Part 2

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-Mistakes everywhere, not edited-

Tae and his friends are getting drunk from the alcohol, they enjoy their night to the fullest because tomorrow weekend will start.

"Tae, you sure you don't want to see the beauty?" ask Zoe still not giving up on it. He wants to see Tae's reaction and makes Tae realise, a beautiful man is indeed exist.

Zoe saw this beauty once and he can't take his eyes off of it, he is straight, like Tae but he can't deny the truth. The beauty is really beautiful that he able to put shame on girls.

"stop it. I acknowledge that man might be handsome but beautiful? It's nonsense dude!" Tae denies again.

Zoe looks at Karn asking help to convince Tae this time, Boss and Karn never see the beauty themselves, they just heard about it. Zoe doesn't know the name of the freshmen  because the first time he saw him was at the back stage.

The beauty has make up all around his face and wearing female traditional clothes, only his hair was short at that time. People admits the beauty but most of the people thought that it was played by a girl.

It is the common tradition in the university to make freshman representative their faculty and perform on the stage, the rare beauty become the talk around the uni for the whole month.

When they can't get the information about the actor, the gossips die down and people move on from it. That's how it's forgotten. Tae missed the day of the performance because he is busy with his girlfriend then. Tae never like to participate in something like that too.

"look at this!" Zoe shows his phone, the picture of the beauty on the screen.

Tae grabs the phone and take a better look, he is drunk and can't see it clearly, he is also scared that fate is playing with him.

"Wait! He can't be a man!" mutters Tae.

"That's why people called him The Rare Beauty. No one know who he is, the info we have, he is from Art Faculty" add Karn this time. He knows Tae is interested in knowing the beauty now.

Tae slurs a few words before pass out for good, his friends sigh looking at wasted Tae. Now they need to bring Tae home.

Tae get home safely thanks to his friends kindness, he lays on the bed dreaming about the picture he saw. He looks like someone he know. He needs to find out about the beauty, who is he?


The next morning is a hell for Tae because his head almost explode, he has the bad hangover, he can't even complaint because all of this happened because of his stupid self.

Tae is not a drinker, he just enjoys free drinks because they won the game. He wanted to use the prize wisely, that's all because he knows, if they were the one who lose, their wallet will be as dry as desert. It will be a pain to ask allowance from his parent again.

Tae eats two slices of bread, two painkillers and a glass of water, he continues his sleep after that.

Three hours later he is awake because he is hungry, he is too lazy to go out so he decided to order delivery instead.

Tae takes shower while waiting for his food to arrive. He do the laundry and tidy his room a bit, vacuum the floor lazily. His mother will nag if he doesn't clean his room and his mother has a habit to spot check his room through video call.

He is done with the vacuum when someone ring his bell. He runs to the door with his wallet, so excited to have food inside his stomach. When he opens the door, the delivery boy is handling his food. The boy wear a cap and a mask, only a little bit of his eyes is showing.

"How much?" ask Tae, the boy didn't say anything just show the receipt.

Tae scowl at the boy's rude behaviour, he wants to ask what is his name but he remembered his mae always told him to behave with people.

Tae takes out a few notes to pay for his food, he still has some change but he told the boy to keep the change. The boy nods his head as a thank you and leave the door.

"Can't talk?" ask Tae to himself.

He decided to forget about the delivery boy when his stomach growls badly. He hurry to eat the food, he turn on the TV to see the last soccer match that he missed to see a few days ago.

His peaceful day disturbed by his phone ringing, he ignores it once but answer it when it keeps ringing. He looks at the caller and hastily answer it when he see its his older brother who is calling.

"Hello Phi Sun!" greets Tae excited, he haven't heard from his brother for a month.

"are you sleeping?" ask Sun not happy his brother answer his call late.

"No phi" Tae laughs awkwardly because he doesn't has a solid reason for answering it late. His brother is not one to wait.

"I'm here, in front of your dorm building. I have seminar here for three days, I want to stay here" inform Sun. He is tired for driving during hectic hour. The traffic was bad.

"okay! Wait for me phi. I'm coming!" Tae get dress fast, he just wear whatever he found first and runs to the elevator.

He looks around to see where his brother parks the car, he sees a silhouette look like his brother and run to him.

"Phi Sun!" greets Tae excited. He hugs his phi tightly, he really miss his brother and his home.

"Nong" Sun pats Tae's back softly.

Tae asked about their family wellbeing first before helping his brother picking a small luggage. He is really excited to see his brother today.

"Mae told me to bring side dishes for you. She miss you"

"I miss her too, I miss everyone!" they continue talking while walking to Tae's room. They have a lot to talk today.

When Sun enters the room, he check everything, every corner of the room and he glads his brother tidy his room. It's not real neat but it is clean. Tae is nervous when he follows his brother checking his dorm.

The dorm has a bedroom, a bathroom a small living room and kitchen. Enough space for a student living alone like him. There are bigger dorm but Tae likes this one the most.

"hmm, it's clean" praise Sun and Tae cheers inside, he is glad his brother happy with his room conditions.

"so, any girlfriend now?" ask Sun when sits on the couch, Tae grabs orange juice in the fridge and give it to his phi. Sun loves juice more than alcohol. Sun takes care of his health very well. He drink but not much.

"nope. Its been a month since the last breakup. I'm resting my mind" Tae answer make Sun laugh at it. He knows his brother who likes to pursue girls and leave them when he is tired of it. Don't worry, he leave girls in a good term.

"So, how about you and the boyfie?" ask Tae back. His brother is gay and has a boyfriend.

At first his father didn't support their relationship very well, Sun has a twin named Star. When Star get married and give their parent grandchildren, their relationship getting better.

"he cheated on me for two months! I'm really stupid!" Sun punch the couch, he is still angry with his ex, they were together for two years.

Tae doesn't surprised because he doesn't like that man since he brother brought him home. He is uncomfortable talking about man and man relationship but he just imagine the boyfriend as a lover, no gender makes him feel better to talk about it.

"Oh, I think Por don't care that I dated a man except the jerk because, when I told mae and por I break up with him. Por said he glad because he didn't like the jerk at all" Tae laughs loudly at that. His por is really a cool father.

They talk some more before Sun excuse himself to take shower, he told Tae to order him food because he doesn't eat anything yet since breakfast.

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