Part 52

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-not edited-

-here comes a little bit story of Pine and hia future partner. I need to finish this story soon and still has no idea how to do it. Helppp!

Pine is typing his report on his laptop, his internship is coming to end soon. After the last presentation he will graduate and start to work after that but, he has a goal he wants to travel first before start working.

"here, your milk green tea" his order served on the table.

He smiles to the waiter and say thank you. This small cafe is his place he enjoy to spend time the most. The cafe is small and not crowded like other cafes but he likes it here, the interior is simple and calming too.

"Here, apple pie" a girl put a plate of apple pie on the table.

Pine didn't make the order so he try to say it but the girl is already gone from his table and serve apple pie to other table.

Pine called for the girl back and she came to Pine with a beautiful smile that able to make Pine speechless. The girl is wearing a simple clothes but she looks beautiful enough with the wide smile alone.

"I'm sorry but, I didn't order this" Pien try hard to cover he nervousness and he also try to be polite in case he sounds rude to the waitress.

"Oh, it's free khun. We give it free once a month on 29th"

"oh really? Thank you" Pine is happy for the free food. He actually doesn't like apple much but since it's free and the cafe is sincerely sharing it with people.

"most welcome. Enjoy" Pine says thank you again and return to his seat.

He takes the spoon and try it, before that he doesn't forgot to take a picture because the small pie is really cute.

He is surprised that it tastes a lot better than what he expected. He takes more bite that he don't realise he almost finish it all.

He returns to his report back. No matter what he needs to finish it soon. He needs to email it to his supervisor and lecturer.

It's becoming late, almost 10 p.m. and it's almost to closing time of the cafe. Time moves faster than he realised.

He tidies his stuff, paid for his drinks and food. He walks to the car, stretch his tired body before driving back. He takes a deep breath, he likes this town a lot. It's not crowded as a big city, it's has enough tree, people and buildings. It's relaxing and not suffocating, the air also a lot better than the city.

When he wants to drive away he saw the waitress before trying hard to close the gril alone. He just watch from the car at first but when she can't do it he decided to give a hand.

"need help?" ask Pine carefully, he doesn't want to scare the girl away.

"oh. Khun, if you don't mind. This gril sometimes give a hard time to close"

Pine happily help the girl, it's a little bit hard for him too as a man so this might be a trouble to the girl if she is alone.

"thank you so much" the waitress appreciate the help so much and Pine nods his head, he is glad thsat he can help.

"I'm Pine, and you are?" ask Pine try to make friends. He rarely take a look at anyone in the cafe. He always took a comer and hidden spot too. He wants his privacy.

"I'm Apple. So funny, our names combined will make a new fruit. Pineapple!" Apple laugh at her own joke and Pine can't help but laugh too. It's a rare coincidence.

While they are talking it's start raining. Apple take out his cute poncho to wear since he is riding a scooter. Pine can't let she go home like that in this heavy rain.

"I will send you home. I'm sorry if I make you feel uncomfortable but I can't let you go home in this rain. Please, let me send you home today" Pine almost bagging for Apple to accept his help.

Apple thinks about it and accept the help from Pine. Pine runs to his car to drive it closer to the shop so that Apple didn't get rained on much since he also doesn't has an umbrella to use.

The drives to Apple's place is comfortable even though none of them are talking. It's close so it didn't take long for them to arrive there.

"You live here?" ask Pine a little bit excited because he also rent the house here. Just a few house ahead than the one he is dropping Apple off.

"Yes. I rent it with my friends" the house is a bit pricey to rent it alone so she share it with her friends from the cafe.

"I live a few houses ahead. I'm doing my internship around this area so I rent a place near the company" explain Pine without Apple asking because he doesn't want to sound creepy asking question like that, it may lead to misunderstanding.

"Really?! So, that's why you always come to our cafe?" ask Apple also excited with the coincidence.

"Yes. Beside that, I like that cafe, it's calming. The foods and drinks are good and affordable too" praise Pine honestly. Apple is really happy because she has a regular customer like Pine. She and her friends own the cafe, since they didn't has a big capital to open a big one, this is already enough for them.

"thank you. We open the cafe with small capital and we are thankful we able to survive this long"

"You own the cafe?" Pine is surprised, he thought Apple just a worker there. Apple shyly nods her head and said she share it with friends. Pine is proud that he met with a young businesman like Apple.

"even though it's small, we are proud of it" said Apple, she doesn't want to sound arrogant and always humble

"when we are going up, we always need to take a first step. If we take stairs it will take a little bit of time and energy at the same time but it worth it, if we are lucky we able to move up by using escalator or elevator. Even using them need to take a first step too. It will be faster but there is always risks, without electricity they can't move upward. So, no matter small or big our business, we are able to survive already a big success. Right?" Pine didn't mean to sound like an advisor but he always remember what his parent told him. He also from business family.

Apple is really happy to hear an advice like that, Pine looks like a rich guy, even the car he drives scream expensive but Pine is a humble person.

"thank you for the advice. May I know what is your main course?"

"oh, business. At first I don't like it but after learning it for some times, I understand why people doing business. It's fun and challenging" Pine at first want to become a lawyer since he always want to object what his parent told him but he doesn't want to read a lot so he just follow his brother's step.

"It's fun talking to you but I have to go now. Maybe we can talk again, maybe you can share some more infornations about business that I can use. I want to further my study but, I'm not that lucky"

Apple sounds a little bit sad at the end and Pine doesn't want to add more. He smiles and nods his head, he wants to talk more with Apple too. He likes spending time with Apple, maybe they can be friends?

"let's become friends. You can save your number in my phone"

Pine and Apple exchange phone number. Saying goodnight Apple get out from the car. Pine waves his hand and drive away with a happy smile. It's been so long he feels like this, like something empty in his heart is occupied now. Maybe second chance for him to fall in love again in coming.

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