Part 7

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-mistakes everywhere and not edited-

Xan stops his car in front of the big gate, Tee's grandparent house. Tee has rich grandparents but he can't enjoy the wealth as he wants because it never belong to him, as what his own family said.

"call me if you want me to pick you up" Xan is concern, he knows how the family treated Tee and he hopes Tee runaway from the house. He wants Tee to cut the relationship between his families.

"thank you Xan. Drive safely" Tee shuts the door and waits till Xan drives away from the house.

Tee takes a deep breath before entering from the small gate, he greets the guard before walk to the big door. He is late for the dinner because of small incident in the locker room, he will get an earful because of his attitude.

"sawatdee khrub" wai Tee while bowing his head, he is ready for any insult or complaint throw at him.

"Look at this disrespectful brat! How dare he come so late! Better don't come, making us lost our appetite!" Prem, Tee's grandma yells at Tee, Tee is used to this so he doesn't care much, it's enough of hurt he got from her.

"I'm sorry grandma, everyone" Tee apologise as usual, not like he doesn't know that he will get nothing from it.

"Phi Tee! Let's sit here" the twin, Tee's sibling pull Tee's hand to sit between them. The twin is five years old now, three of them lost their parent a year ago. Tee's real struggles start then.

"Come and eat with us Tee. Miran, serve Tee's plate" Grandpa Thern is the only one who accept Tee well besides his parent and siblings.

"I'm done eating" Prem leaves her food, followed by Lynn Tee's aunty, Ying and Park, Ying's brother. Thern shakes his head at his family but still smile at Tee.

"They are full, let's eat" Thern ignores the others.

Tee smiles at that and looks at the twin who understand nothing, he rubs their head and starts eating while listening to his siblings. Tin and Tia are not identical twin but they kinda look alike.

"How is uni?" ask Thern when he sees Tee start eating after done serving food on the twin's plates.

"Good" replies Tee short.

"You should stop working part time. I can provide the allowance for you. You can focus on your study more" Thern and Tee talked about this matter a lot but Tee keep refusing the allowance because his grandpa already provided his fee.

"I can manage grandpa. Once I'm busy with my study I will stop working. Let me save some money first"

"But you are still young. If I die, what I can tell your parent about this. They will be sad"

Tee looks down on his plate, the talk about his dead parent makes him sad. He can't do anything about that and he can't even show anything for his parent yet. He promised his parent to become a successful surgeon and make them proud.

Everything start to tumble down when he lost his parent, he lost the spirit to study and work hard, he failed to enter medical. He failed to get scholarship, with his result, he able to enter a university but it is not good enough to apply for medical.

Tee blames himself because he is a disappointment for the family. Lynn's family always look down on him and call him as a disappointment. He sometime hates himself too.

"Tee, stop blaming yourself. If you want to study medical, you can try again, being a year older than other student next year is not wrong" Thern tried to persuade Tee again and again because he knows Tee can do it, Tee is a smart man.

Tee smiles at that, he did thought about that before but the fee alone is expensive enough for him, besides, he can't lose a year just because he wants to try it again. He needs to be fast, build his own career and become independent. His parent wants him to take care of the twin, he promised to do the best at that.

"I like my major now grandpa. At first I'm stressed and try to run away from this. After a month break, I think this course suit me better. I like learning about it and agriculture is a big opportunity for business. I'm in for this, I want to do my best. I'm sure this is the best for my family too" Tee smiles fondly at his siblings. He only has the twin and his grandpa now.

Thern wipes his tears from his old eyes, he can't see how hard Tee is working himself now. He is just a kid himself, he doesn't need to bear a burden like this.

"I'm sorry I can't do more for you son"

"You have done enough grandpa."

"Phi Tee, you will sleep here tonight? I want you to read me a story before I sleep" asks Tia cutely.

Tee smiles and nods his head, he did want to spend the night here. He miss his twin too.

After the dinner, Tee takes the twin to their room. He did drop by his old room but there is nothing else in there. The keep the room as an empty room, totally empty.

Tee lays down a futon and a pillow on the floor in the middle, between the twin's bed. He showers and wear back his clothes because he didn't bring any, he thought he still has some clothes left.

"Phi, wear your pajama" Tin scold Tee playfully and Tee laughs at the cute boy.

"Phi will just wear this, now let's read some story" Tee gathers the twin in his arms. He has a book ready in his hand.

"Princess story?" ask Tia excited, Tin rejects the idea badly. That's one of the disadvantage of having boy and girl twin. They didn't share the same interest. The girl like a princess while the boy want some action.

"this story is about a princess and a hero who save a country. It will be fun" consoles Tee.

The twin gives up and cover himself with the blanket when Tee start the story.

"Once upon a time..." same old fairy tales.

Tee is halfway through the book and the twin already in the dreamland. He laughs a bit, close the book and put in on the table. He takes Tia to the bed and cover it in the blanket. Tia look so much like his mother.

Then he takes Tin to bed, he stares at Tin's face who looks like his father a lot. He glances to the side to see the mirror on the wall.

"whom I look like?" ask Tee to himself before his eyes found their family's photo.

"None of you because I'm adopted" Tee told the picture in front of him. He remembered the day his parent take him home. He loves his parent and they love him too. Not everyone can accept an unknown kid from unknown family.

"Don't worry mae, por, I love both of you, more than I love my biological parent because they left me at the orphanage. It's hard living without both of you" Tee stares at the picture and cry silently. Its hard for himself to just keep breathing, it's hard.

Thern controls his sobs when he heard Tee talk like that, they are not blood related but Tee is always his grandson no matter what. He hates himself because he can't give a little bit happiness to Tee, Tee did nothing wrong to the family, he just wants to share some loves.

"I promise you, I will live well for the twin" Tee promised his parent again and again. If he feels restless and tired, his promise keep him stronger.

"Live for yourself my son" Whispers Thern sadly. Tee deserves a lot more than what he got today.

Tee never create troubles, always tolerate whatever his cousins did to him. He always put others first before himself, till when will he torture himself like this?

Thern is too old and too weak to help Tee in this life, he can't even give Tee anything without his wife consent. He tried but fail every time. Tee is just an innocent boy when he entered the family and he never do anything bad at all.

"Please give your blessings and happiness for your son" Thern prays to the parent, he knows the parent are watching Tee from above.

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