs Tee's hand in his.

"okay. I'm just worry, Uncle live alone, he is not that young anymore" Tee said his worry and Tae understand it.

"I told him to call me if he is not well. Don't think so much" Tae ruffles Tee's hair and Tee just let it happen.

At least they are able to put a closure on The king and The queen love story.

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