Part 16

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-not edited-

Ten minutes before Tae enter the locker room, Tae's soccer team already done with their training, they need to end it early because cloud decided to pour down their water. They can't practice with the heavy rain and they can't put themselves in risk of getting sick because of the rain.

Lime, Mond and Pond are scared to the bone when they see the players, the are shocked enough to act fast or by reflex because they are like internet lost their connection. They fail to go inside and warn Tee and Xan when Tae caught them acting suspiciously.

Tae's friends help Tae to hold three of them from running into the locker room, Tae's gut saying there is something happening in there and he needs to know what.

That's the result of Xan and Tee got caught red handed from their action, Tae even has proof of their bad action.

"The necklace is indeed in here" Tae smirks when he take out the necklace from the locker, Tee attempts to take it but Tae hide it fast.

"What do you want from me phi? I'm sorry if I had offended you before, I'm really sorry but please return my necklace back" Pleads Tee, he has no other way out now, besides he doesn't want to drag his friends further with his problem.

"I don't have money if you want that, I don't have anything valuable except that necklace. I beg you phi, pity me this one time" Tee put his palm together, seriously begging for Tae to stop doing whatever he is doing now. They don't know each other, they don't have any relation too. They are just a mere strangers.

Tae did feel guilty for playing with Tee like this but he doesn't has any intention of bullying Tee or make Tee troubled like this. He did want something from Tee but he himself doesn't know what is that.

Tae thinks hard, he thinks the best way to keep meeting Tee and at the same time in a good term, not like this, he is indeed bullying Tee at this point.

"Let have dinner tonight, I will give it back to you then" offers Tae, he doesn't want Tee to take him as a bad person but his action doesn't show he is a good man too. Its complicated.

Tee looks at Tae with a little glare, he wants to stop seeing Tae wether a coincidence or not a coincidence. He doesn't even to know what is Tae's full name because he doesn't want to get to know Tae further.

"I'm working tonight. I have no time" Tee giving a valid excuse, he did busy with his own life.

"This weekend?" ask Tae more.

Tee wants to reject it but then he remembered his promise to take the twin to watch movies this Saturday. Maybe he can see Tae for a while and then head to the movies. He has a solid and valid reason to decline any offers from Tae then.

"Sure. This weekend, at 10 am at the H Mall. Okay?" ask Tee after arranging a perfect plan in his head.

Tae has a doubt about this because Tee agree with it easily but this is his only chance because Tee will hate him more of he keeps playing with Tee like this.

"Cool. Give me your number and line ID" Tae asks Tee to put the number and ID into his phone.

Tee hesitates but he knows there is no way out here. After he get the necklace back he will block Tae from his life, he will do it as soon as he got the necklace back.

Tee enters the ID and the number, Tae called it once to make sure it is the right number and at the same time to give Tee his number.

Tae reads the name in the contact, Tee save it as a Junior Tee. Tae smiles widely at the name, it's common but he needs to change it later, he might has a junior from his faculty with this name too.

"We will meet there or you want me to fetch you?" asks Tae

Tee shakes his head, he puts his phone back after saving Tae's contact information. He wai and walk away from there. Five minutes already past and Xan might come running inside like a scary Hulk. Xan turn into a Hulk is not a good thing to see.

"Let me in! I want to see Tee!" there, Xan is close to become a Hulk with red skins, his skin turn red easily and he is hot when that happened. Really?

"Let. Me. Go!" Xan is serious, his friends know this will end badly if the seniors keep holding Xan.

"Phi, I think you should let him go" Pond warns the senior but no one release Xan yet.

"Hey!" another senior come forward to warn Xan but accident happened when Xan push to hard, the senior stumble backward and fall hard on the cemented floor.

It become silence like someone is dead.

"Blood!!!" screams Lime in fear and jump on Pond when he see the red liquid. This is bad.

"Karn!" the seniors kneel beside the bleeding Karn who starting to lose his consciousness, his eyes start closing slowly.

"Phi!" Xan push aside the other men and kneel near Karn. He has a soft heart where he can't even hit an ant.

"Stay with me! I'm gonna take you to the hospital!" Xan take off his shirt to stop the bleeding and lift Karn bridal style.

"Let's go to the hospital phi" Xan talk to one of the senior.

"I parked my car there. Let's go!"

"You guys wait for Tee here. I will text later" Xan told his friends before run off together with all the seniors. Seems like they forgot about Tae and rush to the hospital because of Karn.

The chaos end badly, leaving everyone speechless but Pond take the initiative to clean the blood on the floor.

"I don't want to go to the prison but I will not testify for my friend too. Pa!" Lime wails like a kid to his boyfriend.

"nothing like that will happen pi. Calm down"

"Blood, blood..." Mond is losing his mind too.

"He is not in danger, he is bleeding but not much. The rain water make it look like a lot of blood, I'm sure he is okay" Pond needs to calm down both of the little men. He knows Karn is not hurt badly but all of them make it look bad.

"Guys!" Tee runs to his friends when he walk out from the room. He looks for Xan but can't see him anywhere.

Tae is walking after taking his stuff, didn't take a shower either because he barely playing and sweating just now. A text enter and he read it while walking out.

-Karn accident, he break his head. Otw to hospital.

Tae is shocked reading the incomplete message but he understands the meaning of it. He runs as fast as he can, leaving Tee and his friends speechless when they can feel wind when Tae pass them. Tae continue running till he get to his car.

"what happened?" ask Tee dumbfounded with the wind, people can run that fast? He feels like watching a cartoon.

"Xan accidently push a senior, he fell and hit his head on the floor. Fainted and they took him to the hospital" explain Pond nicely.

"He break his skull Tee! He is bleeding like a waterfall!" adds Mond with another level of exaggeration and of course Tee start to worry about Xan and the senior.

"If he is dead, all of us will go to prison Tee!" Lime add more spice making Tee scared too.

"what if he has amnesia, poor him can't remember his family!" more salt added.

"what if he is in coma?! Oh my god, poor him, poor Xan too. My friends" add some pepper for a better exaggerating taste.

Pond sighs deeply, all he can do is shake his head and wait till Xan bring the real news about the senior's condition. Nothing he say will enter these three brain because they are already thinking the worst of the worst scenarios will happen to the senior.

"let's go home first. Xan promised to update us about the senior. I will send you home Tee, you too Mond. Leave your car here, I'm sure you can't drive in this state" Pond is mentally and physically tired with this trio. He thought Tee is better but he is totally wrong when Tee believed what Mond and Lime told him.

Let time tell three of them the truth. What a tiring day for everyone too.

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