1. Visiting Some Relatives

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(July 4th 2013)

"Cristina, hurry up! It's time to leave!" My mum shouts from downstairs.

I keep rummaging around my room, trying to find my Docs. I seriously need to stop leaving my things scattered around the first floor.

"I'm coming!" I shout back, while I look in the mirror, touching up my mascara, that is accentuating my light brown eyes. I give a little touch up to may already curly, dark brown, hair, just to tame a few weirdly out strands and apply clear ChapStick to my heart shaped lips.

I'm not really into overdoing my makeup – just the basics and I'm good to go.

Finding my shoes on the spare room I use as my personal gym, I quickly put them on, on my way down the stairs, almost tripping on the process.

On our way to my cousin's, I keep myself distracted by the landscape, humming alongside the radio, while my parents chat away at the front. I enjoy their company and to tag along with them whenever I have the chance. Being away at the University does not spare me enough time to hang out with them properly and being an only child, I'm obviously their focal point of attention.

"I don't think anyone is home, there are no cars outside." My mum says as my dad parks near the house anyway, having me look up from my phone, taking in the surrounding.

"Call them, maybe they went out for coffee nearby." My dad says.

After a few rings, I hear some answer the phone, even though I can't really make out the words being spoken. From my mom's answers it seems that nobody's home, so I guess I get to go home and just cuddle up on my sofa.

"Oh ok. I'll tell Cristina to go there and see." My mum informs before hanging up the phone call.

Guess I won't be going home anytime soon.

"Cristina go over there. Joana is supposedly home." My mum commands.

"Ok." I simply say as I walk out of the car now a little more excited. I really like my cousin Joana, but we don't get that many opportunities to socialize, as I'm studying physiotherapy in Lisbon, and she works as a PR in London.

Knocking on the door, I receive no answer - I guess no-one's home. I start walking back to the car, but my mum shouts for me to go knock on the other door.

Forgot about that. My uncle's house could use a bell, it wouldn't harm anyone!

I knock, but again, no one answers. This time though, I can hear noises inside, so I guess there's people in the house. I lean into the window and peek and see my cousin coming. I'm about to straighten up when I see a head full of curls passing by.

I smirk immediately, ready to make all kind of jokes to embarrass her about her new boyfriend, that she seems to have forgotten to mention.

We've been gathered in the living room for about half an hour now and the curly haired boy hasn't shown up yet! Maybe he's shy or something, so I decide now is just as good as it can get to start the teasing.

"Joana, are you home alone?" I smirk.

"Why?" She asks looking at me with one eyebrow up.

Not the reaction I was expecting.

"Don't pretend you don't know about that curly haired boyfriend of yours, casually hanging around your house." I smirk again.

"Oh, you saw him," Again, no the reaction I was expecting -"It's just someone from my work."

"So, you have a boyfriend and you were hiding him from us?" My mum says in a playful tone.

"No! Jeez, no. It's not like that," Joana rushed to correct, making my mum frown.

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