Part 24

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Karn opens his eyes slowly, his head is pounding like crazy, like someone smashed his head with a baseball bat last night. He groans in pain and try to bear it so that he can get up from his bed and do something about his pounding head.

"ahhh!!!" screams Karn loudly when he sees a man is cooking in his kitchen, who dares to enter his room without his permission?

"Phi Karn, morning" greets Xan cheerful. Xan walks to Karn and try to help Karn sit on the chair, Karn looks bad.

Karn avoids the hand and walk himself to the chair, his head is still in pain and his scream just now hurt him more.

"What are you doing in here?!" asks Karn angry.

Xan feels disappointed with the cold treatment from Karn but he keep putting a smile and put the tomato soup he cooked for Karn to heal his hangover.

"eat this and then take the pill. I'm leaving" Xan serves everything on the table in front of Karn and ready to leave.

Xan wants to talk more and maybe telling his feeling to Karn but maybe not today, when Karn is still in pain.

Karn feels a little bit guilty for treating Xan badly, he can't still figure out why he is like this and why he doesn't want to be close to Xan but at the same time he can't. His feeling is really miserable now.

The soup is still a little bit hot but Karn try it and it tastes good. He eats till the last scoop because he enjoys it and he is really hungry right now. He takes the pill after putting the dirty dishes in the sink and get a refreshing shower after that.

Xan leaves his room and go to Tee since Tee is only the one he can talk about this matter now. He is not ready to tell his other friends yet. Xan knocks on Tee's door, he bought lunch for two of them too.

Tee opens the door and let Xan in, he can see how bad Xan's face right now so he didn't ask much and let Xan be comfortable in his small room. It barely has anything in there since it is the cheapest dorm prepared for the students.

"He hates me" mumbles Xan with a pout, Tee clearly heard it but he just smile.

"He doesn't hate you Xan" Tee try to coax Xan but he knows it is not working.

"How did you know?"

"I just know. Maybe he has feelings for you too but he is scared, all this time he dated girls and out of sudden, he likes a man" said Tee without thinking much about it, he doesn't know Karn well and he can't say how Karn feels for Xan at all.

"Are you sure?" ask Xan still pouting, he wants to think like that too because his heart can't accept a rejection, he will collapse if he receive a direct rejection from Karn.

"I don't know. Who knows about his feelings? Only him. Maybe, he is scared to come out too, like how you are not ready to tell our friends yet" Tee puts a glass of cold juice for Xan, that's all he has now to serve a guest.

Xan thinks about the matter deeper, indeed, he is not ready to tell others yet because this is his first time falling in love with a man.

"I want to talk to you more but I need to work today. I'm filling in for a coworker" Tee feels bad that he has to go when Xan still need him tight now.

"Oh. Don't worry. I bought lunch, let's eat and then I will send you there"

"Okay! Thank you and sorry we can't talk more" Tee feels bad for leaving like this.

"It's okay. I understand" Xan pats Tee's back and they both eat the lunch Xan brought.

They talk about their assignments and classes a little bit, no matter what problems they are having they need to be professional and know how to separate their studies with personal feelings.

Xan sends Tee to the restaurant, Tee waves to Xan from outside and wait till Xan leaves before he get inside the shop.

Tae is in his car when he saw Tee getting out from Xan's car.

"You told me, you are his friend" Tae mutters alone in his car. He parks the car and get into the restaurant. He will eat here and maybe talk a little bit with Tee.

He makes his order and wait while looking around, maybe he will see Tee soon. He is waiting for a different person but an annoying person greet him. He hates this guy.

"Alone Tae?" the annoying person ask with a smirk, he is purposely making Tae angry.

Tae glances to Pine, he is tall, as tall as the Pine tree maybe. Pine is not alone because a girl is hugging Pine's arm, she is beautiful but Tae doesn't care. Pine is just trying to show off his new girlfriend to Tae.

"Tae, let me introduce you. This is Ying the beauty in Economic, she is my girlfriend" see, Pine is just trying to show off his girlfriend.

Tae ignores it since it is not important in his life, he doesn't care about the girlfriend and he wants the couple to leave him alone. He is here to talk to Tee, not them.

"Oh, I see. There are empty table over there. Please get lost from my sight" Tae coldly chasing them away from his table.

Pine chuckles arrogantly, he thought Tae is mad because he is one step ahead of Tae again. What is wrong with their competition to be better than each other. It is totally pointless.

"Phi Pine, who is that?" ask Ying when she already knows he is Tae and she is a little bit angry when Tae doesn't pay attention for her at all and, she hates the idea the gorgeous man knows Tee.

"Tae. He is bad news so, you better don't be close to him" warns Pine. Ying just nods her head.

Tee walks to Tae when he see Tae call for him.

"You are eating alone phi?" ask Tee with a small smile, after their talk last night he thinks Tae is a good man and maybe they become friends are not really bad.

"Yes. So, you work today?" ask Tae.

"Yeah. I need to work straight for next week because I will take a break for two weeks. I need to prepare for midterm exam and assignments" tell Tee, he can sit around now because the busy time already past.

"I'm proud of you Tee. No one can do it like you" praise Tae, he relies on his parent allowance to pay for his things.

"A lot more do more than me phi. Not everyone able to live like you"

"are you mocking me?" ask Tae pretending to be angry and Tee laughs at that funny face.

"No. What I'm trying to say is, not everyone can has a parent like yours but doesn't mean our parents are bad. We can do this as long as we has a good intention. God will help his people right?"

Tae nods his head agreeing with Tee, that's true because this is the real world, reality where not everyone can has what they want.

Tae remembers that when he sent Tee's home before, Tee is living in a big house. He wants to ask why Tee is still working when his family is well off but decided to not intrude Tee's private life. His work hard to become friends with Tee can be bad if he ask too much.

Tee leaves after a few more minutes talking since he has works to do. Tee is not realise that Ying is watching him from another table, it will not bring good to Tee because Ying hates the fact that Tee knows Tae when Tae didn't even bat his eyes at her.

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