Part 46

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-not edited-

The meeting between Ying's family and Pine's family is tense, this is not a happy occasion because Phoom and Pluen clealry don't like the people in front of them now. They are the one who hurt their baby.

"I will not drag this and be straight about why we are here" Pluen start first, Phoom doesn't want to see them at all actually.

"Tee told us about your situation" There is a smile from Ying's mother, maybe she thought this family will help her's.

"First, we already move your parent to a better hospital and we will be the one who take care of them from now on. You can visit them but, you need to tell us when. You can live without worrying about them again"

Ying and her family are happy with the news,they never want to take care of them actually. They feel like the grands are complicating their lives.

"here is the cheque, we won't help your company since it has nothing to do with our business. We will gain nothing from investing." Pluen hold the cheque still.

Of course the aunty didn't like it because she thought this family will help them to get a good life again. She is tired with living in the old house, she wants to be as a rich person again.

"we don't even want to give this to you, we only want you to stop disturbing Tee's life. This is our last warning, if you come a metre close to Tee, we will take this to police. Don't challenge us because you know we are able of doing so" Pluen glares at them angrily. He really doesn't want to give anything to them who hurt Tee all this time.

Phoom give the cheque and both of them get up from the chair. The amount on the cheque is 50k, it's not a lot but that's not their problems.

"this much?" aunty is shocked, she is hoping for more.

"it's a lot for you now. Learn how to gain money, you won't be able to get this much if you work like how's Tee work to support himself."

"make sure we don't cross path again. Try to approach Tee and you will see what we can do" Pluen pulls Phoom hand and leave together. Leaving them still unsatisfied but scared with the warning.

Phoom hugs his husband tight,he covers his face on Pluen's chest and yell as loud as he wants. He is really trying hard to control his anger just now, he wants to pull their hair so much.

Pluen rubs his husband back softly to sooth the anger, he also wants to flip the table and yell at them for hurting his baby all this time but he controls himself.

"we should make them go to prison"

"I know. I want that too but Tee asked us to not do that. This is the last time, if they try to touch Tee again, I promise will make them suffer too" promised Pluen and Phoom feels better.

They decided to be careful for the time being and pay attention to Tee for awhile. They don't want anything bad happen to Tee again.

Tee's family is having dinner together and when Pluen told them what they discussed with Tee's aunty,Pram and Pine are not happy with it but Tee is glad. Tee doesn't want them to hate him more, because they might try to cause trouble again.

Pram and Pine argue with their parent about this matter making Tee feels bad because he is the one who told his dad to do so.

"It's okay! I told dad to do so because I want to put a solid stop to them. If we make them go into prison, they will hate me more and will plan a revenge. I want to start over. I don't want to be involved with them again in the future" Tee looks sad, he really doesn't want for his family to has argument about this matter.

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