Part 3

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-mistakes everywhere, not edited-

The brothers decided to have late dinner at close restaurant, they are hungry after playing video games together, Tae spent his day very well with his brother.

"So phi, the seminar start tomorrow?" ask Tae while slurping the noodles he ordered.

"Yes. My company want to open internship for students here because I heard their reputation are good. Architectural students at your uni win first place for young architect." explains Sun. Sun is an architect for a well known company, they are climbing the economy very well.

"I heard about it, the banners of their win are everywhere in the uni" Tae sounds uninterested about it.

Tae nods his head, he is not interested much in that matter because it doesn't involve his faculty at all.

"Phi, do you think it's possible for a man to be beautiful?" Tae questions make Sun's hand stop midway. He puts his spoon down and stare at his brother, he knows Tae and he knows Tae will not talk about man with him, it always woman.

"wait, don't tell me you are changing side? Whose the beauty?" ask Sun excited but at the same time he is worried for Tae. How Tae will tell their parent and how his father will react. He is the youngest after all.

"No!" Tae objects it fast, he shivers wondering him dating a man. No way!

Sun smiles a bit, that is the common reaction of Tae when they talk about man and man relationship. Sun still remember the day he brought his ex boyfriend home, Tae looks like he wants to run away because he can't stand it. Sun laughs remembering that time. He is glad Tae try to accept his relationship.

"then what make you ask that?" ask Sun back.

"I admit that boys are handsome and cute but beautiful? Hm" Tae sighs at that.

Sum smiles once again.

"are you talking about Queen? Man likes to wear make up and dress as woman?" as Sun to understand what kind of man Tae are talking about.

"it can be. Because when he dressed as a woman, he looks really beautiful, gorgeous even. I want to know if that man can still look beautiful with his common look like us" Tae explains to his phi, he only seen the man with the attires and he can't help but praise how beautiful the actor is.

"hm, where have you see him dressing as woman?" ask Sun this time, he needs to see it by himself to judge how the man look.

Tae takes out his phone and start searching something in his phone, the poster of the theater. The man was not a main role, he even die at the middle of the plot. Tae found it and show it to his brother.

Sun looks at it intently and he changes glances to his brother, he looks unsure about the picture. Tae is waiting patiently.

"are you sure it's a man?" ask Sun this time, his brows knotted showing how he can't trust it.

"that's what I'm saying phi! I don't trust it either but Zoe is really sure it's a man because he saw him behind the scene. I don't know if he just want to play with me or this person indeed exist and one more thing, if this is a woman, people must found out who is she already. He just disappears after the show" explain Tae excitedly, for him this is kind of interesting and  mysterious at the same time.

Sun nods his head understand what Tae is telling him but he doesn't has anything to answer for that situation.

Tae decided to drop the matters when he knows it is unnecessary to talk about that with his brother. They continue talking about their family, changing the topic.

"Phi Tin and Phi Rose will have another baby soon, she is two months pregnant" Sun shares the good news with Tae. Tin is their oldest brother. They have four siblings in total and only star is a girl

"Really?! Yes! I will have another buddies!" Tae cheers happily. Right now he already has 2 nieces and 3 nephews. He loves all of them very much because he likes kids.

"Por wants to celebrate it when you have your semester break. He wants to have a family vacation together" informs Sun more.

Tae is missing behind about his family because since the semester start he still didn't go home. Another month he will have  short break and he decided to go home then. He is already in third year and it's busier than before.

"I can't wait to go home. This year's subject is hard and I need to prepare for my thesis. The assignments are killing me too" whines Tae. He miss his second year, people call second year as a honeymoon year because everything is simple and easy, he has more time to play than study too.

Sun grins at his pitiful nong, he faced it already once and he doesn't want to face it again. He push himself to the fullest when he studied, that make him the smartest student in his major. He received a lot of awards too for his grade and competitions.

"just another year left, I'm sure you can do it. You are born born to be an engineer"

"I'm okay with the practical but when the exam and I need to read and remember the theories. It hurts my head more than hangover" complaints Tae more.

Sun laughs loudly at that, his brother is never a book lover, he pass his exam mostly because of his carry mark. He pass high school with good grades still a mystery for his family.

"it's late, lets go. Phi needs to make last preparation for the seminar tomorrow"

"Yes. Let's call the waiter to pay our bill" Tae raise his hand to a waiter. The waiter brings their bill to the table.

The waiter put down the bill on the table politely, it's a policy to wear mask working here and for them all the waiter look same with the uniform. Mask and Cap cover most of their face.

"Can I pay with card?" ask Sun when he looks in his wallet, he doesn't has enough cash right now.

The waiter nods his head and ready to leave to take the machine but Tae stops him from going. He puts the cash on the small tray. Tae puts enough amount on it.

The waiter nods his head politely before leave. Tae frowns because the waiter didn't say a word to them, not even a thank you.

"Let's go phi"

"Yeah" Sun agrees and they both walk to the car. Sun keeps turning around to see the waiter that serve them.

"you think he is mute?" ask Sun to Tae, he is just curious about that man.

"I don't know but maybe. I'm not sure if they are the same person but I ordered my lunch and the delivery boy who sent it didn't talk at all too." said Tae

Sun shrugs his shoulder and continue walking to his car, if the boy is mute, he knows he isn't deaf.

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