Part 36

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I'm sorry if the update is late or anything. I tried to update as much as I can but since I'm working and has family to take care of, I'm a bit busy too. I'm not a full time writer, I write as a hobby and to release tension, not to be more stressed. I just hope a little bit of understanding from you guys. Thank you so much for reading and supporting this story. I'm sorry for any discomfort of inconvenience.

-not edited-

Pluen decided to take a look into the ward, his instincts is screaming at him to open the door and see who is inside.

Pluen take a deep breath and grab the handle, he takes another deep breath when he pulls down the handle, all he needs to do now is to push open the door.

"sir, may I help you?" Pluen is startles with the man asking him like that.

He turns around fast and he try to make an excuse for his doing.

"I'm, I, sorry" Pluen don't know what else to say, how he can explain why he was doing that?

"Dad, this is Papa's room" another man come to them.

"Phi Pram?"

"Nong Tae?" ask Pram excited and surprised at the same time. He never thought to meet Tae here.

"oh, this is my dad, Pluen. Dad, this is Tae, Pine's friend" Pram introduce his dad to Tae, Pluen feels a little bit calmer that Pram is here now.

Tae wai and greet Pluen politely, Pluen smiles and look at Pram. He really still can't talk now.

"My papa's ward is here. Dad must be confused about the door" Pram smiles a bit, he doesn't care what people will think of him having two fathers. They are still a family after all.

Tae did surprise but he is more open minded now, not like before. He believes that what the most important in a relationship is not the gender but love.

Tae thinks if he needs to tell them about Tee, they will meet today but something happened that delay their meeting. Maybe he should tell them.

"Tae?" calls Pram when Tae is lost in his own thoughts.

"I'm not sure if this is the right things to do, but please come with me" Tae decided to show Tee to them, introduce Tee.

He doesn't want to return to his current family where it's not safe anymore. The family able to close what happened as an accident. Just because they has money, they able to hide the valid proof like Tee's bruised face.

Tae is still angry with them but there is nothing he can do to help Tee, maybe with the presence of Tee real family Tee's fate will change to better.

"Please come inside" Tae opens the door to both of them.

Pluen looks at Pram and Pram nods his head agree to enter the ward. They both enter the room and walk to the bed. Pluen's heart is beating like crazy.

"This is Tee, the owner of this necklace" Tee holds the necklace all the time in the hospital and it fell from his hand,Tae take it and put it on the table.

Pluen's tears flow at the moment his iris look at Tee's face. He can see the face of his husband when he was young.

Pram too, he also has tears in his eyes, he can't believe the one they are looking for all these years is in front of them now. Tee looks like his papa, they resemble each other a lot.

"Dad, Pooh is here. He is our Baby Pooh" Pram chokes on his own tears. Pluen's body is trembling right now, for the whole 21 years, he missed his baby.

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