Part 33

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Pine and Tae both are silent, they mostly ignore each other but Pram ignores their discomfort. They have to put the important matters first.

"the necklace, may I know who it belongs too?" ask Pram when their food reach the table, he waits for a suitable time to ask about that.

Tae is suspicious why this brothers are so interested with the necklace. But Tae doesn't want to tell the truth because he doesn't want anything bad happen to Tee.

"why you need to know that? It's mine" answer Tae straight.

"we may sounds suspicious but we need to know the real owner of this necklace" pleads Pram.

"why?" ask Tae more. He will not expose Tee to a stranger.

"because of this" Pine put his necklace on the table and then Pram did the same thing.

Tae is surprised to see the identical necklaces on the table. He is now confused with this sudden situation. Who are they? That's what playing in his mind.

"you might think this is weird and not real but I will explain it to make you understand"

"then please tell me and make me understand" ask Tae.

Pine disagree with Pram to tell a stranger about their family but that is the only way for them to meet the owner of the necklace.

Pram start to tell about his family a little bit, not the whole one just about his family and how he lost a baby brother.

Tae takes the story very well but he still confuse since Tee has his family and never once Tee told him he was adopted, or maybe Tee didn't know he was adopted.

"I understand and since you tell me this, I will tell you about this person. I can't tell you everything yet because I don't what to expose him to strangers"

"I understand" Pram understand it very well.

"besides, the person you are looking for, might be not your lost brother" add Tae more.

"it can be that too, that's why we need to meet this person and do what we can to identify him. His papa is waiting for him" Pram face change to sad when he mentions his Papa.

His Papa's health is not well for years and need a therapist because the missing son falls hard on his life.

Tae feels sad because he can't tell everything to them. He takes a deep breath and look at Pine, the Pine he sees today is not the arrogant and proud he saw all the time. Pine also looks really sad about this matter.

"The owner is a man, 21 years old. Did it match with his criteria?" Tae hopes this will bring light to their findings.

"yes! He should be 21 now" Pine is excited with this news, he really shows the brighter light than before.

"Phi, it really can be our baby brother" Pine holds Pram's arm. Deep inside they are really hopeful and grateful at the same time.

Tae told a little bit more about Tee roughly, not his true identity. Just some of it.

"I will talk to him about this and if he wants to talk to you, I will take him to meet both of you"

"thank you Tae and I'm sorry for my behaviour all this time. I'm really stupid for fighting with you like a kid"

Pine apologise, he really feels bad about fighting with Tae, their rivalry been going  on for years, since there were first year. Tae is not a bad person and willing to help him find his brother.

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