Part 35

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Ying is furious when she drove home, she knows Tee is at home right now, she blames everything that happened between her and Pine is because of Tee. She thought Tee met with Pine and talk about her badly.

Tee is playing with the twin when the door slams open showing a furious and scary Ying. The twins hastily run and hides behind Tee, not that Tee know but Ying did hit them before when she is this angry. The old past traumatised them.

"You are really a trash!" Ying rushes to Tee and grabs Tee's hair tight, Tee who is shocked by the attack can't do anything to  stop Ying at time.

It's painful for Tee, he thinks he will be bald at this rate. Tee tried to free his hair but it's not easy since Ying grab it real tight.

"let me go!" yells Tee and still trying to be free. Tee can't yank his head away like that because it will hurt him more.

The twin start to cry hysterically making Tee realised that the twin is still here. He push Ying hard enough to make Ying pushed to the door. Tee hugs the twin and try to calm they down.

Ying try again this time and accidentally she stepped on Tin's hand making Tin cry harder.

Tee lost his mind and push Ying harder this time that Ying falls on the floor, his knee is bleeding a little bit from the impact on the floor.

The noise makes someone else come to see what is going on and to be more unlucky to Tee's side, it was Park. Park comes and Ying told him Tee hit her first.

Park grabs Tee's collar and a punch hit his jaw making he falls face first. His lips start bleeding. Tee looks at the terrified twin and thinks he needs to be away from them. They can't see him like this.

Tee gathers all his strength and push Ying and Park out from the room. He close the door with the twin inside, he will settle the problem outside with them.

"You are really ungrateful! How dare you went to Pine and talk about me!"

"I've never met him..." another punch send Tee to the floor, Ying smirks evilly.

Three of them keep fighting and Tee can't fight Park who is stronger than him. The fight, push around till at the end of stairs, so close to the stairs.

Grandpa yells at them to stop fighting from far. He is shocked to see them fighting like they want to kill each other.

"Tee is the one who started this. He humiliated me in front of my boyfriend! He bad mouthing  me!" screams Ying and Tee try to backup himself, he shakes his head to his grandpa.

"No grandpa. I never..."

"shut up!" Ying push Tee this time and Tee stumbles to the back before he falls from the stairs.

Grandpa see everything and try to pull Tee's hand which is too far away from him.


Tee's mind is blank but he is awake when he is rolling down the stairs, every second of it hurts his body so bad. He prays the pain to stop and it did stop before he lost jis consciousness.


Tae, Pram and Pine are waiting for Tee to be here, they promised to meet here for dinner. Tae offered Tee to come together but Tee said no since he is at his grandpa's.

"is he coming?" ask Pram worried. He is excited to meet this man, he wants to see how his baby brother look. He is pretty confident this person is his brother even though he never see this person before.

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