Part 9

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-mistakes everywhere and not edited-

Tae spend three days at home and when the time for him to go back to Bangkok, his mae is not letting him go easily. Typical mother.

"Mae, It's too much already. If I can't finish the food it will become waste and I will be sad to throw it away" Whines Tae when his mae keep putting food she made into the car.

"You can invite your friends to eat with you" Susan gives Tae her winning answer like usual.

Tae sighs and accept it, he can't deny that beautiful eyes, his mae is everything to him.

Tae gives a hug and a few kisses before entering his car, the weekend is too short for him to spend with his family. He feels so sad already.

Susan waves to Tae while hugging Mork, his husband. He loves his son and every time to separate hurt her. Mork rubs his wife's shoulder trying to calm down his wife.

Tae drives in silence, the voices of his family still lingering in his ears, if he can he wants to turn around his car and stay at his house for a few days more but he can't, the sport week start tomorrow. He has a lot to prepare.

Swimming is the first game he enter. It has a few rounds till the final and he needs to get enough rest to give the best performance tomorrow. Can't wait to see Pine lose his face.


Eighth persons able to enter the final, it's including Tee, Xan, Pine and Tae. Tee didn't do his best yet because he doesn't want to attract attention on himself. He is just trying to be in final, unlike Pine who is winning every round. His popularity will skyrocket after this competition.

Tee looks Xan when they are ready for their final round, his eyes met Ying accidently and he can see Ying is glaring at him. If he win this game, his aunty and grandma will scold him.

"swimmers get ready"

"We can do it!" Xan cheers with Tee. They are the only one from the same faculty has two participants.

Tee didn't realise it but Tae is watching him because he is standing on Tee's left side. Their first encounter is bad and he still think that Tee has something that he needs to know about. He can't grasp his own feeling about this matter.

The blows of the whistle start and all the swimmers jump into the pool, swimming their best to get first, second and third places.

Tee swims faster this time because he needs to win this but he still follow behind Xan. He doesn't want to place first, second is good enough for him.

The final lap, Xan touch the wall first and Tee followed. The third place won by medical faculty. Tae and Pine? They both don't have a chance to win at all.

The claps, applauses and cheers fill the stadium. Xan hugs Tee for their win.

"You let me win" Said Xan a bit disappointed that Tee didn't do his best again.

"I can't win Xan. I don't want trouble with my family" Tee smiles a little bit. He is not sad because he never want to he a swimmer or anything. He enjoy swimming and he is good at it.

"I understand" Xan ruffles Tee's hair. Tee doesn't deserve this life, he deserves a happy and supportive family not a toxic one.

"congratulations" Wish Tee and they both get out from the water.

"My juniors!!! I'm so proud!!!" Green come running and hug them like a koala. Green is their leader in the faculty.

Tee and Xan hug back and laugh with how happy their senior is. Other follows and hugging them into a huge crowd. Tee's friends are also here.

Pine walk to Tae who is watching Tee from a distance. Tae doesn't even concern that he lose the game, he enjoys it.

"My time is better than you" Pine glares at Tae, he is proud that he is faster than Tae, means he win the game between them.

Tae smirks, he doesn't even care about the game anymore because his mind is full with something else.

"You got the beauty then. Congrats" Tae pats Pine chest and walk away from him.

Pine is angry that he didn't get the response he wants from Tae. He wants Tae to be angry and embarrassed that he lost the game.

""I know I'm better than you" adds Pine but Tae ignores it and continue walking to the shower room.

"okey, enough with the celebration. Congratulations for winning. We need to continue the next game" the announcement make all of them laugh together. They indeed act like they own the stadium and winning gold medal in Olympic.

Tee and Xan left to take shower and change their clothes. Tee brings his shirt and enter a cubicle, he stares at the falling water.

"Por, mae, Tee win second place na" Tee touch the water, his eyes keep staring at it. He hopes he has a family to celebrate and congratulate him for winning.

Tee is done with his shower and drying his hair while sitting on the bench, Xan is not done yet. Someone sit beside him but he doesn't acknowledge the presence. He rarely talk to stranger.

"congratulations" a big hand appears in front of him.

Tee blinks stupidly and turn off the hairdryer. He looks at the hand and then to the owner, still confuse.

"Congratulations" the owner of the hand said it again.

Tee wai before take the hand to shake it.

"Thank you Phi"

"My name is Tae" Tae introduces himself, he is not smiling so Tee can't really tell what is the real intention Tae has. are this friendly gesture or something else, Tae's eyes are scary too.

"Uhm, I'm Tee. Sorry for the other day phi. I misunderstood my locker" Tee politely bowing and wai at Tae.

"You didn't wear your glasses yet, you recognise me?" that question alone able to make Tee nervous scared. What Tae means by that?! Is he trying to find Tee's fault again?

"Uh, I remember your voice" answers Tee truly. He is indeed has a good hearing and remember sounds easily. He can study while listening alone.

"My voice?" now Tae is excited, people recognise another not by his face but voice. He is interested with the information. Is he crazy?

"Yeah. I'm sensitive to voice and noise." Tee still giving answers even though he didn't has to.

Tee smirks and pats Tee's head making Tee flinch. Is Tae harassing and bullying Tee?

"Tee! Phi Tae?!" Xan comes running to Tee when he sees Tee in uncomfortable situation. He didn't know Tae is the one who is sitting beside Tee.

"Tee, our friends are waiting outside. Let's go" Xan pulls Tee to stand and packing his stuff from the locker.

"We are going first phi" Xan wai and Tee follows. They both leave the place in rush.

The rumours about students in engineering faculty are scary is true and no one wants to be in their bad sides.

Tae watches they leave and chuckles at how fast they are trying to escape. Tae looks down the floor and found a metal necklace. He takes it and look at it. It obviously belong to Tee.

"I will keep it first. You will need to see me if you need it again" Tae smiles satisfied and put the necklace into his pocket. He is ready to leave too.

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