Part 12

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-mistakes everywhere, not edited-

Bad news to Tee, he can't find the necklace everywhere, locker room or at the shop. Even his friends working hard to find it for him, he blames himself for being careless. He always make sure the necklace hang on his neck why this time he is so careless?

"Tee, we will find it" Anne pats Tee's back. She is sad looking at Tee this miserable, she knows how much it means to Tee.

Others can't say anything either because they want to help Tee but they don't know how. What kind of comforting words can they say to Tee right now?

Anne phone rings and she answer it without looking at the caller. She smiles a bit and walk away from his friends.

Mond sits beside Tee, he hand over a bottle of water for Tee before he drink one himself. They already go to a headquarter where the lose and found box located and it's not there.

"I will try to find in the pool, maybe I lost it there" the last place Tee hasn't try is inside the pool.

"They change the water Tee, I ask the person in charge and he didn't found anything in it" Pond already ask the man who cleans the pool and he didn't see it.

Tee rakes his hair harsh, he is disappointed with his useless effort in finding it. The necklace disappears just like that.

"guys, we should eat first. We will search again this evening" suggest Anne, they did ignore their time, Tee didn't even touch his breakfast.

"You guys go and eat, I will try to look around again" Tee decided to go alone. He can't eat anything now, not until he found the necklace.

"Tee!" calls Lime but Tee already take his bag and left. All of them sigh.

"I will go with him" Xan decided but Anne stops him.

"let Tee be alone. We will pack something for him to eat and see him in class later"

They all follow what Anne suggested.


Tae and Karn are eating their lunch at the lake, far from their faculty because they are running away from their juniors. They don't want to get involve with juniors assignment about their hazing activities. Boss and Zoe all gone to meet their girlfriends.

"What's that?" ask Karn when he see Tae is playing with a chain in his hand.

"Nothing" same answer again but Karn wants to know what was that. Tae keep touching it all the time.

"I saw it. What's that?" Karn is forcing an answer from Tae but Tae just smirk at him. When Karn attempts to snatch it Tae put it into his pocket.

Tae laughs at the failed attempt and he takes his food and continue eating. Sometimes eating on the grass besides the lake is peaceful, like picnicking. The only wrong thing is, the person with them. Tae sighs again when he see Karn's face. Everything is good except both of them are single men.

"Must be great to have a date here" comments Karn because he is thinking about the same thing too.


"some students might misunderstood our relationship. Two men picnicking beside the lake" said Karn with a chuckles but Tae shudders hearing that. It sound really scary for him.

"disgusting!" Tae straightens his leg and kick Karn a little, Karn just laugh at it.


"OI!!!!" Both Tae and Karn shout when a big splash happened near them. Someone throw a really big stone inside the lake near them, they even got splashed by water.

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