Part 54

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Days passed after their conversation about the old tale and they return to their family's sides now. Tae spend his time with Tee more but he can't spend it everyday. Tee return to his family's home since he already finished his final exam for fourth semester. He will has a long break.

Tae wants to take Tee to a short holiday, together with all theit friends and they already booked rooms at resort near the beach.

Pram and Sun are getting engage soon and their family go to the temple to do merit and ask for suitable date for their marriage. They want to has the blessings.

They all wearing white set of clothes, they donate some money and give foods to people in need. Tee stands with his family all the time and Tae respect it even though he wants to stay with Tee more.

"son, please give more food to people on that side" Tae's mom shows a direction where kids are playing soccer around the temple.

"okay mae" Tae takes the food and go to the children.

Tae call them and give everything he has in the plastic bag. They still have more of it and he is happy the food is more than enough for them. Tae wipes his sweat, it's really hot today with the sun blazing towards him directly.

Tae found a place where he can take a rest and drink some water he brought with him. The slow wind blowing under the tree make he feel a lot better.

"Son, thank you for helping people in need today" an old monk greet and thank Tae and his family. Tae wai politely to the monk.

"Do you have dreams from the past these few days?" ask the monk casually but Tae is shocked because he did get a random dreams about The King from the past. He barely has enough sleep but he can't discuss about that matter with anyone else.

"How?" ask Tae dumbfounded.

"Well, sometimes we need to believe in something like that. Some people are lucky to has past life"

"really?! You mean, I might be the king from the past?" ask Tae fast. He is confuse   about all of this. He doesn't know what ti believe.

"even I don't know about that but maybe, there are reasons why you are the one who face this"

"that's not answering my confusion at all. I want to stop thinking about it too because it might be just a tale from the past. No history book recorded about this king, no one knows of he exist or not" Tae did some research about it and no solid proof shows that The King did exist in the past. Some even thought that it was just a tale written by someone from the past.

"maybe you are right. Maybe it's just a tale that people wrote" the monk smiles at Tae softly.

"Tee, Tee might be the lover of the king. If it is indeed reincarnation, why Tee didn't get the dreams like I do? Maybe I'm spending too much time doing research about this story" Tae smiles sadly, Tee doesn't know anything about it at all. Tee doesn't even know why his character iwas blind, deaf and mute.

"You are right. No one knows about the real story but if you want to know what happened to the lover of the king, you can contact this number. Maybe you will find answers for your questions. Maybe no reincarnation or anything like that happen, maybe the dreams occurred because you think about it too much but one thing is sure, this Tee that you meet today, he is yours to love. Not the king anymore" the monk wai to Tae and he leaves Tee with a paper written a phone number on it.

Tae save the number and snap a picture in case he lose it. He keeps the paper in his wallet and ready to return to his family. He has a lot in his mind but the last sentence from the monk make him feels a little better. He doesn't want to think much about the past anymore, Tee, the present Tee, Tee is his to love. He wants to love Tee till the day he die.

When he returns everyone already in the car because they will have a lunch at the nearby restaurant. Tee is waiting alone for him at his car, Tee already get permission to ride with Tae to go to the restaurant.

"Tee!" Tae runs a little bit to Tee's side. Tee keep his phone into his pocket and focus on Tae.

"Did I make you wait for long?" ask Tae feeling guilty for making Tee wait for him in this hot weather. He wipes Tee's sweat on the forehead softly.

"no. I just got here a minute ago. I asked my parent to ride with you" Tee happily reply and try to wipe Tae's sweat with his handkerchief.

"let's go then. Get in the car" Tae open the door for Tee to enter.

When they both already comfortable in the car with Air-cond on to cool their body, they follow their family's cars to the restaurant.

Tae takes Tee's hand into his, clasping their hands together.

"Is it okay for you to drive like this?" ask Tee to Tae while staring at their hands together. He doesn't want to let go tho.

"it's fine. I will drive slowly and carefully" Tae doesn't want to let go that hand. They will separate after the lunch. In three days Tee's family will come to his house for engagement party. Not like they can stay together in the same room.

"Okay then. I don't want to ket go too" Tee smiles happily and tighten their hands together.

The arrived at the restaurant the latest, they sit side by side at the end of the table. Their families understand about their relationship and let them spend time together.

After the lunch Tee hugs Tae before he enter his brother's car. He hopes time moves faster so that he can see Tae sooner. He hopes date for their holiday move faster too.

Pine glances at Tee who is still looking at Tae from the side mirror. Tae is still waving while smiling sadly watching Tee leaves his side.

"You are that sad to separate with your boyfriend nong?" tease Pine and Tee glares at his brother. He is sad after all.

"You will meet him in three days. Can't wait that long?" tease Pine more. Tee hits Pine's arm lightly, Pine makes him sound like a clingy lover.

"I will start my new semester soon and Phi Tae will start his new life too. Working life will be more busier, time for us to be together will decrease too" Pouts Tee and Pine can't help but laugh at that.

"it's not funny phi! I can't survive more long distance relationship. Being apart for few hours driving already make me miss him too much" Tee really can't bare to be apart from Tae anymore.

"he is really lucky to has you as a boyfriend. Tee, you don't have to worry about that, I'm sure Tae already has plan about his future life and I'm sure you are in it too. You are the main point in his plan, don't think so much about the future, it makes you waste the present time" Advices Pine to Tee. He has experiences with relationships more than Tee's and he understand how hard long distance relationship is.

Pine also has trouble with a person that able to knock his heart again. He likes the presence of Apple but distance is their enemy now. He needs to make a proper plan so that he can be closer to Apple's side.

"So, how's Phi Apple now? When will you confess to her?" ask Tee. Pine told him about Apple when he return from the internship and Tee can tell that Pine is in love now,Pine just doesn't want to admit it yet.

"It's not easy Tee. I want to make sure my feelings to her is the purest first. For now, I need to think how to make our distance closer" replies Pine.

"You know, Dad build a small office there for branches at that region. You should apply to work there and I'm sure, with your qualifications, you can work there." Their parent never let their sons to work with them just because they are family, they still need to go through the same process like others too.

"I'm thinking the same thing but Phi Pram said Dad want me to work under him first, to gain experience before I started working somewhere else"

Tee looks at Pine, he did heard about it too but he knows how to help Pine. He already talked to his papa about this matter and Phoom is always supportive of his sons love's life. Tee is sure Phoom knows how to make Pluen change his mind.

"don't worry phi, I'm sure there is always the way. Don't give up!" Tee encourage Pine to be positive. Tee really hope their papa can help Pine this time.

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